Open the Week 4 Lab Document. All of the directions are included in the document
Open the Week 4 Lab Document. All of the directions are included in the document. The document
includes places where you need to input the answers. Any place where you see a gray box is where you need to put an answer. ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachmentMATH 221 Statistics for Decision MakingWeek 4 iLabName: _______________________MATH221Statistical Concepts:ProbabilityBinomial Probability DistributionCalculating Binomial ProbabilitiesOpen a new Excel worksheet.1.Open spreadsheet2.In cell A1 type “success” as the label3.Under that in column A, type 0 through 10 (these will be in rows 2 through 12)4.In cell B1, type “one fourth”5.In cell B2, type “=BINOM.DIST(A2,10,0.25,FALSE)”[NOTE: if you haveExcel 2007, then the formula is BINOMDIST without the period]6.Then copy and paste this formula in cells B3 through B127.In cell C1, type “one half”8.In cell C2, type “=BINOM.DIST(A2,10,0.5,FALSE)”9.Copy and paste this formula in cells C3 through C1210. In cell D1 type “three fourths”11. In cell D2, type “=BINOM.DIST(A2,10,0.75,FALSE)”12. Copy and paste this formula in cells D3 through D12Plotting the Binomial Probabilities1.Create plots for the three binomial distributions above.You can create the scatterplots in Excel by selecting the data you want plotted, clicking on INSERT, CHARTS,SCATTER, then selecting the first chart shown which is dots with no connectinglines.Do this two more times and for graph 2 set Y equal to ‘one half’ and X to‘success’, and for graph 3 set Y equal to ‘three fourths’ and X to ‘success’.Pastethose three scatter plots in the grey area below.(9 points)

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