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-page informational document for an exotic vacation you have taken or would like to take (with 1-in. margins). You’re welcome to use a hypothetical vacation if you prefer (as long as it is realistic). Written at the COLLEGE LEVEL Be sure to complete a spelling and grammar check before submitting.


Instructions-Dream Vacation 
Part 1: Word Document Using Microsoft Word, create a 2- to

3-page informational document for an exotic vacation you have taken or would like to take (with 1-in. margins). You’re welcome to use a hypothetical vacation if you prefer (as long as it is realistic).  Written at the COLLEGE LEVEL Be sure to complete a spelling and grammar check before submitting. 

  1. Titleyourdocument“MyDreamVacation.” 
  2. Create Level 1 headings for each of the following sections:    
    1. WhytoVisit 
    2. GettingThere 
    3. What to Bring 
    4. MyItinerary 
    5. FavoriteExperience 
  3. Use Level 2 headings for each of your entries under Getting There and My Itinerary. 
  4. Include at least one photo of your vacation destination. 
  5. UnderWhytoVisit,writeabrief1-to2-paragraphsummaryforwhythisis/was your dream vacation and what you plan/planned to do there. 
  6. Under Getting There, list the various stages of travel required to reach your destination. You should include flight dates and times, and any confirmation numbers or details needed for your reservations (at least two items). Don’t forget to include airport parking and hotel information. 
  7. For What to Bring, use a bulleted list to identify a detailed packing list for items at the destination. 
  8. In the My Itinerary section, list each activity or event you planned. Each activity should have its own Level 2 heading with a brief description of the event. 
  9. UnderFavoriteExperience,youshouldwriteabrief1-to2-paragraphsummary of your favorite experience or the experience you are most looking forward to and explain why. 

10.Insert an auto-updating Table of Contents under the Title (and before your Introduction). 

  1. Your document should be formatted using styles for the document title and Heading Levels 1 and 2, and a document header and footer must be included. 
  2. Save your Word file labeled MyVacation_MEID.docx. Note: Replace any instances of MEID in the project filenames with your MEID number. 

Part 2: PowerPoint Presentation 

Suppose that you want to share your vacation experience with your close friends and family. Compiling a brief PowerPoint presentation is a great way to accomplish this. Using your Word document from the My Dream Vacation assignment in Part 1 of the At-Home Final Exam Project, create a PowerPoint presentation containing a minimum of 7 slides. Your presentation must include the following elements: 

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