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Panther Company adopted a noncontributory defined benefit pension plan on January 1, 2007. Panther Company uses the benefit/years-of-service method, which results in the following information:

Panther Company adopted a noncontributory defined benefit pension plan on January 1, 2007. Panther Company uses

the benefit/years-of-service method, which results in the following information: Numbers presented below for the amount funded represent end of the year balances.

                                      2007                2008

Service cost                         $300,000        $450,000

Amount funded                    $240,000        $390,000

Discount rate                        10%                10%

Expected rate of return        10%                10%

What is the pension expense for the year ended December 31, 2008?

A.     $390,000

B.     $426,000

C.     $456,000

D.     $480,000

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