Perspective of Wellbeing
Portfolio Guidance
Please read the instructions below carefully. Please note that there will also be additional support information about the assessment provided during the course of the module.
For the purpose of this assignment, you are required to try out two positive psychology interventions that have been trialled by researchers and reported in academic papers. You can choose any two interventions from our selected list, but it is recommended that you choose ones that require less than one month to apply, due to time limitations. You can choose whether to apply them in parallel or one after the other.
You are asked to choose your interventions from our Positive Psychology Interventions (PPIs) for your GC7911 Assessment.
You are also required to use two positive psychology questionnaires that have been validated by researchers and reported in academic papers. You can choose any two questionnaires from our selected list, but you have to link your choice of questionnaires to the choice of interventions that you have chosen to try out.
It is recommended that you use the questionnaires to measure the effects of the interventions by conducting pre-and-post intervention measurements. However, this is not mandatory, and some questionnaires may not be appropriate for this type of usage e.g. the VIA Strengths survey.
You are asked to choose from our Positive Psychology Scale Selection for GC7911 Assessment.
I will write the Introduction (Part 1) and the Review of Learning (Part 5). I need Parts 2, 3 and 4 written please.
I have selected
– VIA Survey for Adults – Strengths
– Using Strengths in a new way
– Ryff’s Psychological Well-being Scale
– Best Possible Self
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