Physician Induced Suicide
The final research paper applies ethical theories studied in class to a concrete biomedical issue. Here are
some of the theories that qualify for the project: natural law theory, social contract theory, utilitarianism,
Kantianism (deontology), and virtue theory. Examples of topics that qualify for the paper are listed
below. You are not limited to these topics. However, run topics outside of these past the instructor
before beginning work.
Drawing upon those theories, the student will prepare a written (6 to 8 page typed MLA, APA or CMSstyle pages) paper that addresses these current moral problems. Of particular importance is the
student’s ability to use ethical reasoning to formulate reflective positions on some of the more
pressing moral problems in contemporary society. Papers without this element tend to score at best a
low B or C. The paper is graded for the following sections:
Syllabus Page 16 of 20
I. Composition (15 points): Composition (15 points): Tell me in ONE sentence what your
paper will discuss. The introduction may be composed of more than one sentence but your
thesis statement can only be one sentence long and has to be identifiable as such. For
example this sentence might read like: “This paper examines the topic of abortion from both
a utilitarian and a deontological viewpoint and assesses the strengths and weaknesses of both
approaches.” The grade in this section also reflects whether the paper was written well with
attention to syntax, consistent paragraphing indents and proper citation style.
II. History of topic (15 points): set the context for the moral issue from 1960 onward. Do
NOT go back earlier without checking with the instructor first.
III. Pro/Con (20 points): what are the conflicting sides around the issue? Please note: using
websites like to set up this issue generally reduces the grade in this section. Look
for journal and newspaper articles that summarize the positions. These are better and more
nuanced treatments of the conflicting sides.
IV. Application of ethical theories (30 points): I am looking for TWO treatments of the issue
from two ethical approaches studied during the term. These should be in depth because this
section is worth thirty points.
V. Personal Conclusion (20 points): In this last section argue for your personal analysis and
thoughts on the issue. Make sure this section receives the treatment and development it
Sample Solution
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