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Pintos Fire Ethics Case Study Analysis

 Pintos Fire Ethics Case Study Analysis


Paper details:

Put yourself in the role of the Recall Coordinator for Ford Motor Co. It’s 1973 and a relatively small number of field reports have been coming in about rear-end collisions, fires, and fatalities. The decision you must make is whether to act immediately to recall the automobile or not. The assignment draws on the approaches and steps presented in Chapter 2. Use the eight steps to sound ethical decision-making as outlined in Chapter 2 to illustrate your decision-making process and explain whether you would recall the Pinto car. Identify the most important factors that guide your decision-making based on Chapter 2 to answer the following question: Question: Would you recall the Pinto car? If so, why? If not, why not? Keep the paper brief and to the point. Your assignment should be 2.5 pages, double spaced.

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