Please help with this question. give me something with around
Question Please help with this question. give me something with around two hundred words. style=”color:rgb(38,38,38);”>Explain two different ways to traverse a tree and how beneficial or not each tree traversing algorithm could be to an organization.
What is a “void” while using C?`
Question What is a “void” while using C?`
How do you add a function in an array to
Question How do you add a function in an array to add the results of the array together? Also how do you alter the sort part of the function to sort from a different category?
query to display comments on the NEW_DEPARTMENT and NEW_EMPLOYEE tables
Question query to display comments on the NEW_DEPARTMENT and NEW_EMPLOYEE tables from the data dictionary view. (Hint: USER_TAB_COMMENTS) (5 points) PS: You need to format your comments column to a25 first; for example, SQL> COLUMN comments FORMAT a25 [Table Structure] TABLE_NAME COMMENTS ————————————————————————–NEW_DEPARTMENT Department Information NEW_EMPLOYEE Employee Information
How do I take users input and take out the
Question How do I take users input and take out the last letter in the output
Blackjack (21) game. The version of the game will imagine
Question Blackjack (21) game. The version of the game will imagine only a single suit of cards, so 13 unique cards, {2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,J,Q,K,A}. Given two cards from the set, non-repeating. Program must then tell you the odds of receiving a beneficial card (that would put value at 21 or less), and the odds of receiving a detrimental card (that would put your value over 21). The J, Q, and K cards are worth ’10’ points, the A card can be worth either ‘1’ or ’11’ points, and the other cards are worth their numerical values. You can decide which of the two values the A card is worth. Provide two screenshots, one in which the game suggests it’s a good idea to get an extra card and the result, and one in which the game suggests it’s a bad idea to get an extra card, and the result of taking that extra card.
See the image attached below. Please include all header/.cpp files.
Question See the image attached below. Please include all header/.cpp files. src=”/qa/attachment/8345071/” alt=”Week 1 Assignment.jpg” /> ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachment Week 1 Assignment.jpg 1. Create the following classes in C a. Author name: string email: string -gender: char Author(name: string, email: string, gender: char) getName(): string getEmail(): string setEmail(email: string): void getGender(): string print(): string The class Author contains: Three private member variables: name (String), email (string), and gender (char of either ‘m’ or ‘ f’. . . A constructor to initialize the name, email and gender with the given values. Public getters/setters: getName (), getEmail (), setEmail (), and getGender (). A print ( ) function that returns
It is claimed that 67% of the months have highest
Question It is claimed that 67% of the months have highest monthly maximum temperatures above 19 degrees celsius (EMXT>190). Is there sufficient evidence to suggest that the proportion is 67%? Test this claim using a hypothesis test at 5% level of significance. In order to perform this function, you need to make the appropriate modifications to the provided script. Modified script as below, but still not getting verified as correct. There is no syntatical error ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachment scenario6.png ##Step 6: Perform hypothesis test for population proportion # # print ( ‘ Hypothesis Test – Step 6’ ) n = manchesterweather [[‘EMXT’]] . count() x = (manchesterweather [[ ‘EMXT ‘ ]]
hello lecture could you help me to write full of
Question hello lecture could you help me to write full of this code ? alt=”excercise.jpg” /> ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachment excercise.jpg Exercise Write a C Program by using the code below: class Shapes { float w, h, ar; public: Shapes() { W = 21.45; h = 13.55; Shapes(float x) { W = X; h = 12.25; Shapes(float x, float y) { The output of the program should be: W = X;
c code .i need help in coding about diamond shape
Question c code .i need help in coding about diamond shape into functions ,so basically i need help in part 2 coding on based of first part to convert it into given functions.part1(this code needs to print in given functions in part 2) a program that prompts for a number of rows (nRows) from the user, and prints a diamond of either nRows or nRows 1 rows. Your program should only print diamonds of 3 to 23 rows (to let the shape fit on a single screen), so force the user to enter a reasonable number of rows. Print different error messages if nRows is too big or too small. After getting nRows, if nRows is even, add one to get an odd number of rows. The middle row of the diamond must abut the left margin. You may only print single character spaces (‘ ‘) or stars (‘*’), and newline (‘n’), flush or endl. You may not use any output manipulators, e.g., setw(), in this program. You must follow the design discussed in class for this program. Per the class design, you may use ONLY THREE LOOPS to print the shape itself. You will have other control structures, for example, you will have a fourth loop to force user entry to be reasonable. For example (with user entries shown in bold italic): Enter number of rows: 1 That is too few rows for me to make a diamond. Enter number of rows: 30 That is too many rows for me to make a diamond.* As usual, your prompts and messages may contain any reasonable text. Do not skip a line before or after your prompt(s) before starting on the shape, or after the shape. Test with entries of too many rows, too few rows, 3 rows, 23 rows, a few even numbers of rows and a few odd numbers of rows. Per the in-class design of this, you MUST do the number-of-spaces and number-ofstars calculations for each row based ONLY on the total number of rows and the current row number. You MAY NOT use the previous line’s number of spaces or stars for these calculations.2. Recall the diamond shape program (given above). You will now break the program into functions for the various tasks. You will have the following functions besides main():// get the number of rows from the user, assuring legal and odd, // then return it to the caller int GetNRows( void );// draw the shape, using helpers as needed (described below) void DrawShape( int nRows );// calculate number of spaces given current row and row number int nSpaces( int nRows, int row );// calculate number of stars given current row and row number int nStars( int nRows, int row );// print n copies of character c on the current row void PrintChars( int n, char c );YOU MAY NOT USE ANY GLOBAL VARIABLES: ALL VARIABLES MUST BE DECLARED WITHIN THE APPROPRIATE FUNCTIONS AND PASSED AROUND AS NEEDED. You may not add any parameters to any of these functions. If you did the diamond correctly the first time, this program will be easy. If not, you MUST (re-)organize the code along these lines. Your main() function will be quite short. PrintChars() will print only spaces or stars, not both. You will call it twice per row.
This question was created from C FalafelLabReport.doc The program is
Question This question was created from C FalafelLabReport.doc The program is missing ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachment 27416424-326586.jpeg PROGRAM LISTING: 6) Copy and paste the code that YOU typed to make the program work. Your program should include a comment block at the top that shows the name of the program, date, version and your name.
Overview: In completing this assignment, you will gain a better understanding of an
Overview: In completing this assignment, you will gain a better understanding of an Information Security Plan.You are the Information Security Officer of Mahtmarg Manufacturing a small manufacturing company worth approximately $5 Million who provides fiber cable to local businesses, individual customers and to government organizations. In the course of the next eight weeks you will be creating your Information Security Plan (Issue-Specific Security Policy in Table 4-3 of the textbook) step by step using this scenario.Your Task Step 1: Develop your Statement of Purpose for your Information Security Plan (ISP)In this week’s Lab you will develop your Statement of Purpose which will include:
Overview: In completing this assignment, you will gain a better understanding of an
Overview: In completing this assignment, you will gain a better understanding of an Information Security Plan.You are the Information Security Officer of Mahtmarg Manufacturing a small manufacturing company worth approximately $5 Million who provides fiber cable to local businesses, individual customers and to government organizations. In the course of the next eight weeks you will be creating your Information Security Plan (Issue-Specific Security Policy in Table 4-3 of the textbook) step by step using this scenario.Your Task Step 1: Develop your Statement of Purpose for your Information Security Plan (ISP)In this week’s Lab you will develop your Statement of Purpose which will include:
Use the Internet to determine how to deny ICMP requests using firewalld
Use the Internet to determine how to deny ICMP requests using firewalld on the TargetLinux01 machine. Implement the changes, then reload the firewall rules and submit a Ping request from the vWorkstation. Take a screenshot showing the results of the Ping test. Describe how it work
of the following scenarios and
Pick one of the following scenarios and Scenarios – lots of them spring to mind, but I don’t want the list to be too long. In this way, you can compare your ideas with those of other students, and I encourage to consider what other students have posted, you are also encouraged to make suggestions of other’s postings and make additional postings updating your own ideas in light of the suggestions by others.Note: This problem is NOT asking for a full implementation of these classes – a UML diagram, or similar level of detail, is adequate.You will find many of the items in the following helpful throughout this class:I would emphasize the following kinds of relationships among classes:parent/child relationship in a class hierarchyperhaps better to use the phrase “is a kind of”, as in “a Private is a kind of Soldier” or “a SportsCar is a kind of Car”a 1-to-n relationship,in our case a Party will have may Creatures, and a Creature will have many Artifacts and will also have many Treasures
Upon acceptance of the bid you I will send log in information
Upon acceptance of the bid you I will send log in information for the website with directions where to go as well as ebook information.Textbooks are listed below. I’m sorry I don’t have access to the the first book (Martin, 2016) but I believe you can google it. Martin, D.G. (2016) Counseling and therapy skills. Long Grove, Illinois. Waveland Press Inc. Nichols, M. P. (2009). The Lost Art of Listening: How Learning to Listen Can Improve Relationships. New York, NY: The Guilford Press.Cormier, L., Nurius, P.
My C problem is as follows:Given a number, calculate how
Question My C problem is as follows:Given a number, calculate how many years into the future it is, and what date. Assume no leap years. For example: Please enter a day of the year (0 to exit): 1 jan 1 Please enter a day of the year (0 to exit): 365 dec 31 Please enter a day of the year (0 to exit): 366 1 year jan 1 Please enter a day of the year (0 to exit): 0 Thanks for playing!I have entered the following code:#include #include using namespace std;int main() { const int MonthDays[]={31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365}; const string MonthName[]={“jan”, “feb”, “march”, “apr”, “may”, “june”, “jul”, “aug”, “sep”, “oct”, “nov”, “dec”}; int day, year, index; cout<>day; cout<<day<0) { if(day>365) { year=day/365; day=day65; cout<<year<<" Year"<<endl; } day=day65; if(day==0) { cout<<"dec 31"<=1
InstructionsAdd three methods to the Student style=”color:rgb(79,79,79);”>class that compare twoStudentobjects.
Question InstructionsAdd three methods to the Student style=”color:rgb(79,79,79);”>class that compare twoStudentobjects. One method (__eq__) should test for equality. A second method (__lt__) should test for less than. The third method (__ge__) should test for greater than or equal to. In each case, the method returns the result of the comparison of the two students’ names. Include a main function that tests all of the comparison operators.My CODE:class Student(object): # constructor to initialize the object def __init__(self, name, number): = name self.scores = [] for count in range(number): self.scores.append(0) # method to get the name def getName(self): return # method to set the score def setScore(self, i, score): self.scores[i – 1] = score # method to get the score def getScore(self, i): return self.scores[i – 1] # method to get the average def getAverage(self): return sum(self.scores) / len(self._scores) # method to get the high score def getHighScore(self): return max(self.scores) # method to print the object in string format def __str__(self): return “Name: ” “nScores: ” ” “.join(map(str, self.scores)) # checking for equality for the names def __eq__(self,other): if == return “Equal” else: return “Not Equal” # checking for less than in names def __lt__(self,other): if return “Greater than” elif == return “Both are equal” else: return “Not greater or equal”# main functiondef main(): # creating student object student = Student(“Ken”, 5) print(student) for i in range(1, 6): student.setScore(i, 100) print(student) # creating student2 object student2= Student(“Ayan”,5) print(student2) for i in range(1, 6): student2.setScore(i, 100) print(student2) # checking the equality methods print(student==student2) print(student<student2) print(student2=student2)# calling the main functionif __name__ == “__main__”: main()Keep Getting An error
Help me in Writing a simple C program to create
Question Help me in Writing a simple C program to create dynamic memory allocation for multiple arrays. our program specification as below:Ask user for number of namePrompt to get input for each namePrint out your array addressPrint out first character of each namePrint out nameExample How many name you want to store? 5 Please enter name 1: Kriss Please enter name 2: Steve Please enter name 3: Tony Please enter name 4: Peter Please enter name 5: Robert First address of array is: 00345C8 First character of name 1 is: K First character of name 2 is: S First character of name 3 is: T First character of name 4 is: P First character of name 5 is: R Kriss Steve Tony Peter Robert
Can you assist with the following topic “Tree Terminology and
Question Can you assist with the following topic “Tree Terminology and Applications” of Ch. 6, “Trees” in Data Structures: Abstraction and Design Using Java.For the 2 tree shown in attached image, answer these questions. Please write separate document for each image.What is its height? Is it a full tree? Is it a complete tree? Is it a binary search tree? If not, make it a binary search tree. Need a written document with the answers to the questions. ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachment Screen Shot 2019-08-06 at 8.24.58 PM.png
Please help with the, “Traversals of Graphs” of Ch. 10,
Question Please help with the, “Traversals of Graphs” of Ch. 10, “Graphs” in Data Structures: Abstraction and Design Using Java.Show the breadth-first search trees for the attached 2 graphs.Please give a written document for the breadth-first search trees ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachment Screen Shot 2019-08-06 at 9.33.59 PM.png
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