Please respond to student discussion board:Chapter 7: Families overcoming obstacles#1 How could
Please respond to student discussion board:Chapter 7: Families overcoming obstacles#1 How could looking at the Wallace family from a strengths perspective help Clara collaborate more effectively with Keisha’s parents?After having talked with her principal and learning of Keisha’s family situation, Clara can now understand what Keisha is going thru at home and maybe schedule a meeting with her parents to see how she can help. “Show understanding – not judgement based on generalizations and misconceptions. Express appreciation for their efforts as parents, and do not assume that a lack of involvement in education means that they do not care about their children.” (Beegle, 2003b, p.19)
Question Reading Romans in Context: Paul and Second Temple Judaism edited by Ben
Reading Romans in Context: Paul and Second Temple Judaism edited by Ben C. Blackwell, John K. Goodrich, and Jason Maston.In order to successfully complete BIBL 425, you must write a book review of Reading Romans in Context: Paul and Second Temple Judaism edited by Ben C. Blackwell, John K. Goodrich, and Jason Maston. You must follow the guidelines for the book review that are detailed below and in the grading rubric. The Book Review must consist of 7501,000 words, be double-spaced, and typed in Times New Roman 12-point font. Maintain 1-inch margins on all sides of each page. In addition to the required word count for content, the Book Review must include a title page. The Book Review must conform to current Turabian format. The review must provide an overview of the books major content, an evaluation of the content, and an assessment of the books importance. More specifically, the book review must include 4 major components: (1) the complete bibliographical entry; (2) the editors information such as education, position, and scholarship; (3) a concise summary or synthesis of the major theme of the book; and (4) an honest and courteous evaluation of the book. This exercise will require some research and diligent effort on your part. The following questions may serve as a checklist to guide you through the process of reviewing the book: 1. What is the editors thesis? How is the thesis developed throughout the book? 2. Where are the editors coming from? What are their academic backgrounds? Can you detect their assumption, biases, or presuppositions? 3. Who is the intended reader? 4. Have the editors fulfilled their stated or implied purposes? How well have their objectives been met? 5. How does this book compare to similar works in the same field? 6. What is your assessment of this book? Does it benefit the particular field of study?
Create the Space Invaders game, based on the Alien Invasions! Code from
Create the Space Invaders game, based on the Alien Invasions! Code from project 2. The image resources you will need (ship,ship animation destruction, bunker, different types of aliens, alien animation destruction, and ufo destruction) will all have to be created using an Image editing tool such as Inkscape or Gimp. The audio resources you will need can be captured using an audio editor such as Audacity from an online version ofSpace Invaders.
Effects of Physical Development on Adolescents
You probably noted from the Learning Resources this week the interrelationship between the processes and constructs of development, in relation to adolescent development. Cognitive changes, including hypothetico-deductive reasoning, metacognitive skills, and more complex forms of thinking impact how an adolescent perceives and reacts to the world. Higher-order thinking contributes to how romantic and peer relationships are established and maintained.Think back to your experiences as an adolescent and the feelings and thoughts you had regarding your developing body. How did your burgeoning cognitive abilities impact your adjustment to the effects of puberty? Did the imaginary audience and personal fable have any impact on your behavior and beliefs? Keep these questions in mind as you examine the effects of physical development on adolescents in this Assignment.To prepare for this Assignment:For this Assignment:In a 2 page paper:Be specific and use your Learning Resources to support your paper. Use proper APA format, citations, and plagiarizing, Quote work, No.coms
Congratulations on your new position, Director of Corporate Training! This is such
Congratulations on your new position, Director of Corporate Training! This is such an exciting time for you to put your training and development knowledge to work and hit the ground running. You have just received an email from your boss with the details of your first project: Good morning! We are thrilled to have you take the lead of our corporate training program. The first project we have for you is to create a standardized training program that you will present to your new staff in the form of a PowerPoint presentation. Essentially, I need you to train the Trainers. There is more information about what is required below. Please be sure to complete the Notes section of each slide in PowerPoint with a robust and meaningful narrative, and remember to use relevant sources of information to support your training program design. I will need this project completed in 7 weeks. Thank you! Instructions: • Your project will include the topics listed below. Address each topic providing evidence as to why each is important to training program design: o Curriculum road map to show the overall training program and sequence. o Top five (5) KSA’s of your training staff. o Competency Model based off of those KSA’s. o Essential considerations for choosing trainers. o Conducting a Needs Analysis. o Selecting and preparing a training site conducive to learning. o Learning theories used to guide training preparations and implementation. o Appropriate pre- and post-training activities for adult learners. o Levels of management in support of training. o Assessing a training program’s success. HRM308 – Training and Development Train-the-Trainer Program • The presentation will present the major findings of your research through the units. The final product should showcase the concepts you have learned throughout the course and an understanding of how the concepts are put into real-world applications. • Each slide should provide succinct points of the key information that you wish to convey. • Include a narrative for the slides in your presentation by using the Notes section in PowerPoint to narrate the information presented in each slide. Requirements: • All works should be written in proper APA format. • Include Title and Reference slides. • Include an Introduction and Conclusion. • Must consist of 12-15 slides, not including the required Title and Reference slides. • On your title slide, include the name for the project, your name, and date. • Use at least three (3) academic references to support your work. You may use your textbook, resources from the units, or peer-reviewed outside resources (Wikipedia is not considered an academic resource). Be sure to read the criteria by which your work will be evaluated before you write and
This week we will discuss the role of contracts. From a purely
This week we will discuss the role of contracts. From a purely IT perspective, what do you think the value of a software contract is? (Focus on only one of the software contract types mentioned in the textbook: Shrinkwrap, clickwrap, browserwrap, or EULA. This needs to be your own work.I expect 300-400 words. This does NOT need to be in APA format. This is not a formal paper for an academic submission. If you insist on using APA format, then I will expect citations and all the other aspects of an APA paper, and I will grade accordingly. The value of the submission to your grade will remain the same. You will need to create a post before you can see what others have posted in this forum.
The goal of this assignment is to develop your analysis skills with
The goal of this assignment is to develop your analysis skills with a text, as well as show off your critical thinking. I will use this assignment to give you tips on how to write for the class. 1. Read “Why We Crave Horror Movies” (Links to an external site.),(link:…) “Monstrous Beginnings”,“My Zombie, Myself: Why Modern… (Links to an external site.)”, (Links to an external site.)
Imagine that you have decided to open a small ice cream stand on campus called “Ice-Campusades.”
The paper prompt is pretty long, so I’ve attached the rest of the prompt and paper details in the document titled Paper_Prompt.pdf
Question Greetings, This assignment is for the macroeconomics class (eco2013) I am being
Greetings, This assignment is for the macroeconomics class (eco2013) I am being asked to write an economic paper with the following instructions, the paper is regarding “production and growth “. the professor wants us to follow a format of six paragraphs, where the first paragraph consists of a summary of the topic, “production and growth “, and is followed by four-paragraph and four different examples and its owns main sentences about ” production and growth ” and the last paragraph which is the conclusion stating my point of view .the professor wants us to answers the following two questions through the essay.What are the facts about living standards and grow rates around the world?why does productivity matters for living standards?this is how the instructor wants the essay to be written.first paragraph: summary of the topicsecond paragraph: first supporting detail with examplesthird paragraph: second supporting detail with examplesfour paragraphs: third supporting detail with examplesfifth paragraph: four supporting detail with examplessix paragraphs: conclusion/ point of view.Important to point out that the four developing paragraphs are about the two questions previously mentioned. When it comes to grading he will be looking at :*precision*accuracy*linear logic*relevanceI will be uploading powerpoint presentation with the material that was provided in class to do the economic paper, the professor also advised us to do extra research on the internet or books to have better ideas about the topic “production and growth “.In the powerpoint presentation, the two main questions of this essay are on the second slide. further research is recommended. please do not hesitate to contact me if something is not clear since English is not my first language, and thanks for your services.
Congratulations on your new position, Director of Corporate Training! This is such
Congratulations on your new position, Director of Corporate Training! This is such an exciting time for you to put your training and development knowledge to work and hit the ground running. You have just received an email from your boss with the details of your first project: Good morning! We are thrilled to have you take the lead of our corporate training program. The first project we have for you is to create a standardized training program that you will present to your new staff in the form of a PowerPoint presentation. Essentially, I need you to train the Trainers. There is more information about what is required below. Please be sure to complete the Notes section of each slide in PowerPoint with a robust and meaningful narrative, and remember to use relevant sources of information to support your training program design. I will need this project completed in 7 weeks. Thank you! Instructions: • Your project will include the topics listed below. Address each topic providing evidence as to why each is important to training program design: o Curriculum road map to show the overall training program and sequence. o Top five (5) KSA’s of your training staff. o Competency Model based off of those KSA’s. o Essential considerations for choosing trainers. o Conducting a Needs Analysis. o Selecting and preparing a training site conducive to learning. o Learning theories used to guide training preparations and implementation. o Appropriate pre- and post-training activities for adult learners. o Levels of management in support of training. o Assessing a training program’s success. HRM308 – Training and Development Train-the-Trainer Program • The presentation will present the major findings of your research through the units. The final product should showcase the concepts you have learned throughout the course and an understanding of how the concepts are put into real-world applications. • Each slide should provide succinct points of the key information that you wish to convey. • Include a narrative for the slides in your presentation by using the Notes section in PowerPoint to narrate the information presented in each slide. Requirements: • All works should be written in proper APA format. • Include Title and Reference slides. • Include an Introduction and Conclusion. • Must consist of 12-15 slides, not including the required Title and Reference slides. • On your title slide, include the name for the project, your name, and date. • Use at least three (3) academic references to support your work. You may use your textbook, resources from the units, or peer-reviewed outside resources (Wikipedia is not considered an academic resource). Be sure to read the criteria by which your work will be evaluated before you write and
Read Chapter 2 and 3 : Paul, R.,
Read Chapter 2 and 3 : Paul, R.,
Read doc and add your main takeaways about 200 words use your
Read doc and add your main takeaways about 200 words use your own words……………….
To receive full credit:-Write at least one paragraph summing up Paul’s view
To receive full credit:-Write at least one paragraph summing up Paul’s view of evil. Cite passages from Paul, Gaventa, and Fitzmyer to substantiate your claims. -Write at least another paragraph summing up your own view. Use concrete concrete references and examples.
Question Hi , This is part on 1 of the final paper. Please
Hi , This is part on 1 of the final paper. Please let me know if you need me to upload all the reports you have done for me. This paper is like a combination of the work you have done for me. Please see the uploaded document for the instructions. I will send the second/last part of the assignment and it is a Powerpoint presentation , i will send it next week . This is the reason I prefer to use you since you already know the topic.
Create the Space Invaders game, based on the Alien Invasions! Code from
Create the Space Invaders game, based on the Alien Invasions! Code from project 2. The image resources you will need (ship,ship animation destruction, bunker, different types of aliens, alien animation destruction, and ufo destruction) will all have to be created using an Image editing tool such as Inkscape or Gimp. The audio resources you will need can be captured using an audio editor such as Audacity from an online version ofSpace Invaders.
Create the Space Invaders game, based on the Alien Invasions! Code from
Create the Space Invaders game, based on the Alien Invasions! Code from project 2. The image resources you will need (ship,ship animation destruction, bunker, different types of aliens, alien animation destruction, and ufo destruction) will all have to be created using an Image editing tool such as Inkscape or Gimp. The audio resources you will need can be captured using an audio editor such as Audacity from an online version ofSpace Invaders.
tokenized document term matrix, a confusion matrix and word frequency in Python
In Python, compute the following in the code structure provided below.(A) – Document Term Matrix. Define a function called compute_dtm as follows: Take a list of docs as a parameter. Tokenize each document into lower-cased words without any leading and trailing punctuations. Let words denote the list of unique words in docs. Compute dtm, which is a 2-dimensional array created from the documents as follows: Each row (i) represents a document. Each column (j) represents a unique word in words. Each cell (i,j) is the count of word j in document i. Fill 0 if word j does not appear in document i. Return dtm and words.(B) -Performance Analysis. Suppose your machine learning model returns a one-dimensional array of probabilities as the output. Write a function “performance_analysis” to do the following: Take three input parameters: probability array, ground-truth label array, and a threshold th. If a probability > th, the prediction is positive; otherwise, negative. Compare the predictions with the ground truth labels to calculate the confusion matrix as shown in the figure, where: True Positives (TP): the number of correct positive predictions. False Positives (FP): the number of postive predictives which actually are negatives. True Negatives (TN): the number of correct negative predictions. False Negatives (FN): the number of negative predictives which actually are positives. Calculate precision as TP/(TP FP) and recall as TP/(TP FN). Return the confusion matrix, precision, and recall 2. Call this function with th set to 0.5, print out confusion matrix, precision, and recall 3. Call this function with th varying from 0.05 to 1 with an increase of 0.05. Plot a line chart to see how precision and recall change by th. Observe how precision and recall change by th. (C) Define a function called DTM as follows: A list of documents (docs) is passed to inialize a DTM object. The __init__ function creates two attributes: an attribute called words, which saves a list of unique words in the documents an attribute called dtm, which saves the document-term matrix returned by calling the function defined in Q1. This class contains two methods: max_word_freq(): returns the word with the maximum total count in the entire corpus. max_word_df(): returns the word with the largest document frequency, i.e. appear in the most of the documents. # Structure of your solution: import pandas as pdimport string from matplotlibimport pyplot as plt#Adef compute_dtm(docs): dtm = None # add your code here return dtm, words #Bdef evaluate_performance(prob, truth, th):conf, prec, rec = None, None, None return conf, prec, rec#Cclass DTM(object): # add your code here
Question Please review the two resources in the Week 1 module and the
Please review the two resources in the Week 1 module and the three resources in the Week 2 module. Please define and contrast both Bloom’s Taxonomy and Webb’s DOK. Additionally, how do you see using Webb’s DOK to guide your lesson planning?
Question Amanda / LiaThank you for sharing your thoughts on how leadership development
Amanda / LiaThank you for sharing your thoughts on how leadership development is achieved by your organization.As part of your discussion, you introduced the concept of global leadership. This is a very interesting approach and I would like to further elaborate on it. How can a global leadership approach can be achieved?If we consider that organizational characteristics such as organizational structure, corporate culture, training and development philosophy as well as factors from the external environment affect leadership, how could we achieve uniformity in leadership globally?PLEASE USE ONLY ACADEMIC JOURNALS FOR REFERENCES
answer all questions answer all questions answer all questions answer all questions
answer all questions answer all questions answer all questions answer all questions answer all questions answer all questions answer all questions
You’re required to write some parts of a technical report about robotic
You’re required to write some parts of a technical report about robotic project. The parts that you have to write about are: Methods and material, result, and conclusion. you don’t have to worry about the rest. i will provide to you a copy of: 1-rubric. 2- project details. 3- project code. 4- sample of technical report, so you can see how the final result should look like. the sample contains some pictures in the methods and materials, you don’t have to worry about posting them. i just need you to write the methodology, result, and conclusion.
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