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ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachmentCody 1William CodyEthical Dilemma EssayETHICS 232DeVry University
View the AnswerCody 2Ethical Dilemma- Age DiscriminationWorkplace discrimination is a common occurrence in any environment. It can bedefined as treating an employee unfavorably because of his or her: race, skin color,national origin, gender, disability, religion or age (Doyle).Workplace discrimination canhappen at anytime: before hiring, during the time worked, and firing of an employee.An example of workplace discrimination is age discrimination. Where I work, thecompany tends to favor potential employees who have military background or areveterans, in their employment history. This is a way to support our military and also helpveterans find jobs. However, with such an old work force, many current employees arealready at or close to the age of retirement. Many of these employees most likely won’tbe working for much longer, and by hiring older employees their retirement is closer aswell. The company realizes this, and has set up a program, where they give students incollege intern opportunities to get to know the job roles, and if applicable, are able tohave a job. By doing this, the company also tries to attract young employees right out ofcollege. Working in this environment, I can see first hand how the groups interact andtheir work patterns. There are pros and cons to each of these extremes in age range.With the younger employees straight out of college, for some, this is their first jobin their field, or related to their field, with this comes lack of experience, andprofessionalism in the work environment. Younger employees tend to be more immature.They are constantly on their phones and are easily distracted. There are some positives tohaving new employees. They are more in tune with technology, this allows them to learnnew programs quickly, and adapt to their surroundings. It is easier for younger employeesto adapt to their surroundings, and learn as they go.