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ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachmentProfessional account managers (a.k.a. professional sales representatives) are oftengiven accounts that have been previously managed by others. This occurs for reasonssuch as a colleague leaving the firm, promotion to a management position, territoryrealignments, and even a miss-match of communication styles between the buyer andthe original sales representative. The first part of our project involves territoryrealignment for NewNet Systems, a Value-Added Reseller that provides B2B networkproducts and services.To begin, read the company details in Appendix 2 of your textbook. Following are thesections you should read carefully.Introduction to Multiple Account Management SellingIntroduction to Your New Employer – NewNet SystemsIntroduction to Your New Account Management PositionIntroduction to Your NewNet Systems Account Reports (Contact Screenshotsfrom the CRM Program)After reviewing and understanding the scenario of your new position at NewNetSystems, go to Chapter 9 in your textbook. At the end of the chapter, you will find thedetails specific to this part of the Course Project. Read the Chapter 9 details, titledDeveloping and Qualifying the Account Database carefully.Assignment Questions1.Use the 20 new account CRM Contact Screenshots found in Appendix 2 tocomplete the metrics report (table) for your meeting with your manager Casey. Thereport should contain the following headings.oAnticipated Close DateoAccount NameoContact NameoCommunication StyleoStage of the Selling ProcessoAnticipated Dollar AmountoLikelihood to CloseoForecast Sales (Anticipated Dollar Amount X Likelihood to Close)2.Using your metric report and the details in each case notes section, prepare awritten report for Casey regarding your analysis of the accounts.

View the AnsweroWhich contact(s) do you think you should ignore for now? Justify thisrecommendation.oSelect accounts that you feel you need to focus on immediately. Justifywhy you selected these accounts.oHow many accounts do you have at each stage of the selling process?(i.e., how many at prospecting, rapport, needs discovery, presentation, closed, etc.)Based on the number of accounts in each stage, and the amount of time spent on eachaccount, how would you assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the previousrepresentative’s account flow management (a.k.a. pipeline management)?oWhich account(s) appear to have some legal or ethical issues to considerfurther? Describe what these issues might be.oFrom an overall perspective, what was the previous sales representative’sprimary sales approach? In what ways does the previous sales representative appear tohave been very successful with the accounts? What ways do you think the previoussales representative could have improved upon the effectiveness or efficiency of herpipeline management?Guidelines and Questions for Part 2 Due Week 7After you have finished assessing the details in your newly obtained client list, alsocalled your book of business, you met with your manager, Casey. In your meeting, youdiscussed your report, which was Part 1 of the project (turned in during Week 4). Caseyprovided you with some feedback and has now asked you to take the steps in theplanning process to work with these clients to meet an established quota.Casey notified all of the accounts by e-mail that you will be contacting them soon. Shewants to meet with you at the end of the week to discuss the pre-approach to your newcontacts and discuss your strategies for moving them through the pipeline. Using themetric report you created in Part 1, and Chapters 10 through 15, answer each of thefollowing questions in a report form for your meeting with Casey. For questions whereyou need to justify your answer, Casey has asked you to use sources to support yourreasoning. These sources are to be cited in APA format.Assignment Questions1.Reflect back to the communication style assessment you completed at thebeginning of the course. Each of the four styles is represented within the 20 accountsyou are expected to contact and maintain. Using the details in Chapter 5 regardingadapting and flexing your style, consider how you will need to adjust your approachand communication style/delivery. Select one contact from each of the four styles anddiscuss how you will need to flex and adapt your approach to match that of the client.2.From the potential sales total and closing likelihood, what is a fair sales quota tobe set for the coming quarter? Justify your answer.

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