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police officers


After completing your reading and study for this module/week, you learned how police officers use their

discretionary powers during traffic stops in the Police Patrol activity. In a short amount of time, evidence is collected and, then, reflected upon before final decisions are made. Now let’s take a look at a real traffic stop that took place in 2012. A female was pulled over for driving while talking on a cell phone: (Woman Accuses LAPD of Rough Arrest, Department Launches Investigation)

Based on your reading and study and your review of this incident, respond to the following in your original post:

a) Briefly list and discuss the officer training tactics that you learned from your Field Training Officer in the Police Patrol activity.

b) Apply these tactics to this new traffic stop situation. How can officers prevent incidents of police brutality and excessive force by using these training methods?

c) Why is police integrity and professionalism important?

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