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Preferred Stock____________________________________________. (Points : 1) generally offers investors voting rights rarely has additional paid in capital associated with it has dividend preference rarely has fixed liquidation provisions

Preferred Stock____________________________________________. (Points : 1) 

generally offers investors voting rights

rarely has additional paid in capital associated with it

has dividend preference

rarely has fixed liquidation provisions

Question 2. 2.  Long-Term Notes Payable____________________________________. (Points : 1) 

must be paid for within 12 months

never have level payment terms

do not need to utilize present value concepts since the money is paid off in a relatively short period of time

may include principal and interest in each payment

Question 3. 3.  A bond payable is__________________________________________. (Points : 1) 

a financial instrument whereby the issuing company receives an upfront cash payment in exchange for a promise to make periodic interest payments and repay the face amount of the bond at a fixed maturity date

a way for an organization to borrow money without paying interest

never secured

never convertible to company common stock

Question 4. 4.  A bond payable is__________________________________________. (Points : 1) 

required to be issued at par value

always required to establish a sinking fund

always going to pay no more and no less than face value, plus interest, to the investor at maturity

considered a more risky investment than an equity issue

Question 5. 5.  Managerial Accounting______________________________________. (Points : 1) 

focuses on reporting in support of business management processes

presents managerial reports prepared in accordance with GAAP

information is centered on products, departments, and activities

encompasses more than one of these suggested uses.

Question 6. 6.  Variable costs_____________________________________________. (Points : 1) 

change unpredictably which is why they are considered variable costs

vary in direct proportion to changes in the level of an activity

remain constant over some relevant range

are not addressed correctly by any of the answers suggested here.

Question 7. 7.  Fixed costs_______________________________________________. (Points : 1) 

change with the volume of a firms activities

remain constant regardless of activity levels within the organization

remain constant over some relevant range of activities

remain constant until the next budgeting cycle is completed

Question 8. 8.  All of the following are considered a fixed cost except______________. (Points : 1) 

direct labor




Question 9. 9.  All of the following a considered a product cost except_____________. (Points : 1) 

direct material

direct labor


factory overhead

Question 10. 10.  Inventory can consist of_____________________________________. (Points : 1) 

cost of goods sold

work in process

raw materials

two of the items suggested here

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