Prepare a 10-minute (8-10 slides; no larger than 5 MB) PowerPoint presentation related to the problem, evidence appraisal, and practice implications.
Introduction to Nursing Research – Characteristics of Nursing Research Utilization and Evidence-Based Practice
This is a CLC assignment.
Choose a nursing problem from your current practice setting, and identify a possible solution to that problem.
Conduct a search of the literature related to this problem.
Analyze and critically appraise evidence-based literature to support the solution to the identified problem. A minimum of (5) articles must be identified. This may include guidelines from the National Guideline Clearinghouse, Joanna Briggs Institute, or a review from the Cochrane Database of Systematic Review.
Prepare a 10-minute (8-10 slides; no larger than 5 MB) PowerPoint presentation related to the problem, evidence appraisal, and practice implications.
Include the following components into the presentation:
1. Present the nursing practice problem with the PICO question.
2. Discuss your appraisal of the literature that addresses the problem.
3. Present the proposed practice changes from an integration of the findings.
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