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pressures and temperatures


You are curious about the pressures and temperatures of the refrigerant inside the refrigerator in Problem 4. In

order to solve this problem, familiarize yourself with theT-s diagram of an ideal vapor-compression cycle. We will only be analyzing to processes (1-2 and 4-1), but it will be helpful to see where these fall on the phase diagram. You find that the refrigerator is running R-134a, the tables for which are at the end of thishomework. For your analysis, you assume that the refrigerator is running an ideal vapor compression cycle, where State 1 is a saturated vapor at TL.

a. The compressor compresses the refrigerant isentropically to a pressure of 0.6MPa. What is the phase and temperature of the refrigerant at State 2? Draw this process on a T-s diagram.

b. What is the mass flow of refrigerant through the compressor if it takes 1000 W ofpower to run the compressor, in the ideal case?

c. After being compressed, the fluid is condensed (State 3) and then expanded through a nozzle back to temperature TL (State 4). If the process between State 4and State 1 is isobaric, and the heat addition is the same you calculated inProblem 4c, what is the quality of the mixture at State 4? Use the mass flow you calculated in part b. Draw this process on a T-s diagram.

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