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Problem Statement Discussion Forum

I am an internal auditor. I would like this done on executive positions vs. entry level positions and the affects on high blood pressure…. like , what group has higher blood pressure due to stress at work? … —————————Course Notes 1 Problem StatementThese Course Notes only pertain to formulating your Problem Statement (PS) portion of the Week 1 Discussion Forum.Your Problem Statement (PS) needs to be related to health care since that is what your degree is in. After your PS is formulated, then go back and be sure you answered all the information asked for in the Module 1 discussion forum directions (is it stated clearly, empirical testing, declarative or interrogatory, related to a desired outcome, what is the purpose, include APA citations and references) to earn your full points.Difference between Problem Statements and Purpose Statements: The PROBLEM STATEMENT addresses WHAT will be studied, the RESEARCH PURPOSE addresses WHYthe study is going to be done. The “researchable” Problem Statement is not the same thing as a regular question. It has to contain certain criteria (two groups, an intervention that is applied to one group and withheld from the other (control), an outcome that is measurable with an instrument (tool), and a timeline).Unfortunately, Research reports do NOT usually label these. You have to determine this information from the article. The Purpose statement is generally presented after the Problem Statement to clearly identify the intent and hoped-for outcome of the research study. The researchers are referring to the PURPOSE of their research when they refer to the “aim” (rationale) of their study.PICO: A Good Way to Formulate a Research Question Many researchers start by formulating a well-written PICO question. This line of questioning involves four parts beginning with the patient problem or population (P); the intervention(I); the comparison(C); and the outcome(O). A well- built problem statement has 4 parts beginning with the Population (P); the Intervention (I) being applied to one group and withheld from the other; the comparison or standard (C); and the Outcome (O). You also want to add how this will be measured (what “tool” will you use; “as measured by”) and what is the time frame. All of this needs to be “constructed” into one succinct Problem Statement. It is helpful to begin the statement with “Do”.Start by answering these 4 questions on a piece of paper and then put all your answers into one succinct researchable problem statement beginning with the word “Do”…You can see why we have to go back and forth a few times to get all the information to the “APPROVED” status (I will type APPROVED when the Problem Statement is in the correct format to use again in this course). Start early in the week so you can obtain as many points as possible because I do not stay up late at night to go back and forth with students at the last minute before the due date. Reply back to my comments the same day.Here is my example: I have two groups of children diagnosed with obesity. My intervention could be an exercise program that would give exercise to one group and not to the other. After three months, I would weigh the children to see if the group that exercised lost weight. Problem Statement: Do obese children between the ages of 8-12 that participate in a 30 minute walking exercise program five days a week lose more weight as measured with a scale after three months than obese children 8-12 that sit and play video games for 30 minutes?Here is another example:Here is one more example:Name the two groups of people you are comparing.What is the intervention (or treatment) that you are applying to the experimental group and withholding from the control group (the control group is usually considered the “traditional” or “standard of practice”)?How are you going to measure the outcome? For this assignment, stay away from anything “subjective” like “surveys” and “questionnaires”; we want something you can measure “objectively” with a tool or instrument (this will make it easier for you when you use the PS again later in the course): Think of something you can measure with a tool or device. Common instruments (tools) used to “measure” and collect data at a hospital or physician’s office include a Scale, BP cuff (sphygmomanometer), thermometer, ruler, BMI, pulse oximeter, Fasting Blood Sugar, lab values such as blood gases, lipid profile, or something you can easily count, etc. Don’t say “better social skills” or “healthier” or “less stressful” because those are subjective and not something that all of us could accurately measure and get the same outcome (result). Include a time frame.: Scales, BMI, blood pressure cuffs (sphygmomanometer) thermometers, lab values, and pulse oximeter that measure oxygen levels in the blood are all used in the medical setting to obtain valuable information so include one of these (or something else that can “measure”) in your problem statement.What is the timeline for your study? (example 3 months? 6 months?)Remember to include ALL the criteria listed in the directions and then support what you say with citations and references from the textbook (ex. you would define by paraphrasing something from your assignment readings).(If you skip these steps it will take you so much longer to construct your PS and we will have to go back & forth several more times)A. What are the two groups we are going to compare in my study? (In my example above there would be a group of children between the ages of 8-12 that complete an exercise program and a group that do not exercise).B. What intervention (or treatment) am I going to give to one group and withhold from the other group. (My specific intervention would be a 30 minute walking program five days a week).C. How am I going to accurately measure the results of the study (so everyone would get the same results)? (The scale would be the tool that weighs the children (the measure). Does everyone understand why I didn’t say “looks thinner” (because what I think looks thinner may not be what you think looks thinner; because thinner could not be accurately “measured” in this experiment.D. What is my timeframe? Three months (My timeline would be 30 minutes of walking five days a week over three months).Do you see how you have to break it down into 4 parts first and then compile all that information into one succinct (clear and concise) Problem Statement? It is like a formula, you just fill in the blanks with all the information! It helps to break it down.Problem Statement: Do females that eat organic food weigh less as measured with a scale than females that eat non-organic processed food seven days a week over a three month period?What are the two groups? (The two groups are: females that eat organic food and those that do not).What is the intervention? The intervention (sometimes referred to as the treatment) is what you apply to one group and withhold from the other (organic food in this example). The intervention (organic food) is what you are studying to see if there is a difference. The other is considered the standard or control group (non-organic food in this example).What is the measuring tool? (the scale)What is the timeframe? (3 months)Do males in their 60’s with hypertension keep their morning blood pressure readings under 120/80 as measured with a sphygmomanometer after attending a one day seminar on relaxation techniques and then practice relaxation techniques for 30 minutes every day compared to males in their 60’s that do not attend the seminar over a six month time frame?What are the two groups? (The two groups are: males that practice relaxation and those that do not).What is the intervention? The intervention (sometimes referred to as the treatment) is what you apply to one group and withhold from the other (relaxation techniques). It is what you are studying to see if there is a difference. The other is considered the standard (no relaxation in this example).What is the measuring tool? (the sphygmomanometer)What is the timeframe? (6 months)To receive full credit you need to have an APPROVED problem statement (I want you to obtain as many points as possible so don’t wait until the weekend or the last minute; because I do not log on as much on the weekends and I do not stay up late at night) so start early in the week and reply back to my comments the same day in your same thread (don’t start a new thread each time; just reply back in the same thread). In addition, you need to include correct APA citations and references for all your initial posts each week from your textbook (Example: this week, you will want to define in your own words (paraphrase) from your textbook about variables, purpose, problem statement, etc.). When you reply to your peer, give them suggestions to improve their problem statement for their study to keep the discussion focused on the research concepts instead of commenting about whatever topic they choose (ex. comment about how you could set up the problem statement differently for their study). If this is not completed this week, you will lose points and still have to do Week 1 Problem Statement next week in Week 2 (along with the work for Week 2) because you need to use your approved PS in Week 3) and you lose points.Everyone will get some feedback in their posts (re-dos) so we can all discuss more about the research concepts and learn from each other. After reading my feedback, click on “Reply” to my post to you when you re-post so it all stays under your discussion post “thread”.

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