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PSY 650 Discussion 1

Technology and Development  Prior to beginning work on this discussion, please read the American Psychological Association (2010), Ching-Ting, Ming-Chaun, & Chin-Chung (2014), Kirkorian, Wartella, & Anderson (2008), and Paediatr Child Health (2003) required articles for the week.

For your initial post, you will describe the positive and negative influences of technology on human development during childhood (ages 3-12) or adolescence (ages 13-18).

Using the Ashford University Library, research at least one peer-reviewed article that describes the way(s) in which technology has either positively or negatively influenced physical, cognitive, and/or psychosocial development within childhood or adolescence (e.g., the effects of media violence on aggression or educational products on learning).  Describe factors which may mediate the effect(s) of technology within your selected stage (e.g., education, gender, socioeconomic status, culture, or family/parenting). Strive to find recent work, but seminal research on the topic should be considered as well.  Evaluate the unique scholarly perspectives found in your research and interpret the implications of technology on human development.  Support your perspective(s) with references from the required or peer-reviewed resources. Additionally, conclude with a consideration of relevant ethical concerns (perhaps with regard to policy decisions).   

Guided Response: Review several of your colleagues’ posts and respond to at least two of your peers by 11:59 p.m. on Day 7 of the week. You are encouraged to post your required replies earlier in the week to promote more meaningful and interactive discourse in this discussion. 


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