QUESTION 1 After having reviewed this instrument last week, and now reading
QUESTION 1 After having reviewed this instrument last week, and now reading the text information about reliability and validity indicators you are ready for the follow up to last week’s assignment.1 – Describe the reliability factors and determine if these are a strength or a weakness.2 – Describe the validity factors and determine if these are a strength or a weakness.3 – How could the reliability and validity factors affect your choice to make use or not make use of the CSEI as a middle school counselor/social worker (i.e., referring back to question 4 from last week).I have attached the files for this question.QUESTION 2Instructions for Article Summaries Purpose: The purpose is to expose you to research conducted in the field of learning and behavior. Article Topics: The articles may be on any topic either in the field of animal learning and behavior, or human learning and behavior. Article Types: You must choose an article that describes an actual experiment (i.e., the researchers manipulated at least one variable). Refrain from summarizing summary-type articles (e.g., meta-analyses summarizing lots and lots of research other people have done, but no experiments of their own), survey papers (e.g., articles using questionnaires), and/or opinion pieces. Summary Length: Your summary should be approximately 1-2 pages in length, double-spaced with 12- point font (please use a standard font such as Times New Roman or Calibri). If you need more than 2 pages to write your summary, that is fine; but please try to limit your summary to at most 3 pages. Learning to summarize effectively and write concisely is a good skill to practice! Content of Summary: Note: You can answer these questions in any order within your summary, but I would STRONGLY RECOMMEND using this as your outline. You can even use these numbers (1-6) and simply answer each question for your summary (e.g., “1. The authors were interested in XYZ…”). Point values: 1 – Main research question(s) (1 points) 2 – Background literature summary (1 point) 3 – Main predictions (1 points) 4 – Methodology and Procedure (1 points) 5 – Main findings and conclusions (1 points) 6 – Writing Quality (5 points) Writing Quality:Learning to write well is extremely important. Your success as a student depends upon it. Even more importantly, all employers want someone who has strong communication skills. If I were to rank the most valuable skills a student can possess, strong communication skills would be at the top of the list. Writing takes time and patience to develop. It does not happen overnight. Nor does it happen by just passively writing a lot. No, the only way that you can make progress at anything is to study it carefully. You need to analyze your own writing and look for ways to improve. Some areas offer easy improvement. For instance, no one should submit an assignment with spelling errors. Other areas take lots of concentrated effort to improve. These are things like writing unambiguous sentences, optimizing your word choices, avoiding fluff, writing in a more direct tone, and so on. These all take time to develop! But to reiterate my earlier message: It is time well spent. There are lots of excellent books on learning to write well. You can visit the library to find such books. There are also plenty of resources available online. I will give constructive feedback when I can, but ultimately, this is a pursuit that you must follow on your own. Independent study of a topic is not only productive but rewarding. To set out with a mission, gather resources and interpret them to accomplish your mission, will provide you with much joy and fulfillment. Things to avoid:Things to do:Places to find articles: ProQuest (PsycINFO):… Click on the LOGIN button. Select NKU on the next page and enter your login credentials. This resource is great for finding research articles by searching for the author information, topic you are interested in, year range, etc. Google scholar: This resource is also very good for finding research articles, but lacks some of the features available in PsycINFO One benefit is that you can forward-cite articles. If you find Article A, you can then click a button to find all the other researchers who have cited Article A since it was published. This can be useful to find newer research on a particular topic of interest to you. Additional information can be obtained via the NKU Library: attach the article you will use for this question.
What are major tips for communicating with a prospective employer? Provide advice
What are major tips for communicating with a prospective employer? Provide advice and resources for those seeking and interviewing for a professional job during (perhaps internship) or after college.Make sure to follow the wiki rubric by providing graphics, websites and hyperlinks. You should NOT be rephrasing your textbook. You SHOULD be looking for new Internet resources and links etc. Have fun and find information that will be helpful for success as aprofessional in your chosen career.
Assignments must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document or rtf using
Assignments must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document or rtf using the dropbox. I cannot open Pages documents.The participation assignments are based on your readings and usually require an answer that is a paragraph in length.Grammar, spelling and punctuation are part of the grade so proof read before you submit. Your assignment should bebased on the reading in the textbook and should contain details using specific terminology from the text. Do not quote the text without a citation. Write in your own words. It is not necessary or desirable to refer to other sources. Participation is a cooperative approach to learning. You will not only learn from the instructor, but from each other. Assignments are worth 20 points. You will submit ONE assignment for each unit of three modules. Assignment one will cover modules 1,2,3,assignment two will cover modules 4,5,6, etc. Assignment one contains three choices and you will choose one . So that is one assignment for each 3 modules. Review the 3 assignments and decide which ONE you will do.Illusions Choice 2 Unit 2
Each student will write a 5-7-page Topic Paper in APA format, not
Each student will write a 5-7-page Topic Paper in APA format, not including title and reference page. A list of topic ideas will be posted on Canvas and discussed in class. Students will need to find a minimum of two empirical peer reviewed journal articles. References must be cited for the assignment to be considered complete.
There are several unique characteristics of qualitative research that make it distinct from
There are several unique characteristics of qualitative research that make it distinct from quantitative research. Describe the aspects of qualitative research and the elements of design that contribute to the rigor of the work. What actions of the researcher can compromise the integrity of the findings? 300-350 wordsPlease use the format for writing PHd refrences in the attachment. Thanks
Validity and reliability are primarily quantitative research concepts. Morse, Barrett, Mayan, Olson, and
Validity and reliability are primarily quantitative research concepts. Morse, Barrett, Mayan, Olson, and Spiers (2002) argue that their exclusion from qualitative research design undermines the credibility and rigor of qualitative research conclusions. Were they correct in this assertion? Why or why not? 300-350 words. with references, PHd Format.
Guidelines: 1. Which theories are most compatible with your beliefs about how children
Guidelines: 1. Which theories are most compatible with your beliefs about how children develop? Discuss why, and provideconcrete examples.Essay needs to meet the following:• Be at least 3 pages in length (typed, double-spaced, font 12) – does not include cover page or References page (30 points).• At least 3 references need to be cited correctly within the text, and at the end in the Reference section (15 points).• All portions of the essay question need to be fully answered; ideas need to be clear and succinct; needs to demonstrate understanding of concepts (25 points).• Providing concrete examples, with specifics, may help demonstrate an in-depth understanding of concept (10 points).• Essay needs to be grammatically correct, including sentence structures and spelling (10 points).• Essay needs to be turned in on time, by due date ; may be turned in before due date (10 points).
Draft a mental status exam summary no more than 1 page, double
Draft a mental status exam summary no more than 1 page, double spaced (this should be an easy one no longer than 15m)Provide a brief description of the individual’s psychological capacity and competency. Does this individual meet the legal definition of sanity? What further information would you need to further explore or determine this?
My term paper subject is Cognitive Diseases and Disorders. I need a
My term paper subject is Cognitive Diseases and Disorders. I need a 8-10 page paper with 15 sources APA least 10% or less under turnit in palagarism check
Of major concern to educators and psychologists alike is the relationship of
Of major concern to educators and psychologists alike is the relationship of childhood poverty and deprivation on suppressed cognitive development, executive functioning, and attention. Further, recent research suggests that childhood poverty also can play an important role in negative health outcomes and attitudes towards aging that extend into adulthood. Discuss the research of this topic and suggest effective interventions for using childhood as a springboard for promoting healthy aging.The embedded articleis also found in the SUO library reference:Wise, P. (2016). Child poverty and the promise of human capacity: Childhood as a foundation for healthy aging. Academic Pediatrics (16), S37-S45. the lessons and vocabulary found in the readings. Your responses should clarify your understanding of the topic and should be original and free from plagiarism.
Elizabeth Loftus, who is the speaker in this video, is one of
Elizabeth Loftus, who is the speaker in this video, is one of the leading experts in false memories and eye-witness accounts. Her work in the criminal justice system has resulted in the release of people who were incarcerated because of incorrect eye-witness testimony. After watching this video, what is your conclusion as to the prevalency of false memories and incorrect eye-witness accounts. Can you think of any memories that you may have that might be incorrect? Have you ever placed a false memory in another person.Find and discuss at least one other article regarding false eyewitness accounts. Your initial response is due on Thursday. Your response should be in the 300-350 range. References and citations are expected to be used in the process of answering these questions.
Selecting response formats (i.e., the choices test-takers have to respond to test
Selecting response formats (i.e., the choices test-takers have to respond to test items) for test items is another crucial consideration when building a test. The first major response format consideration typically encountered is whether to require open-ended or closed-ended responses. The Rorschach inkblot test is an example of a test that elicits open-ended responses. There are practically no limits to what an examinee can say when responding to this test. At the other extreme are tests that require the examinee to choose between a very limited set of responses, such as true/false, yes/no, or multiple-choice tests, in which only one of several options is correct.There are advantages and disadvantages to open-ended response formats. For instance, open-ended items can provide rich information, but developing a reliable scoring system is often difficult. Scoring systems for the Rorschach have developed over many decades, are difficult to learn, and their utility is controversial. Individually administered IQ tests, such as the Wechsler tests, contain open-ended items in which examinees are asked to define vocabulary words. Creating scoring criteria for each vocabulary word requires collection of typical responses, expert judgment, and assessment of scoring criteria for inter-rater reliability and accuracy. Test administrators need to have extensive training to correctly administer and score this test.A very common and useful closed-ended response format is Likert scaling. This format asks for each item to be rated on a multipoint scale, typically, 1: Strongly disagree, 2: Disagree, 3: Neutral, 4: Agree, 5: Strongly agree. Variations include more or fewer points on the scale, different scale labels, rating of frequency vs. intensity, and inclusion or elimination of a neutral scale midpoint. Another consideration is whether to include reverse-scored items. For instance, an anxiety scale might include the item “I am nervous almost all of the time.” Giving the item a high rating, such as 4 (Agree) would indicate a higher anxiety level. You might also, however, include the item “I am usually calm” on your anxiety scale, so that a 4 would actually indicate a lower anxiety level. Reverse items are adjusted before statistically analyzing the scale by subtracting scores from one more than the highest rating on the scale. With a 5-point scale, ratings of a reverse-scored item would be subtracted from 6, so that 5 becomes 1, 4 become 2, etc.Other response formats, such as ipsative (also called forced-choice) items are less common. These items ask the examinee to choose between options or to rank the desirability of various choices.To prepare for this Discussion, consider the appropriateness of various response formats for the test you are proposing for your Final Project. Select two different response formats to use for this Discussion.With these thoughts in mind:Post by Day 4 a description of two different response formats. Then explain the pros and cons of each for measuring your Final Project construct of interest. Finally, justify the use of each format in terms of psychological appropriateness. Support your response using the Learning Resources and the current literature.Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources. Zero plagiarizing,, APA formatting, Quote work, No.coms
To prepare for this Discussion, create a hypothetical client using the template
To prepare for this Discussion, create a hypothetical client using the template below. Then, use the template in Course Documents to complete a short service plan for the client. In the body of your response, add the client profile and responses to the questions below. Remember to attach a copy of your service plan to this response.Hypothetical Client: _________________ (name)Age ____________ Gender ____________Presenting problem:Assessed needs (list all needs from most to least immediate):Strengths (think of at least two strengths that your client has):Questions:400 words, apa format, and must pass a plagiarizer checker
In order to compare individuals to a population, that population must be
In order to compare individuals to a population, that population must be sampled using a standardization sample, also referred to as a norm group. This group represents the population for which a test is intended. There are a number of important considerations when choosing a test’s standardization sample, such as how large your sample needs to be and how you plan to access your participants and induce them to participate. You may also need to consider whether the participants should be representative of the general population or of a specialized subpopulation and how diverse the sample should be. You may have general norms or separate norms according to demographic characteristics, such as age and gender. How to address these considerations depends on the goals of your assessment and will affect the test interpretation.With these thoughts in mind:Post by Day 3 an explanation of the three most important considerations related to sampling that you would need to address in your Final Project. Explain how you might ensure that your sample represents the population of interest.Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources. Zero plagiarizing, APA format, Quote work, No.coms
the Real-World Activity Assignment. Drugs in the Workplace: Yea or Nay? Minimum 750 word count Formal research paper
Psychology in the Real-World Activity Assignment #1Drugs in the Workplace: Yea or Nay?The presence of drugs being allowed in the workplace is still a controversial issue in the United States (and throughout the world). For an example of the controversy, please view the following link: An Ivy League Professor’s View on Drugs . Some argue that all drugs are OK; others believe that only certain drugs should be deemed acceptable by an organization’s drug policy. Think of the career you are being trained for at Brookhaven College, and determine if drugs in the workplace would hinder or enhance safety for employees and customers. Be specific on the type of drugs (e.g.: prescribed drugs, illegal drugs and/or both) you plan to address in your argument.Your grade for this assignment will be based on your submissions addresses the following requirements:Total Points: 100 PointsPoints BreakdownContent/Structure – 60 PointsGrammar/Punctuation – 20 PointsAPA Format – 20 PointsProfessor’s view on drugs link:
The normative sample used to develop a test has implications regarding the
The normative sample used to develop a test has implications regarding the populations to which the normed scores can be generalized. Consider the following excerpt from the Mental Measurements Yearbook review of the Infant-Toddler Development Assessment:When deciding whether a test may be appropriately used with a particular population, it is important to keep in mind the normative sample collected during the test’s development. Selective factors and other influences related to norming must be considered when implementing a test or scoring it.To prepare for this Discussion, select one specific test instrument and a population. Research the test instrument you selected in the Walden Library, paying particular attention to the group used to develop or norm the instrument and considering how this may affect the populations with which the test is able to be used.Reference: Provence, S., Erikson, J., Vater, S.,
Adolescence is the transition period between childhood and adulthood. During this transition,
Adolescence is the transition period between childhood and adulthood. During this transition, adolescents develop their own sense of identity independent of their caregivers. Relationships with caregivers, teachers, and peers can have an impact on the types of behaviors in which an adolescent engages. In order to establish their sense of identity, adolescents often have to try out new roles and new experiences associated with more adult behaviors, which can sometimes translate into adolescent risk-taking. The personal fable and imaginary audience can contribute to the willingness to engage in risky behavior. A personal fable is when an individual believes he/she is the only one experiencing a feeling; such as, his/her parents do not understand what they are going through. Adolescents preoccupied in their peer groups sometimes develop imaginary audiences because they believe others are constantly judging them. Culture and gender also influence how the adolescent perceives risk-taking behavior. While risk-taking behavior is predominantly perceived as unwanted dangerous behavior, it is not necessarily so. Sexual expression among adolescents need not result in pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases, just as concerns with physical appearance do not always lead to eating disorders or depression.For this Discussion, you will examine risk-taking behaviors by adolescents.To prepare for this Discussion:Post a description of two adolescent risk-taking behaviors. For each behavior, provide two sources of influence. Then, describe general strategies for mitigating negative risk-taking behavior and explain why you selected these strategies. Justify your response with citations from the Learning Resources/literature. Use proper APA format and citations. Zero plagiarizing, Quote work, No.coms
Link (Links to an external site.)Link (Links to an external site.)Instructions: Watch
Link (Links to an external site.)Link (Links to an external site.)Instructions: Watch the videos and then answer the questions below. 1. What surprised you the most about these videos?2. Using this video, explain the concept of plasticity to a friend or family member. Tell us how it went.3. This is an extreme version of brain plasticity, how might minor brain damage be rectified by plasticity?2) Watch this video about attachment.Tell me what surprised you.Tell me why this is a very important topic – if you think it isn’t, why is that?How is this topic linked with last week’s topic of plasticity?Post your main post and a responses to one peer by Sunday at midnight.Link (Links to an external site.)
Learning Activity #6: Supporting Mental Development In Infants
Imagine that you have been invited to speak to a group of parents with very young children. Using research in the readings as a guide, address the following points: Formatting guidelines: use 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, single-spaced, and follow the APA style for in-text citations. Please submit this assignment here b
In essay form, present an overall summary of Chapter Three and Chapter
In essay form, present an overall summary of Chapter Three and Chapter Four. Within your summary, use at least 7 terms from below. In your essay, please bold print, underscore, or use all caps with your selected terms. (6 points)CHAPTER THREE and FOUR TERMS TO BE SELECTED (CHOOSE SEVEN TERMS)ZygoteGeneGenotypePhenotypeGenomeGerminal periodEmbryonic periodFetal periodEmbryoFetusAge of viability
In 750-1,000 words, describe the following:Use three to five scholarly resources to
In 750-1,000 words, describe the following:Use three to five scholarly resources to support your explanations.Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
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