Question As the manager of a busy call center for a health care
As the manager of a busy call center for a health care organization, you note that the volume of calls has doubled over the past year. Although you do not have the budget to hire additional staff, you do have an additional $20,000 to spend on your department to improve efficiency and customer satisfaction.Using the Sample Proposal Template example, write a 700 word proposal in which you:Explain strategies you will use to create an effective team that can help you improve efficiency and customer service in your department.Why are teams essential?How are teams used in other industries, such as aviation, auto racing, and the military?What best practices from other industries could be applied in the health care industry?Explain organizational processes that will affect or influence the decision-making process to improve efficiency and customer service.Propose what resources or tools can be offered to your staff to help with efficiency and customer service using the additional funds available.
Chapter 6: Students of Families in TransitionReread the In The Classroom: Divorce
Chapter 6: Students of Families in TransitionReread the In The Classroom: Divorce and a 5-Year-Old case study presented at the beginning of the chapter 6 (pg. 163) and respond to the following questions:1. What characteristics of transitions have affected Emma and her family in a positive or negative way?2. What should Tamika do that will be supportive of Emma, her parents, and her new stepmother? To whom should she communicate her concerns, and what would be the best communication method?3. What strategies could Tamika use in her classroom to help Emma adjust to the transitions of divorce and remarriage?Chapter 7: Families Overcoming ObstaclesReread the In The Classroom: Out of School Supplies case study presented at the beginning of the chapter 7 (pg. 200) and respond to the following questions:1. How could looking at the Wallace family from a strengths perspective help Clara collaborate more effectively with Keisha’s parents? What are the other strengths of the family besides what the principal listed?2. How can Clara be more supportive of Keisha and her family in her education?3. What are the ways in which a district or school, such as Kennedy Elementary, can support and ensure a high-quality education for all children in the district, including those who live in poverty?Chapter 8: Families in Abusive SituationsReread the In The Classroom: Sharing Crackers case study presented at the beginning of the chapter 8 (pg. 239) and respond to the following questions:1. Should Kate report this situation to anyone? If so, to whom? What role do the school counselor and teacher play in these types of reports?2. What other school personnel and community members should be involved in this situation? What school and community resources are available for Kate in working with Travis? What resources are available for Travis and his family?3. Should Kate communicate her concerns directly to Travis’s mother? If so, what communication strategies would be best? How can she be supportive of Travis’s mother while also protecting Travis’s interests? As the school counselor or teacher, explain the support you would provide to the student and parent in this situation.Chp6: In the Classroom: Divorce and 5 years oldChp8: Sharing crackersChp 7: Out of School Supplies- will upload
Historical Geography of Urban Parks Park Observation
The goal of this assignment is to get out and look at both park design and the social activity in parks. The Olmsted landscape architecture firm began in 1857 when Olmsted partnered with Calvert Vaux to design Central Park. Olmsted retired in 1895 and his sons, John Charles Olmsted and Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr. took over the firm, which operated into the 1970s. Olmsted’s design philosophy resulted in a particular landscape aesthetic. In going out to examine an Olmsted park there are common elements you should notice–we will spend time going over the Olmsted design philosophy so you’ll know what to look for.****Please read the guideline thoroughly****For this assignment, you need to spend several hours walking and observing Elizabeth Park, Hartford Connecticut. You should look at the design elements from the pictures and research from online on Elizabeth park in Connecticut and included the following information on the essay. (Ex: How are the pastoral and picturesque ( know the differences what they both mean before writing about it on the essay) represented in the landscape?, How are water features used? How are the pathways laid out?). By walking the park you will get a sense of the whole scene. You can sit at times and observe how people are using the space (Ex: What activities are people engaged in? Are people using the grass? Are there signs telling people to keep off the grass? Are people engaged in active or passive forms of recreation?). You may need to sketch out a map of the park so you can make notes and remember where you were and what happened in different parts of the park.Questions also need to be answer on the essay:1. If it’s a park designed by the Olmsted Firm (usually his sons or sometimes Charles Eliot), what elements of the Olmsted park philosophy are visible in the current park landscape?2. What is the social life of the park? Is it active? (yes) How do you know?(saw lot of people such as runner, families taking pictures next to the rose gardens, walking their dogs, walking, lot of parked cars.. etc) 3. What are the demographics of the park users? What are they doing?4. Overall, what was your experience in this park like?Keep in mind: Photographic evidence may help you make the case.You need to submit a 5 page paper that: ● Summarizes your observations.● Contains an argument/thesis.● Has a solid organization and flow.● Has 1” inch margins on all sides.● Is double-spaced.● Has been proofread.● Has in text citations
a successful public relations campaign tick?
You will submit a 6 to 8 page analysis for a specific event, campaign or initiative for your chosen organization, as outlined below. You are required to submit your choice of organization to the instructor during class in week three through the Week 3 Discussion: Term Project Check-in discussion. Before selecting an organization (corporate, nonprofit, institution), conduct some research to ensure that you will be able to access the information you will need to complete the project.Through research, you will need to uncover its public relations objectives and track how well it met those objectives through measurable results such as media exposure, event success or business results. Select your organization carefully. Find an organization about which you can obtain plentiful information. Avoid being forced to start over at the last minute.The AssignmentThroughout history, there have been many successful public relations campaigns. For your term project this semester, your job is to select one of these campaigns. Then, drawing on everything you’ve learned this term, write a six- to eight-page paper reviewing the campaign and analyzing its goals, strategies, tactics and success.You are free to study any campaign you like from the past or present, presuming you are able to research and find the necessary background information for the assignment. Below, however, you’ll find a selection of 17 famous campaigns. You are free to choose any of these as well.BIG HINT: Before choosing a campaign, do some preliminary research on several that sound of interest.Once you have done your research and selected your campaign, you may begin writing. Your paper should contain the following components. Be sure to include sections identified in boldface below.I. IntroductionDescribe the organization that you are choosing to review. Be specific. Discuss:Describe the specific campaign you are reviewing:This description should be OBJECTIVE. Just explain what the program is about without making judgments or analysis. When you are finished with this section, the reader should have a clear picture of what the campaign looked, sounded and felt like, and when and where it appeared, and who is behind it.II. The Problem StatementWrite a simple, clear statement that summarizes the problem that the campaign is intended to solve. For more explicit details on what this statement should and should not include, refer to page 244-245 of your textbook.In Week 5, you are asked to create a Problem Statement for your term project in the Week 5 Discussion: Term Project Jump-Start –The Problem Statement. Refer to your previous work for this section of your paper.III. Situation AnalysisWrite all the background information needed to expand upon and illustrate in detail the meaning of your problem statement. Your situation analysis should include all that is known about the situation, its history, forces acting upon it, and hose involved or affected by it, internally and externally.That includes any important context about events going on in the world and society at the time. (For example: during World War II, the government created campaigns encouraging people to comply with the rationing programs that were necessary while the war was going on. In a situation analysis, you would need to provide information about commodity shortages, concerns among the poor that rations would not be distributed equally, etc.)In Week 6, you are asked to create a one-paragraph summary of a situation analysis in the Week 6 Discussion: Term Project Jump-Start — The Situation Analysis. You are encouraged to begin with that summary and now expand upon it for the final paper.IV. Goals, Audiences/Publics, Objectives, Strategies and TacticsKeeping in mind what you learned in Chapter 12 about PR Planning and Programming, analyze the campaign you selected and write a paragraph on EACH of the following:V. Evaluating Campaign SuccessWas the campaign a success? Why or why not? Did it make a difference? Did it show measurable results? (RESEARCH THIS AND REPORT WHAT YOU FIND.)REQUIREMENTSYour seven- to eight-page paper should be double-spaced and written in 12-point type. It should be free of spelling, grammar and usage errors. Points will be deducted if your paper does not meet these requirements. Topic:Macy’s Thanksgiving Day ParadeFor the past 75 years, Americans across the country have witnessed hundred-foot helium balloons of cartoon characters floating among Manhattan skyscrapers and Rockettes tap dancing in Herald Square, thanks to a publicity campaign so successful that it is recognized by many as the official kickoff to the holiday shopping season. “The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade is a great, family-oriented annual event that has built awareness and recognition for the Macy’s brand,” said Jon Weisberg.
Question This is a pediatric patient and part of the instructions I have
This is a pediatric patient and part of the instructions I have already completed. I just need the rest completed and I can put it all together if you are unable to do so.
Question Completion of the Bullying The Transformer of Society paper. References and direct
Completion of the Bullying The Transformer of Society paper. References and direct quotes been added, but more can added if necessary. Instructions for the paper are also attached.
“Is universal basic income (UBI) a good solution to current economic problems (such as the predicted rates of unemployment due to automation)?”
Your position should go beyond “yes” or “no,” however; it should make an assertion about UBI (i.e., “UBI [is/will/some other verb]…”).Your thesis should make an assertion about UBI and provide at least three reasons supporting that position. Your essay should use at least four of the sources below, possibly more. I recommend that you read all of them and then select four or more that you want to cite to support your position. Each source you use should be integrated at least once, probably more.Do not use “I,” “you,” or other first or second person pronouns. You may use “we”/”us” if you maintain a formal academic tone while doing so.Format and document this assignment in MLA style, including citations and a works cited page.
Critical Analysis Essay of a Case Study
please read the marking criteria, webinar, the list of sources and case study to be able to do an excellent job.
Question Create a 700- to 1,050-word job aid that includes the following: Assess
Create a 700- to 1,050-word job aid that includes the following: Assess how it will be deployed.Determine what type of training methodology you will use.Evaluate whether or not there is a change management component to its roll-out.Analyze the type of training technology that will be utilized with your aid.Summarize what employees will be able to do after they complete training.
Love Inshallah (Intro-pg 78 AND pgs 129-187) by NURA MAZNAVI and Ayesha Mattu
1. What role does your sexual orientation play in your own life? Do you often even consider it? Why or why not? Could this be related to some type of privilege you have or lack? Use examples from the readings.2. How do sexual orientation and religion intersect in your life? Have your sexuality or spiritual tradition (or the one you raised in if applicable) ever been at odds? How did you resolve the tension? Please don’t reveal more than you feel comfortable with me knowing.3. What did you know about Islam before reading these stories? How is it similar or different to your own faith tradition? Do you have any personal experiences of Islam or Muslim friends or family members?4. Consider our discussions about Intersectionality. Where and how do religion and gender intersect for these women? How might this be different if they were Christians in the US?5. Which story did you most identify with? Which was most foreign?4. What is the benefit of learning about Islam from women who practice it?
Mirror Therapy and Task-Oriented Training for People With a Paretic Upper Extremity
Written summary should include the following:APA citation of articleOne paragraph summarizing the topic of the articleOne – three paragraphs communicating the ‘bottom line’ message of the article – what is (are) the main point(s)/conclusion the author is conveying?Written summary should be typed and utilize professional terminology and concepts. Must have good grammar and spelling
Question Answer these two questions and be sure to label “1.” and “2.”
Answer these two questions and be sure to label “1.” and “2.” before answer each one. I’ve attached the pages of the book that apply, please use them, thank you! 1. “We must recognize the priority of the third-person case, which sees the mind from the outside, as we see the minds of others. The third person is necessary to us since without it we could neither teach nor learn what words like mind, thinking, sensation refer to…”In your own words and based on your own experience of self-discovery, explain what Scruton means when he says: “Learning involves, acquiring and losing beliefs.”2. In the chapter on God, Scruton says (pages 95- 96) that it takes a particular attitude to overcome human estrangement. Recognizing and using this ability allows us to form a perspective on the world that reaches from a point outside it. Then he frames that thought with a simple sentence-“that is what we see in a smile.” What is your understanding of his concept of human estrangement? And do you see his big point that the demoralized world is not the real one, and that it is the task of philosophy to show that it is not so?So, in your own words and from your reading of this chapter on God (as well as your own experience in these matters related to transcendence) how can philosophy offer a way to form the kind of metaphysical bond between subjects in a world of objects?
Question We learn in this module about some of the most common decision-making
We learn in this module about some of the most common decision-making biases that get in the way when we try to optimize the outcomes of our decisions. Think of a time when you were a victim of one or more biases. What was the outcome? How might you bring about a different outcome if a similar experience occurred today? Support your comments by discussing one or more examples from the contemporary environment that parallel your experience. Cite at least one example from popular media (newspaper, radio, television, internet, or podcast, for example).Post your initial response of at least 250 words.12 Decision Making Bias Topics: Overconfidence, Selective Perception, Confirmation, Framing, Immediate Gratification, Anchoring Effect, Availability, Representation, Randomness, Sunk Costs, Self-serving, Hindsight.
Question Instructions :his activity requires the creation of a report on a unique
Instructions :his activity requires the creation of a report on a unique crime prevention strategy or innovative program or practice within your selected nation that you believe could be imported. This report will include background information on the nation, an overview and analysis of the relevant institutions associated with the innovation, relevant data to contextualize the issue, a section detailing the innovation, and lastly an assessment as to the viability of importing the policy or program. This report will be 15-pages (5,250 words) and will include 15 peer-reviewed resources and 10 non-peer-reviewed resources.Class, as you are writing your report this week, I wanted to include the rubric, so you are aware of the key components of the paper and how each is assessed. World Of Crime Considerations Grade Rubric5,250 Words of Content Objective 10 1015 Peer-Reviewed Resources Objective 10 1010 Non-Peer-Reviewed Resources Objective 10 10Mechanics Sentences are complete and grammatical. They flow together easily. Words are well chosen; they express the intended meaning precisely. 10 10Introduction Clearly identifies the purpose of the paper and the importance of the analysis. 15 15Contextualization of The Nation The reader is provided with an adequate foundation enhancing the discussion of the innovation. 25 25An Overview and Analysis of The Relevant Institutions Associated with The Innovation The associated institutions are properly detailed for the reader. 25 25Identification and Discussion of The Impetus for The Innovation The reader is provided with a detailed analysis of the conditions associated with the innovation. Data is provided to the reader to substantiate the claims. Data may reflect qualitative or quantitative sources. 35 35Detailed Overview of The Innovation The reader is provided a detailed overview of the innovation, including identification of the key stakeholders, a discussion of the innovation – as implemented, and any outcome measures associated with its success. 70 70Viability of Importing the Policy or Program The viability analysis is well-supported. Additionally, the analysis displays a thorough understanding of the limitations and opportunities associated with policy importation. 40 40Final 250 250
1) describe how you think each one could help govern a blockchain
1) describe how you think each one could help govern a blockchain environment (and how it differs from a traditional application environment.) Then think of three questions you’d like to ask other students and add these to the end of your thread. You’re not trying to test each other, but you are trying to start a discussion.2)APA format3)800 words4)References
will address the third step in preparing for the Final Paper assignment, considering individualism or collectivism as they apply to you, your choice of work setting and your functioning in a work setting.
This assignment will address the third step in preparing for the Final Paper assignment, considering individualism or collectivism as they apply to you, your choice of work setting and your functioning in a work setting.This topic is covered in last week’s text reading form Twenge, J. M.,
Assignment Course Name – Emerging Threats and Counter measurement
Practical Connection AssignmentCourse Name – Emerging Threats and Counter measurementThis assignment is a written assignment where students will demonstrate how this course research has connected and put into practice within their own career.Assignment: Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study. Requirements:Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited. Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course. Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment. You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.
Lab 4 (the excel program)
This is excel program – Changing Data 1. Create a new table in Chinook called RockTrack that contains all of the tracks in the Rock genre (genreid=1) by executing the following statement:Create table RockTrack as (Select * from track where genreid=1);– After creating the table run the following statement to set the primary key and auto_increment the trackid. If you do not do this, you may have trouble with some of the later queries. ALTER TABLE RockTrack CHANGE trackid trackid INT primary key NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT;– 2. Update trackid 2 to set the price at 1.19– 3. Update all tracks with albumId = 90, to change the composer to Axl Rose– 4. Change trackid 2213 to reflect the following values:– mediatypeid = 3– milliseconds = 234000– bytes = 6500000– unitprice = 1.29– 5. Add a record to the RockTrack table with the following information– Trackid: 3700– Name: MySQL Melodies– AlbumId: 249– MediaTypeId: 1– GenreId: 1– Composer: your name– Milliseconds: 123456– Bytes: 3333333– UnitPrice: .99– 6. Add a record to the RockTrack table with the following information. Accept default values for all other fields– Name: Database Blues– MediaTypeId: 3– Millisecond: 200000– UnitPrice: 1.09– 7. Use a single query to add the following 3 tracks to the RockTrack Table– Name Albumid Mediatypeid Genreid Composer Milliseconds Bytes UnitPrice– Brookhaven Boogie 117 1 1 Thom Chesney 234567 6543210 0.99– Homework Hell 249 1 1 Patti Burks 210987 7654321 0.99– Computer Chaos 17 1 1 null 334455 6789123 0.99– 8. Delete Trackid 2700 from the RockTrack table– 9. Delete all the tracks in the RockTrack table with albumId 249– 10. Delete all the tracks in the RockTrack table that do not have a composer– What happens when you run this query? Why?– When you are done with this lab, you can get rid of the RockTrack table by running this query:DROP table RockTrack;
disability, ableism and ageism and your perception of how to engage these three populations.
Read Chapter 8 of the textbook Developing Multicultural Counseling Competence A Systems Approach by Hayes
a 1-page response addressing the following points:
Review Chapter 7 of the textbook Developing Multicultural Counseling Competence A Systems Approach by Hayes
The Immeasurable World by William Atkins
This is a book review paper on the book The Immeasurable World by William Atkins.NOTE:Make sure the paper is tied to some of the terms from the HISTORY course World Civilizations and the Book.Apply concept or idea from the course to assigned book.This should be a full length 2 pages long with strong thesis, body and conclusion, its for my Seminar senior class, so please attend to it carefully.-Must use footnotes for citations.-Include page numbers.-Use external resources guardedly.-Attach work cited page.-Must be double spaced, 12 point New Times Roman type.-Margins should be no more than one inch from the sides, top and bottom.-Thesis statement must appear in the first paragraph.
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