Question files attached I need 10 000 words firstly (23000 words already written,
files attached I need 10 000 words firstly (23000 words already written, all you need just to add 77000 words), then I need the rest 7300 words till the final deadline
follow the instruction in the video plzz
lear mention of how student had to accommodate to meet the food allotment budget, foods that had to be substituted to stay within the allotment. Mention of challenges following the supplemental food budget. Clear mention of what student learned from this assignment. Mention awareness of food programs.
Question Could you please help me with my two practice experiences – see
Could you please help me with my two practice experiences – see additional files. It is similar to reflective journal style. Two episodes of decision making to show my increasing clinical development. Draw upon research-based evidence that justified my decision.Introduction ( no more than 250 words), 2 decisions making (2×500 words) three reference for each episode. Conclusion (no more than 250 words)- to identify future goals and how I will achieve them. Thank you.
Cyber Security Technology Project: Information Systems and Identity Management
please see project description and requirements in the attached word document.
Ethno Nationalists and Criminal Enterprise Armies
Ethno Nationalists and Criminal Enterprise ArmiesEthno Nationalists and Criminal Enterprise Armies. We are nearing the end of the course, and understanding the growing capabilities of groups like Los Zetas, and others, are critical for developing a more comprehensive view of non- state soldiers.Please, discuss the following:Identifying the Center of Gravity (CoG) of narco-terroristsBlurred lines between political and economic objectivesMorphing political and economic motives.Exploitation of networks created by DTOsCorruption and co-option of the human terrainFully utilize the materials that have been provided to you in order to support your response. This essay should be in APA style 4 full pages at least 275 words per page. Also, it should include an introduction, analysis, a summary, and a minimum of 8 references. You may also use any additional academic references related to the subject. Note: Avoid using passive voice throughout the document. Also, the writing must be free from grammatical errors as well as free of Plagiarism. Please, check the work before delivering it.Reading
Question The paper is written in milestones. I’ve already written the first milestone.
The paper is written in milestones. I’ve already written the first milestone. It needs some corrections. I need milestones 2
Between Qualitative Analysis and Evidence-Based Practice
Submit a 2-page paper that addresses the following:Choose Two of the Following Articles:
Question You must use the provided report template to respond the project tasks,
You must use the provided report template to respond the project tasks, no more than 1 page in length (min. 500 words, max. 600 words).for more detail plz see detil.doc
Byron’s Manfred and his connection between desire and rebellion
develop a thesis about Manfred focusing on the connection between desire and rebellion.Be sure that the essay is primarily analysis of the text (an argument about what the text means) not summary/description (what the text says). Consider questions such as: What social norms does Manfred face in his society? What does he desire that is at odds with those norms? Is rebellion the only way to satisfy his desire? (Keep in mind that we only have each figure’s own viewpoint about the limits that he faced. His bias may very well affect how he represents the impossibilities of his circumstances). What are the consequences for placing individual desire above societal norms? Both of these figures are male – How does gender affect their ability to pursue their desire?
I need someone who watched Reyner Banham Loves Los Angeles and capture
I need someone who watched Reyner Banham Loves Los Angeles and capture an architectural “moment” of a LA that pertains to one of the “Four Ecologies” of LA that Banham describes. (Surfurbia, Foothills, The Plains of Id, and Autopia)Around 120 wordsAlso, I need the image for social media platform with a description of which ecology they chose.
an easy 8 question excel
please find the attached answer the questions from 3-10and please write the steps on how you did it I want to learn not only solving the questions1 and 2 already solved thanks
Assignment 1: Answer the questions attached in a word documentAssignment 2 :
Assignment 1: Answer the questions attached in a word documentAssignment 2 : STUDENT RESEARCH PROJECT AND LESSON PLANPrepare a lesson plan for your class or a group of students to do an in-depth research on a topic in geometry and then prepare a PowerPoint presentation illustrating the topic. Your lesson plan should include the following: lesson title, objectives, grade level, materials, lesson duration, procedure, assessment, technology component, and lesson extension. Prepare a two-page evaluation of the lesson.Scoring Rubrics for Assignment #4Total Value: 30 PointsPresentation and Submission Due: Session 8Objectives: #1, 5, 16, 21, 25AP: # 1 – 12
Report the results of your research into a RESOLUTION. (Communication problems from a big organization as Microsoft between the employees and the enterprise itself.) Meaning employees are not following protocols such as *Do not plug USBs from their workstation, don’t use the similar password etc. Resolution: Implement trainings, use other form of communication, deploy hardware restrictions etc.
1. Analytical Annotated Bibliography: Organization Information Theory (Running Head)2. START the introduction with those words ” Organizational information theory is …………….”3. Give a full understanding of what Organizational Information Theory is in the Intro. Develop a STRONG Thesis Statement on how to overcome the communication problems. 4. This is an Analytical Annotated Bibliography Research Paper.5. Three scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles about communication research studies.
The Business Cycle and the AD-AS Model
Respond to the following prompt in a post with a minimum of 250 words. Please use at least 4 references. While over the long run, the economy grows about 2 to 3% per year on average, over the shorter term, the economy goes through business cycles. Think about the growth rate of GDP, the inflation rate, and the unemployment rate over the last 12 quarters. Once you’ve looked at the data, can you draw conclusions about the state of the economy? Would you describe the economy as booming, recovering, or in recession during the last few years? Why? Use the AD-AS model to illustrate this graphically. Which curve do you think caused the change? Explain your reasoning.
Question Compare and contrast the major symptoms, transmission and occurrence of the acquired
Compare and contrast the major symptoms, transmission and occurrence of the acquired prion diseases consisting of kuru, variant CJD and iatrogenic CJD. Select one of these three transmissible prion diseases, and for your chosen disease, describe the underlying biological mechanisms, pathology and diagnosis.
The Effects of Increasing Enzyme Concentration on Hydroxylamine
Instruction: Please write a Discussion part only: ( only one paragraph) The central question: Can increasing enzyme concentration overcome the effects of an inhibitor?Please write a paragraph with Central Question, reasoning, test used and prediction- Central question Clear ( already given)-Hypothesis answers the central question-Reasons you thought that the hypothesis was right (citation needed -No quotes)-Test used to test hypothesisPredictions of the outcome of the test – if the hypothesis was correct
Question This is a pediatric patient and part of the instructions I have
This is a pediatric patient and part of the instructions I have already completed. I just need the rest completed and I can put it all together if you are unable to do so.
Question Research Essay – follow the Rubric. Must be AGLC Legal Citation format
Research Essay – follow the Rubric. Must be AGLC Legal Citation format
Question Please see attachment, and contact me as soon as possible if you
Please see attachment, and contact me as soon as possible if you have any questions or need any more information. Thank you!
Look at the file below. Make sure you choose an easy topic,
Look at the file below. Make sure you choose an easy topic, like cancer rates around the world or something like that.
Question Submit a paper which is 2-3 pages in length (no more than
Submit a paper which is 2-3 pages in length (no more than 3-pages), exclusive of the reference page. Paper should be double spaced in Times New Roman (or its equivalent) font which is no greater than 12 points in size. The paper should cite at least two sources in APA format. One source can be your textbook.In this paper, in addition to presenting the computed answers, please also discuss how you arrived at each answers the accounting problem asks. The accounting problem presents a company’s statement of cash flows. The Nice Suit Dry Cleaning Company is in the business of dry cleaning. The statement of cash flows has blank lines. Determine the values that would be appropriate for each blank line. Provide a narrative of how you arrived at each value. In doing so, explain the account being valued and its relationship to the other financial data.For example, if a line in the Operating Activities section was missing, explain that you can derive its value based on knowing other related values. Then explain why this line is reported in the Operating Activities.Please refer to the statement of cash flows of the Nice Suit Dry Cleaning here.Superior papers will do the following:Provide correct balances for the blank statement of cash flows account lines.Provide a narrative about how the values were determined.Provide a definition and explanation of each line that was completed.
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