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Question i need help explaing why this query would be important for the business that I am creating a database for. this is the query; /*Which Product is Most Profitable; Highest Sales?*/SELECT TOP 1 b.Procedure_ID, [Name] AS Product, SUM(Cost) AS TotalSales FROM ProcedureType INNER JOIN Invoice b ON a.Procedure_ID = b.Procedure_ID GROUP BY b.Procedure_ID, [Name] ORDER BY TotalSales DESC;


i need help explaing why this query would be important for the business that I am creating a database for. this

is the query; /*Which Product is Most Profitable; Highest Sales?*/SELECT TOP 1 b.Procedure_ID, [Name] AS Product,

SUM(Cost) AS TotalSales

FROM ProcedureType

INNER JOIN Invoice b

ON a.Procedure_ID = b.Procedure_ID

GROUP BY b.Procedure_ID, [Name]


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