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Question Scenario: Green Pastures is a 400-acre farm on the outskirts of the

Scenario: Green Pastures is a 400-acre farm on the outskirts of the Kentucky Bluegrass, specializing in the boarding of broodmares and their foals. A recent economic downturn in the thoroughbred industry has led to a decline in breeding activities, and it has made the boarding business extremely competitive. To meet the competition, Green Pastures planned in 2017 to entertain clients, advertise more extensively, and absorb expenses formerly paid by clients such as veterinary and blacksmith fees.The budget report for 2017 is presented as an attachment. As shown, the static income statement budget for the year is based on an expected 21,900 boarding days at $25 per mare. The variable expenses per mare per day were budgeted: feed $5, veterinary fees $3, blacksmith fees $0.25, and supplies $0.55. All other budgeted expenses were either semifixed or fixed.During the year, management decided not to replace a worker who quit in March, but it did issue a new advertising brochure and did more entertaining of clients. Develop a 700-to 1050-word examination of the financial statements and include the following based on the static budget report:• What was the primary cause(s) of the loss in net income?• Did management do a good, average, or poor job of controlling expenses?• Were management’s decisions to stay competitive sound?• Prepare a flexible budget report for the year.• Based on the flexible budget report:• What was the primary cause(s) of the loss in net income?• Did management do a good, average, or poor job of controlling expenses?• Were management’s decisions to stay competitive sound?• What course of action do you recommend for the management of Green Pastures?

Question Explore the condition of scoliosis and how it affects the health and

Explore the condition of scoliosis and how it affects the health and lives of patients.discuss normal anatomy and physiology of the disease, the changes and implications for practice

Question Guidelines for Submission: Your paper should adhere to the following formatting requirements:

Guidelines for Submission: Your paper should adhere to the following formatting requirements: It should be submitted as an APA-style Microsoft Word (or open source) document, 8–10 pages (not including title and reference pages), double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman font and one-inch margins. There should be a minimum of two references cited in APA format.

Question Make sure to use NSW health document for Q.1 you need to

Make sure to use NSW health document for Q.1 you need to summarise the case study and present what you think are the professional practice issues broadly in context of the case. -talk about the negligence of the nurse

E-Commerce vs Brick

Please follow the provided instructions. Write and essay using 2 or more paragraphs on ANY topic. Use a 1 line title that describes your essay. It should also be:This will also be viewed in TURNITIN. Contain the words, “WSJ Citation,” at bottom where your Wall Street Journal Citation should be. (And replace it with the link if using online or “WSJ, 8/16, PA1,” if using paper edition on 1st module assignment)Double space below title, between paragraphs, and above citation.Single space between lines in paragraphs. (Quick tip: right click, choose paragraph, and change spacing to “single” or 1.0. Most Word documents are 1.08 or 1.15.)

Question Has the composition of police departments changed with regard to race, ethnicity,

Has the composition of police departments changed with regard to race, ethnicity, and gender? Do you think this has helped improve policing? What improvements would you make? APA formatting is required with a minimum word count of 500 words.

Cases Analysis of Risk, Uncertainty and Managing Incentives

Select a company of your choice. You may do any corporation except Southwest Airlines, and write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: Evaluate a company’s recent (with in the last year) actions dealing with risk and uncertainty. Offer advice for improving risk management. For the company you selected examine an adverse selection problem and recommend how it should minimize its negative impact on transactions. For the company you selected determine the ways in which it is dealing with the moral hazard problem and suggest best practices used in the industry to deal with it. For the company you selected identify a principal-agent problem and evaluate the tools it uses to align incentives and improve profitability. For the company you selected examine the organizational structure and suggests ways it can be changed to improve the overall profitability. Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: One of your references regarding your research should have been published within the last 6 months. Note: Wikipedia and Investopedia do not qualify as an academic resource.Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Application of a Shared Theory or Model to Primary Care Advanced Practice Nursing

For this discussion, choose one of the four shared theories or models (Knowles Theory of Adult Learning, Prochaska and DiClemente’s Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change, Bandura’s Social Learning Theory, or Maslow’s Human Motivation and Hierarchy of Basic Human Needs from Week 8’s Learning Materials) as the focus of your initial post.Initial PostPlease respond to the following prompt:Applying your selected model to your primary care specialty, describe how you would use the model in intervening with a patient-care problem focusing on assessment, counseling, and teaching (for example: PNP: Adolescents with Type One diabetes; Women’s Health: Mothers with postpartum depression; Adult Geriatric NP: Older widower coping with their spouse’s death).Your initial post should contain two to three (2–3) paragraphs with three to four 3–4 sentences per paragraph. The post should integrate a minimum of three readings and/or other evidence-based research articles no more than three years old and use APA formatting for citations and references.

Question There are 7 questions in the file, each question needs to be

There are 7 questions in the file, each question needs to be answered but it does not require to be any longer than one paragraph (400 words max).

Question Process: You will search relevant databases and choose four (4) peer reviewed

Process: You will search relevant databases and choose four (4) peer reviewed articles on “Reflection, Reflective Practice, Critical Reflection, Reflective Practitioner”. The articles must be from recent, (published in the last ten years) refereed journals. It is recommended that you select articles that relate to your professional area of practice (which for me is Psychology or if counselling is easier, happy to go with that option too). For each of the four articles in the annotated bibliography commence with the full bibliographic reference using the example in the attachment. Note that APA referencing is used. In 800 words (200 words per article – excluding the bibliographic reference) use the following process in your own words as shown in the template:• the broad aim/scope and a brief outline of the main ideas• limitations, evidence, applicability to reflections on professional practice• possible audience, relevance for topic, what the text offers• In a further 200 words provide a conclusion (synthesis) of the overall findings as you understand them.**So essentially it’s four articles and there is a 200 word count for each, and then there should be a 5th paragraph, which is the synthesis, which we write drawing the articles together. There is an example in the attachment as well – let me know if you have any questions 🙂

Question I am working on a website for my final project. The website

I am working on a website for my final project. The website called “Art Connects Network”, but at the same time I have to conduct a research trying find out how the idea of getting art consumers and artists together can make significant impact on the society? on poeple’s life style, psychology, creativity, etc ? For that reason I have to conduct a research. I actually did some work for the documentation of the web development which is, based on the UX design principals. I need in total 8000 wordings. Approximately 4000 wordings will be rewriting and the other 4000 will be creating a documentation for the research project. Please have a look at the uploaded file, it will make more sense when you go through the documentation file.During the research process we have to ask certain questions and find answer to these questions, such as ; why do the users need to meet art providers? What kind of impact does it make on the art lovers and the artists? How do we pick participants? How many participants involved? Who are they? What kind of questions did we ask? what did we find out as a result of the research? How did we come to that conclusion? Why and How does the website builds and promotes strong relationships between cultural consumers and artists. How do the participants find information about particularly contemporary, modern arts which is usually considered abstruse art.?( For instance; Participant have mentioned how hard it is to comprehend the modern arts. Therefore he always desired to be able reach out to a post-modern artist and to be able ask questions about the artwork itself? Was the color composition and proposition designed on purpose? Or was it just a coincidence? etc…)

Question thank you very much for your help. it is one dissertation about

thank you very much for your help. it is one dissertation about the technologies used in museums and galleries. the details are similar to the former one. the former one I have upload it in the attachment and I also send it to you for revision. I like the former one you sent to me, but I think it is more like the introduction rather than analysis. so I think you need to talk about why this topic.—you can see some comments for the revision document improve-copy.docx.please also see the sample essays in the attachment to finish the whole one.the reference demand I also attach it below, please follow it.I will give you more details in the future, please also send me a is better to get A cause others of my assignments are B. so the lowest grade is B. could you please see the criteria in the upload addition, i will take an interview with 4 curators from both Britain and China, and I will add the information of it.please also see some essays/ articles and books and use little from BENAYOUN, MAURICE who is my ideal professor if possible for phd. may be useful for the topic of writing.tomorrow i will ask for the structure to my supervisor, I will tell you if the structure is available to write.i will upload some more documents tomorrow.thank you

Relationship between police tactics and the fall in a specific crime

Crime science paper exploring the relationship between the metropolitan police’s tactics (Op Venice and ‘Be Safe’ Campaign) to the rise and fall of motorbike assisted snatch thefts. Timeline is very limited and a template with direction is attached. I will require the Methods, Data and Results section asap including Index charts and script analysis for motorbike assisted theft of person.

Question Depend on the three articles to answer the questions on the “Final-Short

Depend on the three articles to answer the questions on the “Final-Short Essay Questions”

Question to rewrite my work in order to improve the grade from 28%

to rewrite my work in order to improve the grade from 28% to 40%

Gen Y Rocks the Business World

I need one page answering the discussion questions in APA format and citation. The case study and question are attached in the “Upload files”

Question Hi. I need poster 500 words and 1000 written justification. I am

Hi. I need poster 500 words and 1000 written justification. I am attaching exampler from uni. You can use the same risk factor fall over 65 year. Exampler is 2500 word from that i don’t need introduction, conclusion, the rationale for poster and rationale for aesthetic features. Please follow marking criteria. and follow exampler. Regards

Question Please review and follow my instructor instructions. Please check for spelling and

Please review and follow my instructor instructions. Please check for spelling and grammar errors. I will upload the instructions and the article for the writer to read.

Case Conceptualization, Consultation, Treatment, and Outcome Assessment Plan

Advocacy and Consultation StrategiesDescribe advocacy strategies within a consultation-intervention plan that could promote social justice for diverse populations and improve their well-being at the individual, system, and policy levels, demonstrating skills of leadership in consultation. **Using the case scenario attached for Carmen.**Treatment Plan OverviewComplete the following:• Apply the Cognitive Behavior Therapy approach describing how it is sensitive to diverse client characteristics and experiences.• Long-term goals: List 2–3 broad goals collaborated between the client and the counselor to be achieved by the end of counseling. (These will tie directly back into the client’s case conceptualization.) **Attached• These broad goals will speak to the client’s most basic needs, issues, or goals at this time.o Short-term objectives: For each long-term goal, create 3–4 objectives that are specific, measurable, attainable, and realistic, and can be accomplished by the client in a short period of time. Objectives help the client see success in small steps in treatment, which instills hope. It also helps the counselor chart client progress and plan treatment sessions.o Interventions: Cite exactly which evidence-based theoretical interventions would be used with the client in the counseling sessions to meet the client and counselor’s co-constructed objectives.Treatment Outcome EvaluationIdentify 2 specific methods that may be used to monitor treatment interventions and for evaluating counseling effectiveness.***Please note this is a paper on counseling NOT a physician, please use the counseling model Cognitive Behavior Therapy.

financial crime by leaders of previous government in malaysia

1. What are the major types of economic crimes that have been committed by leaders of previous government in Malaysia?2. Why are economic crimes persistent in Malaysia and what are the drivers of frauds in the economic sectors that influence all the transactions of the former government?3. How can current and future Malaysia governments construct a comprehensive anti-money crime regime and well-developed regulatory framework as a solution to the problem?

Question Do you think applying probability can enhance decision making? Invent a business

Do you think applying probability can enhance decision making? Invent a business situation (once again, supply quantitative information that supports your narrative) that demonstrates the use of probability in sales forecasting, scenario analysis, or risk evaluation. Be sure the explanation clearly describes how probability data enhances meaningful input into the decision-making process by including a quantitative example.

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