Question The document Attached is a discussion for another student . The student
The document Attached is a discussion for another student . The student sided with the hospital. Explain why you have the stronger case. Remember to stick to the facts as presented and to avoid making assumptions or generalizations. A strong legal argument applies the facts to the law to reach a conclusion that supports your position.
program that uses a custom method with a print statement inside it
Write a program that uses a custom method with a print statement inside it.Your report should include:• 5 points: Your name• 20 points:A single question describing what the question is asking• 30 points:Your code• 10 points:Your code output• 10 points:A discussion of your solution
Go on a deceptive message hunt. Search through current news media content
Go on a deceptive message hunt. Search through current news media content to identify an example of a deceptive message. Then build a case study that (1) describes the deception and (2) suggests the motivations for the deception. Finally, write a brief correction of the deceptive content. Paper length: One to two pages.
World of Crime Activity in Italy
Instructions:This activity tasks you with identifying and comparing crime rates within your nation in comparison to comparable nations (i.e., not comparing a developed nation with a developing nation) or undertaking a trend analysis. While seemingly an easy task, you must consider issues of legal codification, operationalization, and other factors influencing those rates. Be mindful of using an appropriate comparative frame. You have 15 minutes to present your descriptive (or inferential) analysis using a PPT and Voice Insertion. This presentation should have at a minimum of 15-slides of content.
Using Oral Care to Prevent Non Ventilator acquired pneumonia
Paper must be 3 pages and a reference list list. articles shouldbe researched or evidenced based, preferably from nursing journals. double spaced one inch margins with times new roman size 12 font. cite all sources quoted paraphrased in the paper using APA format. Dis cuss one 2019 Hospital National Patient Goal within the paper and how it relates to the paper.
Discipline: – Design Type of service: Research Paper Spacing: Double spacing Paper format: MLA Number of
Discipline: – Design Type of service: Research Paper Spacing: Double spacing Paper format: MLA Number of pages: 2 pages Number of sources: 2 sources Paper detalis: The essay should be 2-page paper , and use double space. Sketch pictures chould not be counted into the words. If you use two sketches, and they account for one page. The article should be 3 pages because sketch pictures occupy one page. the subject you choose should be in specific time period, such as Arts and Craft/Mission (1880 to1920)’s furniture. You just need to help me find 2 2 hybrid digital/ manual sketches , and each sketch must include notations with arrows describing the design. If the picture you find does not have enough description, please add some description, so I can follow what you did to do the sketch again. sources are not required, if you use any sources, please follow MLA format.
program that uses a custom method with a print statement inside it
Write a program that uses a custom method with a print statement inside it.Your report should include:• 5 points: Your name• 20 points:A single question describing what the question is asking• 30 points:Your code• 10 points:Your code output• 10 points:A discussion of your solution
Please click on the link below to access your homework assignment. PRS_601_Assignment_4.docxAs
Please click on the link below to access your homework assignment. PRS_601_Assignment_4.docxAs you work through the homework assignment, you will need the following file:GSS2014_selected_data_for_homework_4.sav
I have attached the readings required to begin answering the questions for
I have attached the readings required to begin answering the questions for the essay.Format: 2½–3 pages, 1” margins, double-spaced, 10-12 pt font. Please do not add a cover sheet. Simply include your name, course number , and Essay 2 at the top of the page (either centered or adjusted left).Also, no secondary sources are required. You need only refer to the reading assignments (and lectures, when appropriate). However, whenever you cite or quote from your textbook, The American Indian Intellectual Tradition, please state the page number in parentheses at the end of your citation or quotation. For example, “William Apess brings up the issue of a disputed deed to Marshpee land, which he makes the central part of his argument to the Massachusetts General Court that the state is responsible for redressing the Marshpee’s grievance against Phineas Fish (64-65).” Furthermore, whenever making a direct quote from the book, quotations should be brief, a sentence or two at a time. Please avoid using lengthy block quotes.Instructions: Making references to the authors read in Part 2 of your textbook, The American Indian Intellectual Tradition, namely La Flesche, Johnson, Winnemucca, Kellogg, Coolidge, Wheelock, Roe Cloud, Parker, Montezuma, Eastman, and Zitkala-Sa, answer the following questions:(NB: When answering the above questions, it is important that you do not simply reference the same readings in each answer. Mix it up a bit.)
program that uses a custom method with a print statement inside it
Write a program that uses a custom method with a print statement inside it.Your report should include:• 5 points: Your name• 20 points:A single question describing what the question is asking• 30 points:Your code• 10 points:Your code output• 10 points:A discussion of your solution
Please click on the link below to access your homework assignment. PRS_601_Assignment_4.docxAs
Please click on the link below to access your homework assignment. PRS_601_Assignment_4.docxAs you work through the homework assignment, you will need the following file:GSS2014_selected_data_for_homework_4.sav
Education- Four components of the gradual release model
View the video on the Gradual Release Model: (Links to an external site.) and read the following article about the Gradual Release Model “Effective Use of the Gradual Release of Responsibility Model” by Dr. Douglas Fisher: (Links to an external site.)In a double-spaced one-page word document, describe each of the four components of the gradual release model and why each of the components is important? Why is it important to explicitly teach students reading skills and strategies? Please write and type the paper accurately and no plagiarizing. Please write the paper to the question asked. Thank you
A Blueprint For War FDR and the hundred days that mobilized America
Dunn examines Franklin Roosevelt’s process of developing a new American foreign policy after the German invasion of Poland. Evaluate her argument regarding Roosevelt’s role in shifting American foreign policy priorities.
Question I need a 5 page Literature review on Stress and Study Habits.
I need a 5 page Literature review on Stress and Study Habits. I need 5 different peer reviewed articles included in the paper. The paper needs to focus on how Stress affects Study Habits. One of the requirements is to have a Methodology and Conclusions section based on the articles picked. So please make sure to pick article that test for stress on study habits. PLEASE READ THE DOCUMENT LABELED “Literature Review Rubric” for guidelines of paper. Please also read “Psyc 318_Literature Review…” for more help with literature review.
Question I need a 5 page Literature review on Stress and Study Habits.
I need a 5 page Literature review on Stress and Study Habits. I need 5 different peer reviewed articles included in the paper. The paper needs to focus on how Stress affects Study Habits. One of the requirements is to have a Methodology and Conclusions section based on the articles picked. So please make sure to pick article that test for stress on study habits. PLEASE READ THE DOCUMENT LABELED “Literature Review Rubric” for guidelines of paper. Please also read “Psyc 318_Literature Review…” for more help with literature review.
Question Case Study : Munny KaewMunny is a 45-year-old Cambodian man who lives
Case Study : Munny KaewMunny is a 45-year-old Cambodian man who lives in Western Sydney with his wife, Ary, and their three children, agirl Chan aged 10, and twin sons, Prak and Rith, aged 6 years. He has presented at the community centre with hiswife. Ary is very worried that Munny has not been his usual self since he was interviewed by his employer six weeks ago.Munny has worked in a large bakery for the last five years that supplies bread for large supermarket chains. Hefinds this job stressful because he has to start work at 1 am but he says that he enjoys his work once he gets there.However, when his employer spoke to him, he was very surprised to learn that his employer was not satisfied with hiswork and that if it did not improve, Munny would lose his job.Since that incident, Munny has become less and less communicative at home. He is taking increasing amountsof sick leave and when he is not at work, he spends most of his time in bed. Now he rarely takes notice of hischildren, who were previously the centre of his attention, and no longer does anything around the house. Ary is alsoworried because Munny is not showing any interest in food and believes he has lost a significant amount of weight.Ary says that she has tried to talk to Munny but he only speaks in one word answers and says that he is fine and toleave him alone.Ary tells you that Munny’s family were forced to move from their home into the countryside during the KhmerRouge period in Cambodia in 1975. His father was shot by the Khmer Rouge. After that, Munny and his motherescaped but had to live in a refugee camp in Thailand until they received a visa to Australia in 1985. After finishingschool in Australia, Munny started a degree in law but soon dropped out and started an apprenticeship as a baker.He was always very proud that he could support his family, including his mother.Munny was always very close to his mother, but she died after a long battle with cancer 6 months ago. AlthoughMunny visited his mother every day during her illness, Ary worries that he did not take time off work after she died.She says that Munny just wanted to keep going so he did not have to think about losing his mother.When Munny comes to the centre, he was well dressed but his clothes are loose fitting. He is slumped in hischair and staring at the floor. When he is greeted by the nurse, he does not make eye contact and only gives monosyllabicanswers to any questions saying ’fine’ or ’no problems’. However, when the nurse asks if Munny has everthought about whether life was worth living, he shook his head. When asked how his family might feel if anythinghappened to him, Munny simply shrugs his shoulders. Munny then asks the nurse to leave him alone because hedoesn’t want to talk about anything anymore1. Question 1. 500 words. 2. Template 500 words, template provided. (needs additional references)
[Revision] Introduction to the Literature Review/Benchmark – Drafting a Literature Review
Part A assignment (15 articles)Part B assignment (30 articles including 15 articles from part 1 assignment)Article must be less than 5 yearsPlease, address all areaAssignments has two parts ( A and B)Please use my PICOT: In elderly patients with urinary incontinence, what is the effect of bladder training for three-months compared to no bladder training in reducing nighttime bladder incontinence within six months?
Catholic: Read Chapter Twenty One, The Age of France then answer all twenty five questions.
ESSAY IS NOT NEEDED I WILL BE CHECKING FOR ANY PLAGIARISM Read Chapter Twenty-One, The Age of France, then answer all 25 questions IN YOUR OWN WORDS.All 25 questions are uploaded in files.Full Chapter Twenty-One book is uploaded in files.
Leverage, Capital Structure, and Dividend Policy
Module 4 – CaseLEVERAGE, CAPITAL STRUCTURE, AND DIVIDEND POLICYAssignment OverviewBefore starting on this assignment, make sure to carefully review the background readings. Part A requires you to make some computations, and Part B requires you to analyze some scenarios using your knowledge of the concepts. So make sure to go through the computational examples in the required readings and also thoroughly review the key concepts before starting on this assignment.Case AssignmentPart A: Quantitative Problems1. Suppose QuickCharge Corporation manufactures phone chargers. They sell their chargers for $20. Their fixed operating costs are $100,000 and their variable operating costs are $10 per charger. Currently they are selling 30,000 chargers per year.A. What is QuickCharge’s EBIT (earnings before interest and taxes) at current sales of 30,000?B. What is QuickCharge’s breakeven point?C. Calculate the EBIT if QuickCharge’s sales increase 50% to 45,000 chargers. What is the percent of change in EBIT under this increase in sales? Also, calculate the EBIT if the company’s sales decrease 50% to 15,000 chargers. What is the percent of change in EBIT under this decrease in sales?D. What is QuickCharge’s degree of operating leverage? Based on your computation, what does its operating leverage say about QuickCharge’s business risk?2. The StayDry Umbrella Corporation will have an EBIT of $100,000 if there is a normal amount of rain this year. But if there is a drought, they will have an EBIT of only $50,000. The interest rate on debt is 10%, and the tax rate is 35%. The company does not pay any preferred dividends.A. If StayDry has zero debt and 50,000 outstanding shares, what will its EPS (earnings per share) be if there is normal rain? What will its EPS be if there is a drought? What is its DFL (degree of financial leverage)?B. Now suppose StayDry has decided to take on $300,000 in debt and has used these funds to buy back half of the outstanding shares so now there are only 25,000 outstanding shares. What is the new EPS and DFL for both normal rain and drought?C. Based on your answers to a) and b) above, what are the trade-offs management has to make between zero debt or $300,000 in debt? What are the benefits and disadvantages of taking on this debt?Part B: Conceptual Questions1. For each of the following scenarios, explain whether the situation describes financial risk or business risk. Explain your answers to each scenario using at least one of the references from the background readings:A. A pharmaceutical company has developed a new cancer treatment drug that has a much higher success rate than other drugs currently in the market. It has the potential to triple the company’s profits. However, the FDA has expressed concern about some side effects, and it is not clear if the FDA will approve the drug.B. An airline has an EBIT of $100 million per year. However, it also has a huge amount of debt and pays $97 million per year in interest. Its EBIT is relatively stable but tends to go up or down by $5 million or so each year depending on the economy.C. A basketball franchise earns an EBIT of $50 million a year when its team has a winning year. However, it earns only $10 million when its team has a losing year.2. Explain what capital structure theory (or theories) best describes the following situations. Make sure to cite at least one of the required textbook chapters for each answer, and to cite at least two references for this section:A. A CEO decides to borrow $50,000 in new debt, and the share prices rise dramatically. He then decides to sell half of his own personal shares, and when this is reported in the Wall Street Journal, the share prices drop dramatically in value.B. The corporate tax rate rises from 35% to 45%, and the XYZ Corporation decides to issue more debt. A year later, bankruptcy laws are changed to become much stricter and costlier. XYZ then decides to pay back half of its debt.C. A CEO named Joe Bigwig is known for living large with very expensive cars and a huge mansion. Joe is seeking a large loan from a bank to finance some new projects for his corporation. However, the bank becomes concerned when they find out that he recently used company funds to buy a brand-new company jet and also schedules numerous business trips to Hawaii and stays in five-star hotels. The bank tells Joe he will receive the loan only if he agrees to scale back on his personal expenses and not give himself or any other executives a raise until the loan is paid back.
Leverage, Capital Structure, and Dividend Policy – SLP
Module 4 – SLPLEVERAGE, CAPITAL STRUCTURE, AND DIVIDEND POLICYReview the 1) dividends for the past three years and 2) capital structure of the company you have been researching for your SLP assignment. Then answer the following questions in a Word document (except for the Excel portion specifically noted). The paper should be 2 pages in length.1. What has occurred with your selected company’s dividend payout, dividend yield, and dividend per share over the past three years? Do you have any explanations for what has occurred? Also, has this company had any stock splits or stock repurchases in recent years?2. How does your selected company’s dividend payout, dividend yield, and dividend per share compare with other companies in its industry? Has the company’s dividend strategy been similar to other companies in its industry?3. Use Excel to plot your selected company’s earnings and dividends over the past three years. Do you notice any patterns? What dividend policies from the background readings best match these patterns?SLP Assignment Expectations• Answer the assignment questions directly.• Stay focused on the precise assignment questions. Do not go off on tangents or devote a lot of space to summarizing general background materials.• For computational problems, make sure to show your work and explain your steps.• For short answer/short essay questions, make sure to reference your sources of information with both a bibliography and in-text citations.
Question This is a synthesis essay. Please really follow the instruction. Follow the
This is a synthesis essay. Please really follow the instruction. Follow the paper 1 prompt. Thanks a lot!
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