Question You are a newly hired project coordinator at the human services agency
You are a newly hired project coordinator at the human services agency “Smart Human Services Horizons” located in New York State. This agency is a non-profit organization with a typical structure. The agency is currently expanding its reach and has asked you to identify an issue that should be added to the agency’s portfolio. As a project coordinator, your task is to identify the issue, explain your selection, develop your knowledge of the issue by doing review of the scholarly articles and keeping weekly logs of the information you find in the news articles, and finally present your findings in the final paper.Final Project Part 2: Background ResearchIn this part of the project, you need to complete a background research on the selected issue by reviewing and summarizing at least four (4) scholarly articles from one of the social science (i.e., sociology, criminology, social work) journals related to the issue your selected. Each summary should be at least 300 words. Review Useful Resource block on this page if you need more information on the scholarly articles, including how to find them and how to read them. Some areas to consider for your research of the issue:Historical background of the issueCurrent state of researchIntervention evaluationLegislation related to the issueFunding issues
Question Elementary School Teachers: Video 15: Phonemes Linked to Letters (Links to an
Elementary School Teachers: Video 15: Phonemes Linked to Letters (Links to an external site.) Video 15: Phonemes Linked to Letters Secondary School Teachers: Spot
Question I attached 3 files; Instruction, chart and graph, and example. There is
I attached 3 files; Instruction, chart and graph, and example. There is two part for this assignment. Part 1 is creating charts and tables with data that is already done. Please use the file “Part 1_DATA ANALYSIS_chart_table” for the Part 2. “Instruction_data analysis.pdf” is the instruction. “Comprehensive-Plan_-QueenCity.pdf” is great example of the data analysis report. If the source is used, it should be cited in APA format.
Question Please find the rewrite attached file.The following 4 points must take into
Please find the rewrite attached file.The following 4 points must take into consideration.1.The rewrite paper must have the same meaning and must be easy to follow, clear and correct.2.Additional words/sentences can be used to make it more logical and clear. 3.Any sort of colloquial wording is not exceptable and must be avoided. 4.One page abstract is required.
1 Peer Review 2 Students?
Investigate the library and Internet for information about virtual technologies and how these technologies can help organizations achieve their business goals. Complete the following:Responses to Other Students: Respond to at least 2 of your fellow classmates with at least a 300-word reply about their Primary Task Response regarding items you found to be compelling and enlightening. To help you with your discussion, please consider the following questions:
Three Levels of Ethical Analysis Paper
Read the posted article called “Business Leadership: Three Levels of Ethical Analysis” and write a paper discussing your understanding of the model presented and how it relates to leadership. Use the Gibbs’ Cycle to discuss concepts in the article and relate them to how you personally deal with these type of situations. Provide example(s) to substantiate and analyze concepts from the Three Levels of Ethical Analysis paper. Discuss how your actions relate to the three levels in the paper. Write the paper using APA style with between 8 and 10 citations and references, in addition to the textbook, including several peer reviewed references. All sources MUST HAVE: authors, publication dates, and publishers. “Anonymous” authors, and sources without dates or publishers will not be accepted as valid sources and marks will be deducted.The paper should be at least 1750 words, and should exhibit good writing and analytical skills – review the marking rubric. It holds a value of 10% of your final mark.Please read chapter 4 and 5 in the text book Leadership for more definition about ethics in business.Please read the Rubics to know how score is graded.
in Strategic Planning: Challenges and Problems
prepare a literature review using only research articles from MIS Quarterly or the Communications of the ACM or the European Journal of Information Systems in the literature review to justify the important of this research topic. This 30 page APA paper should end with a diagram of the research model this is supported by at least 40 references in your reference list that you cite in this paper.Any text from other sources should be a quotation per APA and you can only use one quotation in this paper.
Question For this assignment, answer the questions below.Explain the concept of coping, and
For this assignment, answer the questions below.Explain the concept of coping, and explain the relationship between personality and coping. Define social support and explain the different forms of social support. Why do you think the happiness video was included in this module?IMPORTANT:You are required to include both in-text and a list of citations, even if you are using information from your textbook. Citations must be in APA style.PLEASE REFERENCE CHAPTER 7 IN THE ATTACHMENT FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT. PLEASE READ AND FOLLOW THE ASSIGNMENT DIRECTIONS ABOVE VERY CAREFULLY.
Reading Response for Edwin Dansons: Drawing the Line: How Mason and Dixon surveyed the Most Famous Border in America
4 full pages reading response to edwin dansons book no outside sources, sources must come from the book 12 font chicago style citations with footnotes- CANNOT BE ENDNOTES
Hello this is H.W in SAS programming please if your an expert
Hello this is H.W in SAS programming please if your an expert in SASI need your help to find the right codes for these questions
Question!/4/4@0.00:0.00Understanding Intercultural Communication by Stella Ting-ToomeyFor login and password information, please, contact!/4/4@0.00:0.00Understanding Intercultural Communication by Stella Ting-ToomeyFor login and password information, please, contact support team.Instructions will be uploaded
ART 4354 Modern Mexican Art 1785-1940- 90L
(Question 1) In Lectures #3 and #4 we examined respectively the Traveling Artists and the Discovery of Mexico’s Antiquity These two subjects are connected, you must tell me how. Please write a small on-page essay (no less than three paragraphs long or around 250 words), explaining the connection and summarizing these two lectures. Mention specific artists by their full name and proper identification of their art works. Citations of art works should contain the full name of author, as well as the title, date of execution and medium of the works you mention. Include also correct citations of the parts of the articles and other sources you use. Mention concepts such as for example costumbrismo and picturesque and relate your argument with ideas discussed in other lectures and readings for module #1). Make sure you address the two subjects in a comprehensive way.Grades will be based on the successful completion of task as describe and on the demonstration of extra research on the topic that is, ideas and insights from sources rather than the lecture and assigned readings(Question 2)Please identify the two works (artist name, title of the work, medium, date and country of origin of the artists). Write a small on-page essay (no less than three paragraphs long or around 250 words) comparing and contrasting these two images. Here are some instructions on how to write a slide comparison. Please include correct citations of the parts of the articles and other sources you use. Related concepts and ideas discussed in previous lectures in your analysis. What do they have in common or on how and on what they differ? Mention the dates of their production and their social and historical importance. Who are the artists involved? Follow this specified format and make sure to address all the specific points listed above. Grades will be based on the successful completion of task as describe, so please follow the instructions, and on the demonstration of extra research on the topic that is, ideas and insights from sources rather than the lecture and assigned reading.NOTE* each question for each paper *Word document
I need someone who can watch the Reyner Banham Loves Los Angeles
I need someone who can watch the Reyner Banham Loves Los Angeles and capture an architectural “moment” of a LA that pertains to one of the “Four Ecologies” of LA that Banham describes. (Surfurbia, Foothills, The Plains of Id, and Autopia)Around 120-150 wordsAlso, I need the image for social media platform with a description of which ecology they chose.
Write for 5-10 minutes on either of the following questions:What are you
Write for 5-10 minutes on either of the following questions:What are you thinking about writing about for Essay #3 Creative Research Paper? Remember that you need to do library research as well as three pieces of field work (interviews, observations, or participation) for this topic. Essay 3 topic: Your essay 3 can be about anything. Topics have included the tax system here and in China, compensated dating, anxiety, music’s influence on our psychology state, online dating, the Iraq War, ethnic/religious discrimination in Indonesian politics,concussions, the deterioration of the ocean environment, social media, gender and the fashion industry, refusing marriage, whether a college education is worthwhile, etc. I’d like you to come up with one or morecritical questionsabout your topic to focus thedirection of your research and writing (see handout). Run your critical question through the litmus test to make sure it is a good one. By the end of the week, I want you to settle on a topic and write a proposal (see handout for directions).
Write for 5-10 minutes on either of the following questions:What are you
Write for 5-10 minutes on either of the following questions:What are you thinking about writing about for Essay #3 Creative Research Paper? Remember that you need to do library research as well as three pieces of field work (interviews, observations, or participation) for this topic.Essay 3 topic: Your essay 3 can be about anything. Topics have included the tax system here and in China, compensated dating, anxiety, music’s influence on our psychology state, online dating, the Iraq War, ethnic/religious discrimination in Indonesian politics,concussions, the deterioration of the ocean environment, social media, gender and the fashion industry, refusing marriage, whether a college education is worthwhile, etc.I’d like you to come up with one or morecritical questionsabout your topic to focus thedirection of your research and writing (see handout). Run your critical question through the litmus test to make sure it is a good one. By the end of the week, I want you to settle on a topic and write a proposal (see handout for directions).Note on Essay 1: In regards to your final essay #1, please write a “Note to Jeannie” that describes your process for writing the essay: What worked well for you? What didn’t work so well? What would you do differently if you could? Please mention some specifics about your essay–your introduction, for example, or a sentence you liked in one of your paragraphs, or something you think is still choppy or messy from your conclusion and why (one paragraph double-spaced). Please submit to the designated dropbox ( I will upload my essay to u )
Cause Effect Paragraph AssignmentTopics:➢ Effects of Divorce (Effect ParagraphYou must include:o A
Cause Effect Paragraph AssignmentTopics:➢ Effects of Divorce (Effect ParagraphYou must include:o A topic sentence with controlling idea.o 3 general supporting sentences:1- lack of communication2- abuse: Like physical and em3- infidelity o Detail sentences explaining your general points (personal story, examples, explanation, facts, compare/contrast, quote, etc.)o I would like you to interview someone about your topic: a friend, co-worker, fellow student, etc. and include their response in your paragraph as support.o A concluding sentence: restatement of topic sentence, opinion, suggestion/advice, prediction)
I need someone who can watch the Reyner Banham Loves Los Angeles
I need someone who can watch the Reyner Banham Loves Los Angeles and capture an architectural “moment” of a LA that pertains to one of the “Four Ecologies” of LA that Banham describes. (Surfurbia, Foothills, The Plains of Id, and Autopia)Around 120-150 wordsAlso, I need the image for social media platform with a description of which ecology they chose.
Discipline: – Computer Science Type of service: Essay Spacing: Double spacing Paper format: APA Number of
Discipline: – Computer Science Type of service: Essay Spacing: Double spacing Paper format: APA Number of pages: 2 pages Number of sources: 4 sources Paper detalis: Instructions The purpose of this homework assignment is to allow you to research the Enron fraud case and the compliance requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. You are to complete the following components: Provide researched information and references documenting your findings. Identify elements of fraud and compliance laws that have been drafted as a result of Enron and other industries. Write an executive summary describing the Enron fraud case’s impact and the U.S. government’s reaction to it. Complete each section of the lab by following the instructions for the exercises in each section. You will use a text document to develop your homework assignment by completing the sections listed below: Lab 1.1a From your computer workstation, create a new document called SOX Lab 1. Once you have created the document, complete the following exercises, and save your responses as the SOX homework assignment #1. 1. On your local computer, create the lab deliverable files. o Review the following information about the Enron Corporation: o Enron Corporation was an energy company that, at one point, was the seventh largest company in the United States and the largest trader of natural gas and electricity in the country. Enron started in the mid ‘80s and, by the ‘90s, the company was involved with trading and ownership in electric, coal, steel, paper, water, and broadband capacity. In 2001, Enron filed for bankruptcy, making it the largest bankruptcy in history at the time. An accounting scandal caused the company’s collapse. Thousands of Enron’s employees were laid off. Employees lost their life savings because of the loss of the company’s stock. Shareholders lost $11 billion. 2. On your local computer, open a new Internet browser window. 3. Using your favorite search engine, search for more information on the following topics regarding the Enron fraud case: o early history of the investigation, o misleading financial accounts, o accounting scandal of 2001, and o California’s deregulation and subsequent energy crisis. 4. In your homework assignment, summarize your findings and the differences between governance and compliance connected to the Enron case. Lab 1.1b 1. Using your favorite search engine, search for more information on the following topics regarding the requirements of Sarbanes-Oxley: o Incidents that led to passage of SOX Chronology of SOX passage from bill proposal through signing into law o Pros and cons of Sarbanes-Oxley o Sarbanes-Oxley Section 302 o Sarbanes-Oxley Section 401 o Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404 o Section 404’s consequences from small businesses o Sarbanes-Oxley Section 802 o Sarbanes-Oxley Section 1107 2. In your homework assignment, describe the elements of the fraud Enron committed that led to the creation of SOX. 3. In your homework assignment, identify the other U.S. compliance laws that have been drafted as a result of the Enron case. Lab 1.2 In your homework assignment, write an executive summary describing the impact of Enron’s fraud case, describe the components of IT assessments and IT audits, and the U.S. government’s reaction to it and to other industry compliance needs. NOTE: When you submit your homework assignment, you should combine the assignments into one document for grading. Please clearly mark the answers for Lab 1.1a, Lab 1.1b, and Lab 1.2 within your submission by labeling those sections within your assignment. Please make sure you use 1 of the 3 article PDF’s provided as one of your references. Thank you,
Question To what degree do you agree or disagree with Kane’s research on
To what degree do you agree or disagree with Kane’s research on the representation of female athletes in the media? Support your response with examples. (From your instructor’s ppt in Week 6, as well as mentioned in chapter 11)2) Describe your reactions to the material on women in careers in sports broadcasting and journalism. Are we making progress? If so, how?Note:The textbook we are using is Women and Sport by Ellen J Staurowsky
5-3 Final Project: Milestone Four Assignment
Please read the rubic attached. Read the Maesrk pages 1-13 and the care business. Please don’t hesitate if you have any questions thank you.
Discipline: – Computer Science Type of service: Essay Spacing: Double spacing Paper format: APA Number of
Discipline: – Computer Science Type of service: Essay Spacing: Double spacing Paper format: APA Number of pages: 2 pages Number of sources: 4 sources Paper detalis: Instructions The purpose of this homework assignment is to allow you to research the Enron fraud case and the compliance requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. You are to complete the following components: Provide researched information and references documenting your findings. Identify elements of fraud and compliance laws that have been drafted as a result of Enron and other industries. Write an executive summary describing the Enron fraud case’s impact and the U.S. government’s reaction to it. Complete each section of the lab by following the instructions for the exercises in each section. You will use a text document to develop your homework assignment by completing the sections listed below: Lab 1.1a From your computer workstation, create a new document called SOX Lab 1. Once you have created the document, complete the following exercises, and save your responses as the SOX homework assignment #1. 1. On your local computer, create the lab deliverable files. o Review the following information about the Enron Corporation: o Enron Corporation was an energy company that, at one point, was the seventh largest company in the United States and the largest trader of natural gas and electricity in the country. Enron started in the mid ‘80s and, by the ‘90s, the company was involved with trading and ownership in electric, coal, steel, paper, water, and broadband capacity. In 2001, Enron filed for bankruptcy, making it the largest bankruptcy in history at the time. An accounting scandal caused the company’s collapse. Thousands of Enron’s employees were laid off. Employees lost their life savings because of the loss of the company’s stock. Shareholders lost $11 billion. 2. On your local computer, open a new Internet browser window. 3. Using your favorite search engine, search for more information on the following topics regarding the Enron fraud case: o early history of the investigation, o misleading financial accounts, o accounting scandal of 2001, and o California’s deregulation and subsequent energy crisis. 4. In your homework assignment, summarize your findings and the differences between governance and compliance connected to the Enron case. Lab 1.1b 1. Using your favorite search engine, search for more information on the following topics regarding the requirements of Sarbanes-Oxley: o Incidents that led to passage of SOX Chronology of SOX passage from bill proposal through signing into law o Pros and cons of Sarbanes-Oxley o Sarbanes-Oxley Section 302 o Sarbanes-Oxley Section 401 o Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404 o Section 404’s consequences from small businesses o Sarbanes-Oxley Section 802 o Sarbanes-Oxley Section 1107 2. In your homework assignment, describe the elements of the fraud Enron committed that led to the creation of SOX. 3. In your homework assignment, identify the other U.S. compliance laws that have been drafted as a result of the Enron case. Lab 1.2 In your homework assignment, write an executive summary describing the impact of Enron’s fraud case, describe the components of IT assessments and IT audits, and the U.S. government’s reaction to it and to other industry compliance needs. NOTE: When you submit your homework assignment, you should combine the assignments into one document for grading. Please clearly mark the answers for Lab 1.1a, Lab 1.1b, and Lab 1.2 within your submission by labeling those sections within your assignment. Please make sure you use 1 of the 3 article PDF’s provided as one of your references. Thank you,
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