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Read “A Day In A Life of American Adolescents” found in Course Documents. Also, visit the following National Institute of Drug Abuse Teen drug information site.

Read “A Day In A Life of American Adolescents” found in Course Documents. Also, visit the following National Institute of Drug Abuse Teen drug information site.

NIDA Teen site:

Using the two resources above, write a 2-page reflection essay about teens and nicotine addictions. Respond to these questions in the essay and use our text as reference to support your ideas. You may use the websites as academic support too.

  1. Why do teens become addicted nicotine despite knowing that cigarette smoking is harmful to them?
  2. Using the information from the Day In A Life document and NIDA website, explain the drug use trends of teens 12 to 17. Which teens are predicted to be poly-substance users?
  3. What is the relationship between first substance use and the types of drugs that are used?
  4. What do you think that teen smoking will decrease or increase in the next decade? Explain your prediction.
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The post Read “A Day In A Life of American Adolescents” found in Course Documents. Also, visit the following National Institute of Drug Abuse Teen drug information site. appeared first on Academic Research Bureau.

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