Read a selected article and answer several questions about the article
For this activity, you will:Read a selected article and answer several questions about the article,
and then post your answers to the forum
Review the short articles the Huffington Post has compiled about “Texting While Walking (”. Also, watch the short YouTube video “Texting While Walking Accidents”. (
In this lesson, we have discussed the devastating and potentially deadly consequences of texting and driving, but what about texting and walking? As this behavior becomes more commonplace on college campuses and on city sidewalks/ streets, there has been an increase in injuries and deaths directly related to this behavior. One article discusses how Utah Valley University has created “texting lanes” on their campus for students to use. Is this a far-fetched idea or should this strategy become more commonplace on college campuses and city sidewalks?
As we know, behavior change is not easy and just thinking about and agreeing to a behavior change is easier said than done. We can say “Just Stop It Already” to texting and walking as one article suggests, however this behavior among individuals is not likely to change drastically any time soon.
Reflect on and discuss strategies for raising awareness of this dangerous behavior. Also discuss ideas and strategies for reducing this behavior. Also, discuss how you might personally change your own behavior or that of a family member if this is a behavior you participate in on a regular or frequent basis.
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