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Reading Plus: The Bet

ReadingPlus: The Bet1. What is the bet?The banker bets that the lawyercan’t handle living in solitary confinement. 2. There are two main characters in this piece, but only the banker provides narration. How does this affect the text?The reader is allowed only one character’s point of view.3. Based on the context of this excerpt, the word “gaoler” meansjailor.4. What major character change is indicated by these two excerpts?When the banker was young and wealthy he valued time, but as he got older and poorer he valued money.5. Based on this excerpt, what conclusion can bemade about the banker’s motivations?His greed drives him to consider committing a terrible crime.6. Based on these two excerpts, what is the function of the books in this piece?At first they represent entertainment and study, but toward the end they symbolize a descent into madness.

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7. The letter is the only opportunity the reader

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