Recall that microwave ovens heat your food by bombarding it with radiation at frequencies between .1 to 10 cm-1. What type of molecular transitions are excited in water to heat your food?
My professor asked these questions in class yesterday and didn’t explain them well. Can you explain them to me?
(a) Recall that microwave ovens heat your food by bombarding it with radiation at frequencies between .1 to 10 cm-1. What type of molecular transitions are excited in water to heat your food?
(b) What is the most unphysical feature of the particle-in-a-box as a model?
(c) What unphysical result does it imply?
(d) Can rotational spectroscopy provide you with all the bond lengths in methanol CH3OH?
(e) Suppose that Ωˆ (omega hat) is an operator and ψ is some arbitrary state. What is the formula for the expectation value of Ωˆ (omega hat) for the state ψ?