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Reflective Portfolio

This should consist of two parts with a total word limit of 4,000 words
For this module you need to show development of your ‘professional’ practice. You are asked to develop a new area within your teaching or coaching that you have not particularly explored before. This may be based around a particular coaching need or through your own personal curiosity, we encourage you to get in touch with the module leaders to discuss what you are thinking. A key element is that you integrate the research literature into your development and translate it into your practice.
Part 1: Summary of personal development (guideline 1000 words)
This is an overview reflective piece in which you will need to look back at your overall development and learning throughout the module drawing upon your experiences of developing your practice in areas new to you.
Part 2: Reflective Diary (guideline 3000 words)
Series of a minimum of 4 (~750 words each) reflections related to trigger situations that you have experienced throughout the development of your professional practice throughout the module
4,000 words –This is from the first word of the assessment to the last word of the conclusion and includes in-text citations, footnotes and appendices but excludes the reference list.

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