research paper approx 1000 words.
I need a research paper approx 1000 words. This needs to be divided into three sections :
Technical Overview (300 words)
In this section, provide background about the topic. Provide an overview of the topic in general, answering the following questions: How does it work? What is the purpose? How is the technology applied to the real world?
2. Summary of Arguments for the Topic (300 words)
Summarize research that supports your topic. In this section, provide facts and avoid personal bias. Present a factual overview of the benefits of the topic and how it enhances human life. If you were to argue for the support of the topic, what information would you provide to educate people on the topic?
3. Summary of Arguments Against the Topic (300words)
Summarize research that refutes your topic. In this section, provide facts and avoid personal bias. Present a factual overview of the pitfalls of the topic and how it negatively impacts human life. If you were to argue against the topic, what information would you provide to educate people on the topic?
Include at least five sources that you intend to use for your project below in APA 6th edition format. If you need help with APA citation and reference formatting. In addition to the APA-formatted citation, include a brief summary of the information from the source and your justification for using the source
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