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Review Of Current Healthcare Issues Essay Paper

Review Of Current Healthcare Issues Essay Paper

If you were to ask 10 people what they believe to be the most significant issue facing healthcare today, you might get 10 different answers. Escalating costs? Regulation? Technology disruption?Review Of Current Healthcare Issues Essay Paper

These and many other topics are worthy of discussion. Not surprisingly, much has been said in the research, within the profession, and in the news about these topics. Whether they are issues of finance, quality, workload, or outcomes, there is no shortage of changes to be addressed.




In this Discussion, you examine a national healthcare issue and consider how that issue may impact your work setting. You also analyze how your organization has responded to this issue.Review Of Current Healthcare Issues Essay Paper

To Prepare:

  • Review the Resources and select one current national healthcare issue/stressor to focus on.
  • Reflect on the current national healthcare issue/stressor you selected and think about how this issue/stressor may be addressed in your work setting.

Post a description of the national healthcare issue/stressor you selected for analysis, and explain how the healthcare issue/stressor may impact your work setting. Then, describe how your health system work setting has responded to the healthcare issue/stressor, including a description of what changes may have been implemented. Be specific and provide examples.Review Of Current Healthcare Issues Essay Paper

Good health can be seen as important contribution of a high function thriving society. Health is defined in many ways; however I particularly identify with the World Health Organization definition of health as the state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing, not just the lack of disease. The way the United States perceives health reflects throughout the health care system. Throughout recent years there has been several comparisons with other countries which I believe are important in pin pointing the advantaged disadvantages of health care system. With notions of the United States health system and information on other countries health system I have formulated ideas for what I believe to be my ideal health care system. Review Of Current Healthcare Issues Essay Paper
With an ideal plan people will finance their own health care services according to financial brackets with serval factors for example income and employment status can determines actual cost. Everyone in some way should pay the cost of health services. Current health policies like social security have individuals fund others current health care with hope that there’s will be funded in their own time. My ideal health coverage would tax people for their current health care needs with cost determined by several factors. Regulations for insurers and providers guarantees allocation of services. This idea is very similar to the way the Danish publicly according to the commonwealth fund, financed health care through a centrally collected health tax set at 8% of taxable income which then the government reallocates through the nation. In other words the government should regulate health care system mandating coverage for everyone, ensuring access, quality and services through insures and providers. The nation would be taxed and funds would be pulled and allocated as necessary. The difference in cost should be funded through penalties and other patient fees for selective health services. Government grants should be used to provide children with health coverage until the appropriate age where responsibility is assumed by the individual or family. Review Of Current Healthcare Issues Essay Paper
A health care system is a framework of interrelated, interacting, and interdependent descriptions of human development in a given country, region, or community. This system of human development functions as an organized measure to promote and provide treatment in which individuals reach their highest attainable level of physical, mental, and social well-being. All health care systems are grounded in the concept that genetic and biological factors must be taken into account to understand the problems and behaviors of a specific population. The interconnected factors that determine an individual’s health status includes personal features, social status, culture, environment, educational attainment, health behaviors, childhood development, access to care, and government policy. International collaboration of ideas on the progression of transnational health is greatly endorsed for the benefit of complete global health care. Health care has social, governmental, and financial implications that affect all members of the health care system and in countries within the Central American region specially, citizens have fallen victim to health disparities that have resulted from long-term neglect of the underlying factors that perpetuate this issue.Review Of Current Healthcare Issues Essay Paper


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