museum digital curating and digital exhibition, you can see my report ppt in the attachment
Critically Analyse the following statement: Transforming Rehabilitation was meant to ‘bring together the best of public, private and voluntary sectors’, in order to achieve its aims of supporting rehabilitation, reducing re-offending and public protection, (Grayling, 2013).
A good response will: Include an introduction that clearly defines the key concepts and sign-posts the reader to the main points that will be discussed in the main body Provide an overview of the aims of TR Explore the impact of TR on multi-agency working, focusing on either rehabilitation, or reducing reoffending or public protection Include a conclusion that will summarise the main points raised in the main body and finishes with an ‘answer’ to the titleThe following information applies to ALL assessments. Please read carefully before you begin.Requirements:● Essays and other assignments must be word-processed using 12-point font and double-spaced or 1.5 line spaced.● Coursework should be within /- 10% of the stipulated word length. The penalties that apply to assessments that fall outside this range are set out in the Departmental and Course Supplement.● Please type the assignment title at the top of the first page of your work.● Please type the word count at the end of the last page of your work.● To ensure assessments are marked anonymously, you must use your student identification number NOT your name. Please put your student identification number in a header or footer so that it appears on every page.● Essays must include a reference list and be properly referenced throughout using the APA referencing style. Information about the referencing requirements are in the Studying Criminology distance learning materials or on the Library website at www.referencing.port.ac.uk The penalties that apply to assessments that do not comply with the referencing guidance are set out in the Departmental and Course SupplementGuidance:● You should support your statements and arguments with appropriately referenced evidence from a range of academic books, journals and other reputable sources.● It is usual to avoid the first person (I, we, me etc) in academic essays and reports unless asked to reflect upon your own personal experience or professional practice.● Demonstrate knowledge of relevant theories and the ways in which these assist in a greater understanding of the topic.● You should demonstrate evidethe relevant and up-to-date initiatives, policies and legislationnce of wider reading and research, in particular, an awareness of
Question What about the constitution has remained constant throughout American History and what
What about the constitution has remained constant throughout American History and what are the most important constitutional changes? What Changes to the constitution have broadened democracy and equality?Try to don t make it too good because I am not a native english speaker, please do a reference list page at the end.
Question word count: 3000 (Introduction and Conclusion included)other instructions on the Attached file
word count: 3000 (Introduction and Conclusion included)other instructions on the Attached file name: Assessment Instructions 1-Reflective paper-
Question Part A- discuss violence, the different types of violence, and the relationship
Part A- discuss violence, the different types of violence, and the relationship between violence, trauma and mental health. Your discussion must include the incidence of intimate partner violence in Australia and the potential impacts of intimate partner violence on mental health and wellbeing of individuals and families (approx 1,200 words) Part B- critically examine and discuss TWO mental health promotion approaches to prevent IPV. Your discussion needs to analyse the role of the nurse in one of these mental health promotion approaches (approx 1,000 words)
Question I would like to speak with the writer . I have a
I would like to speak with the writer . I have a lot of information and would like to add some of my own words . I just don’t have the time to write this paper. I also can send information
[Revision] Bio-energy-Supported Net Zero Energy Buildings
Bio-energy-Supported Net Zero Energy Buildings (residential and commercial buildings)- Econometric analysis using E Views software-forecasting models (tables and graphs) for bio-energy resources and waste generation in Glasgow -Energy consumption Determine the methodology for accurate heat generation and location of energy-Identify and evaluate the renewable energy potential of sites within the study area-Evaluate the correlation between supply and demand for energy within the study area- Generate GIS-based demand and a renewable energy map within the study area– Formulate recommendations for small-scale heat and power generation – your design must be where your targeted building sits and waste biomass comes from. You must collect data by yourself. Please use references last 3 years ago. Chapter include (tables and graphs) data collection and results and discussion and conclusion.Please work in the work_here file: 1. GIS-based map is supposed to be generated by the researcher using GIS mapping software, not taken from outside source as it is now. Moreover, GIS is mentioned in Methodology, but does not seem to be used in the paper. 2. GaBi-based model added and presented inputs and outputs do not correspond to each other; moreover, presented pictures do not look like they were done in GaBi – it should be done. In addition, all software that is to be used for analysis must be indicated in Methodology. 3. Heating and cooling loads were added, but there only two sentences which can be applicable to the description of the design. Explanation of design must be expanded. 4. Economic parameters cannot only comprise 70 words, currently, there is no explanation on how they were calculated, so most likely, they, calculations were never done, thus this section is inaccurate and should be redone.
This is a theology essay The title is “Who Was Solomon?” set text book is The Historical writings Leuchter and Lamb
Who was Solomon?Your answer MUST include:(1) Methodological discussion of historiography as it pertains to answering this question;(2) Consideration of biblical evidence in relation to characterisation and theological perspective; and(3) Consideration of the archaeological evidence.Notes Scripture quotations and footnotes/references do NOT count in the word count. However, do NOT place large amounts of prose in footnotes.Look for both direct and indirect epigraphical and/or archaeological evidence for the person you have chosen. RationaleThis assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:be able to discuss in a critical way issues relating to the interpretation of history and narrative in the Old Testament.be able to demonstrate an understanding of the role of archaeology, historiography and textual witness in reconstructing ancient Israelite history.be able to demonstrate self-guided learning, including sound research, writing and communication skills.In line with the learning outcomes above, this essay is designed to assess your ability to discuss critical issues relating to historiography and biblical narrative as they intersect in the Deuteronomistic History, using a character within that history as a case study.Marking criteria and standardsThis assignment will be marked on your ability to write a coherent, critical and comprehensive answer to the essay question.Standards for Assessment criteriaAssignments must address the following criteria:Demonstrate familiarity with the theoretical issues of historiography in Old Testament studyDemonstrate familiarity with the biblical traditions relating to the chosen characterUndertake scholarly discussion of extra-biblical evidence for the chosen characterShow evidence of critical engagement with a significant number of scholarly resourcesDemonstrate original and independent thinking, using clear and concise writing and communication of ideasShow evidence of careful proof-reading, resulting in few grammatical, spelling or typographical errors Present a logical flow of ideas with appropriate use of headings and subheadingsUse correct and consistent citation of references adhering to Chicago or APA style.
Question Process: You will search relevant databases and choose four (4) peer reviewed
Process: You will search relevant databases and choose four (4) peer reviewed articles on “Reflection, Reflective Practice, Critical Reflection, Reflective Practitioner”. The articles must be from recent, (published in the last ten years) refereed journals. It is recommended that you select articles that relate to your professional area of practice (which for me is Psychology or if counselling is easier, happy to go with that option too). For each of the four articles in the annotated bibliography commence with the full bibliographic reference using the example in the attachment. Note that APA referencing is used. In 800 words (200 words per article – excluding the bibliographic reference) use the following process in your own words as shown in the template:• the broad aim/scope and a brief outline of the main ideas• limitations, evidence, applicability to reflections on professional practice• possible audience, relevance for topic, what the text offers• In a further 200 words provide a conclusion (synthesis) of the overall findings as you understand them.**So essentially it’s four articles and there is a 200 word count for each, and then there should be a 5th paragraph, which is the synthesis, which we write drawing the articles together. There is an example in the attachment as well – let me know if you have any questions
Question thank you very much for your help. it is one dissertation about
thank you very much for your help. it is one dissertation about the technologies used in museums and galleries. the details are similar to the former one. the former one I have upload it in the attachment and I also send it to you for revision. I like the former one you sent to me, but I think it is more like the introduction rather than analysis. so I think you need to talk about why this topic.—you can see some comments for the revision document improve-copy.docx.please also see the sample essays in the attachment to finish the whole one.the reference demand I also attach it below, please follow it.I will give you more details in the future, please also send me a draft.it is better to get A cause others of my assignments are B. so the lowest grade is B. could you please see the criteria in the upload area.in addition, i will take an interview with 4 curators from both Britain and China, and I will add the information of it.please also see some essays/ articles and books and use little from BENAYOUN, MAURICE who is my ideal professor if possible for phd.https://cityu-hk.academia.edu/MauriceBenayounhttp://benayoun.com/moben/it may be useful for the topic of writing.tomorrow i will ask for the structure to my supervisor, I will tell you if the structure is available to write.i will upload some more documents tomorrow.thank you
Effect of cigarette smoke extract on extracellular RNA in human lung cancer cells A549 cell line
IMPORTANT: Please see attached dissertation guidelinesreferences have to be accessible You do not need to write method, materials, and the results, I have them already.Please, follow the guide.
To what extent the banking risks can be explained by M
To what extent the banking risks can be explained by M
“Insanity” and Temporary Insanity. “Battered Woman” Defense
Refer back to the two reading assignments for this unit. Then, write an essay that answers the questions listed below. Your essay will be a minimum of two pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. Your essay should contain a clear introduction and be well-organized. You are required to use at least two resources to support your essay, one of which may be your textbook. All resources used including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. Your essay, including all references, will be formatted in APA style.
Question *Please check all attached files before writing this essay and use them
*Please check all attached files before writing this essay and use them to conduct this essay.Assessment 1: Critical Analysis of EntrepreneurshipAssessment Type: EssayWeighting: 20%Word Limit: 1,000 wordsBackground:Innovation and Entrepreneurship (I
Question I would like a writer who is an expert in the medical
I would like a writer who is an expert in the medical field (podiatry). Develop a concept map which represents your understanding of the multi-factorial aetiology of foot ulceration and amputation in diabetes .Provide a 1000 word written explanation of the key aspects of your map. I have provided my own mind map as a guidance, might lack of some info, please make appropriate changes, u may draw it on a paper. Please refer to the assessment details and rubric in the attachment.
Question Please follow the assessment task details and marking rubric closely. Minimum 15
Please follow the assessment task details and marking rubric closely. Minimum 15 references(journal articles and text books only) no websites. Thankyou
Question How could Dyson effectively explore its ownership-specific advantages across borders within its
How could Dyson effectively explore its ownership-specific advantages across borders within its own organization when entering Singapore?dyson’s ownership-specific advantages are 1. Asset-based advantage: big asset with popular steady products. and invest to R
Benefits of Exercise on Veterans with PTSD
This is the abstract. I have attached assessment 1 for reference. Also assessment 3 is being revised right now that has the results. Im hoping for same writer on both.
[Revision] Critically evaluate Baddeley’s 2000 model of working memory.
Please cite all the experiments and theories used not just reference it ! No plagerism, No wikipedia sources
a literature review on a theoretical concept/construct of dining consumption in a restaurant context
please make sure..I have to get all of ARTICLES you used as a doc/pdf FILES Becuase i have to attch all of materials to teacher and also need to fill the form called “the article collection
Question It’s a personal statement I have written for the master’s degree about
It’s a personal statement I have written for the master’s degree about Clinical Nutrition. I would like it to be reviewed according to the discussion of all the personal and professional goals as they relate to the graduate studies and correct any mistakes if it’s possible. Thanks!
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