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Ring of Gyges

Ring of Gyges


Paper details:

Your paper will be 3-4 pages in Times 12 font with one inch margins using MLA format and documentation. You must use our book, Classics of Philosophy, third edition. You do not need to list our book on the works cited page, only outside sources you have used. You must have in-text citations. In MLA, these are called parenthetical citations. All quotations, paraphrases, and summaries of part of a work will be followed by a parenthetical citation. The Prompt Given the range of reasoning about life, what have you learned from these ancient Greek and Roman philosophers that can prove useful for facing our personal and social responsibilities today? In other words, how is justice understood by these philosophers we have studied? Choose at least one philosopher that we have read, and be certain to refer to key passages of our reading by using page numbers in parentheses. With Plato, you are fine using the Stephanus numbers. Focus on a particular interest such as knowledge and belief, pleasure, politics, justice or morality, friendship—a clear topic that you can explore first from the reading, then from your experience and the diverse world we inhabit

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