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Sales for the month of June were $75,000. Using a percentage allowance method of 1% record the allowance for doub±ul accounts.2. On June 30, it was determined that two customers with receivables totaling $980 were not likely to pay

Complete journal entries for the following transactions related to accounts receivable and the allowance for doubtful accounts:
1. Sales for the month of June were $75,000.  Using a percentage allowance method of 1% record the allowance for doubtful accounts.
2.  On June 30, it was determined that two customers with receivables totaling $980 were not likely to pay.
3. On July 15, surprisingly one of the customers who owed $400 and was written off on June 30, paid their bill.
4. On July 31, our fiscal year ends, the allowance for doubtful accounts has a balance of $1,780
    The company uses an aging method to calculate the desired allowance balance.
    An accounts receivable aging shows the following:
30 days or less = $68,500
31 -60 days = $10,400
61-90 days = $4,300
Over 90 days = $1,200
The company wants an ending reserve equal to:
30 days or less = 1%
31-60 days = 3%
61-90 days = 5%
over 90 days = 15%
There are two problems this week.  Click on the tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet to see problem 2.
Compute the ending inventory using the FIFO and the weighted average method below.  Use the perpetual method for both.  These are the same transactions used in week 3 homework:
 units  price 
1-JanBeginning inventory           3,500  $                     3.00
14-JanBought           1,500  $                     3.15
5-FebSold           1,000
22-FebBought           2,000  $                     3.20
7-MarSold           1,500
15-MarSold           2,000
5-AprBought           1,000  $                     3.25
10-AprSold               800
12-AprSold               800
22-AprSold               500
4-MaySold               600
10-MayBought           2,000  $                     3.30
25-MaySold               500
FIFO method (scroll down for Weighted Average entry area)
Dateunits cost  total units cost  total units cost  total 
1-Jan3500 $       3.00  $           10,500.00
Weighted Average Method
Dateunits cost  total units cost  total units cost  total 
1-Jan3500 $    3.000  $           10,500.00
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