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The Scanning, Analysis, Response, and Evaluation (S.A.R.A.) Model is a common approach used by community policing agencies to identify and solve repeat crime and community problems. Review the S.A.R.A. Model, provided by the U.S. Department of Justice and apply it to a real-world issue related criminal activity (i.e. vulnerability in security at an elementary school) and answer the questions below.

1. What will Scanning allow you to establish?

2. What is the importance of Analysis in terms of interpreting the issue at hand?

3. What would your Response be to address the problem?

4. Summarize the Evaluation phase in terms of assessing the effectiveness of the tactics used to address the problem?

Please prepare an APA formatted paper of a minimum of 750 words, excluding the title page and references. Be sure to substantiate your assessment and conclusions for these questions with at least two scholarly or professional journal articles written during the last five years in addition to appropriate course materials.

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