Select One Element Of Poor GUI Design In A Program You Have Used.
select one element of poor GUI design in a program you have used. describe how you would improve the design
What Are The Major Components Of An SLA And How Do You Make Sure
What are the major components of an SLA and how do you make sure an SLA is effectively written? When is it important to have SLAs in place and are SLAs as important within an organization as they are for other relationships outside the organization?
Please Compute In C You Have Been Hired By A Bookstore To Provide Them
Please compute in C You have been hired by a bookstore to provide them a system that can maintain the costs of up to 3 different book titles; it’s a small bookstore. The owners would like to be able to do the following: 1. Enter the names of 3 books. 2. Enter the cost of each book being maintained. 3. Enter the quantity of each book 4. Calculate the total value of each book title 5. Provide the total costs of inventory (total of all the books in inventory – see formula) 6. Provide the average cost of inventory of all books Total Value of each book = Cost * Quantity Total Inventory = (Sum of (Cost * Quantity) of each book) (i.e. multiply the cost of each book by the quantity entered and add all these to obtain the total cost of inventory) Average Cost of Inventory = Total Inventory Total Quantity of Books Assume the following: 3 names and costs were entered The input/output for each of the respective requirements should be similar to (assumes all 3 books were entered): The list of inventory is: Book Title Cost Quantity Inventory Value 1. Fury $ 24.12 2 $ 48.24 2. Little Women $ 5.00 3 $ 15.00 3. War and Peace $ 27.00 1 $ 27.00 The total cost of inventory is: $ 90.24 The average cost of inventory: $ 30.08. Provide the project for this program in the Project Dropbox, name it as the final (Jeff) with your name. Grading Scheme 1. Run/No errors 2. Input/Form Best Practices 3. Calculate Book Value Meaningful Names 3 4. Total Inventory Modular Design 5 5. Average Cost of Inventory 6. Output 7. LoopingArrays ====================== 22 Total Final 20 10 = 30 po
Organizations Use Database Technology To Store Data That They Collect, Analyze, Measure, And Monitor
Organizations use database technology to store data that they collect, analyze, measure, and monitor as they conduct business. Data that is captured during transactional processes, as organizations sell products and services to their customers, is best structured in an OLTP database. Data that is used to analyze trends, key metrics, summary data, and for data mining is best stored in an OLAP database. Database designers need to understand the differences between OLTP and OLAP data and how to best design and build databases to support OLTP or OLAP requirements.
From The Perspective Of A Database Designer, Identify The Differences Between Online Transaction Processing
From the perspective of a Database Designer, identify the differences between Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) databases. Explain when a company would choose one database over the other and why.
Describe The Various Clock Sources That Can Be Used To Provide A Clock To
Describe the various clock sources that can be used to provide a clock to a microcontroller component. [8] Embedded Systems
Many Applications Get Their Data From The Internet. This Is Done In Various Ways,
Many applications get their data from the internet. This is done in various ways, but one of the most common ways is to use REST (Representational State Transfer) and make calls to get data over HTTP (Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol). REST API’s center around resources grouped as a collection. There are many open APIs (Application Program Interfaces) that are free and can be used to get data from different sources. Click the link to view an example of the code to make a currency conversion that you can access in your browser. As you can see data is often returned as a collection of objects. Discuss how REST is commonly used in calling an API to get data and discuss the different data formats that are used in this type of data transfer.
If The Program Memory Of A Microcontroller Is Of Size 16KB And Memory Is
If the program memory of a microcontroller is of size 16KB and memory is organized into 16 bits for each address, what is the minimum size of Program Counter required for such a device? [6]
Knowing When To Apply Collections On A Given Business Problem Is An Important Skill
Knowing when to apply collections on a given business problem is an important skill for developers to know, select one .NET collection, and explain possible benefits of implementing the selected C# collection. From the perspective of the IT manager, discuss business problems that could be solved using the selected C# collection.
To Prepare: Choose A Technology That You Believe Has Brought About Social Change. Consider
To Prepare: Choose a technology that you believe has brought about social change. Consider who has benefited and who has lost as a result of this change. Reflect on whether the development of this technology is consistent with Walden University’s vision, mission, and commitment to social change. Post by Day 3 an explanation of how the invention and widespread adoption of the technology you selected effected social change. Analyze who benefited or lost out due to the adoption of the technology. Evaluate whether or not you believe the development of this technology as well as technology development in general is consistent with Walden’s vision, mission, and commitment to social change and why.
I Need This Code Translated From Maple To Mathematica, Thank You In Advance EvalFun
I need this code translated from maple to mathematica, thank you in advance EvalFun := proc(X::Vector) option hfloat; local i,i1,k,j,X1,X0,vx,vn,f,argum; description “function evaluation”; Nmax := Nmax 1; if HasInteger or HasDiscrete or HasMultiDiscrete then X0 := LinearAlgebra:-Copy(X); if HasMultiDiscrete then k := 1; for i in MultiDiscreteInd do j := nops(i); X1 := Vector[row](j,datatype=float); for i1 to j do X1[i1] := X[i[i1]] end do; X1 := LinearAlgebra:-Copy(NearestVectors(X1,MultiDiscreteValues[k],NumMultiDiscrete[k])[1]); for i1 to j do X0[i[i1]] := X1[i1] end do; k := k 1 end do end if; if HasDiscrete then j := ; k := 1; if UseHfloat then for i in DiscreteInd do vx,vn := DiscreteValues[k],NumDiscrete[k]; X0[i] := evalhf(NearestValue(X0[i],vx,vn,var(j))); k := k 1 end do else for i in DiscreteInd do X0[i] := NearestValue(X0[i],DiscreteValues[k],NumDiscrete[k],j); k := k 1 end do end if end if; X1 := LinearAlgebra:-Copy(X0); if HasInteger then X1 := Vector(n); for i to n do X1[i] := RoundToInteger[i](X0[i]) end do end if; if UseHfloat then xtry := LinearAlgebra:-Copy(evalhf(X1)) else xtry := LinearAlgebra:-Copy(evalf(X1)) end if end if; if HasInteger or HasDiscrete or HasMultiDiscrete then if VarVector then argum := X1 else argum := seq(j,j=X1) end if else if VarVector then argum := X else argum := seq(j,j=X) end if end if; if UseHfloat then try f := ‘Obj'(argum); objtry := evalhf(f) catch: objtry := evalf(Obj(argum)) end try else objtry := evalf(Obj(argum)) end if; if objectivetargetNULL then if maximize then if objectivetarget<=objtry then targetexit := true; exit := true end if else if objtry<=objectivetarget then targetexit := true; exit := true end if end if end if; if maximize then objtry := -objtry end if; if eqtrue then eqtry := EvalEq(X); ftry := objtry r*eqtry else ftry := objtry; eqtry := 0.0 end if; if Searchpath and type(ftry,realcons) then if HasInteger or HasDiscrete or HasMultiDiscrete then Spath := ArrayTools:-Concatenate(2,Spath,X1) else Spath := ArrayTools:-Concatenate(2,Spath,X) end if end if; if Functionpath and type(ftry,realcons) then if maximize then Fpath := ArrayTools:-Concatenate(1,Fpath,) else Fpath := ArrayTools:-Concatenate(1,Fpath,) end if end if; ftry end proc; IneqTrue := proc(X::Vector) option hfloat; local n1,i,i1,k,j,pvalues,ineq1,p,X1,X0,vx,vn,f,argum; description “inequality constraints evaluation”; if ineqtrue=false then return true end if; if HasInteger or HasDiscrete or HasMultiDiscrete then X0 := LinearAlgebra:-Copy(X); if HasMultiDiscrete then k := 1; for i in MultiDiscreteInd do j := nops(i); X1 := Vector[row](j,datatype=float); for i1 to j do X1[i1] := X[i[i1]] end do; X1 := LinearAlgebra:-Copy(NearestVectors(X1,MultiDiscreteValues[k],NumMultiDiscrete[k])[1]); for i1 to j do X0[i[i1]] := X1[i1] end do; k := k 1 end do end if; if HasDiscrete then j := ; k := 1; if UseHfloat then for i in DiscreteInd do vx,vn := DiscreteValues[k],NumDiscrete[k]; X0[i] := evalhf(NearestValue(X0[i],vx,vn,var(j))); k := k 1 end do else for i in DiscreteInd do X0[i] := NearestValue(X0[i],DiscreteValues[k],NumDiscrete[k],j); k := k 1 end do end if end if; X1 := LinearAlgebra:-Copy(X0); if HasInteger then X1 := Vector(n); for i to n do X1[i] := RoundToInteger[i](X0[i]) end do end if end if; n1 := nops(IneqPnames); if 0 pvalues := Vector(n1,datatype=anything); for i to n1 do p := evaln(IneqPnames[i]); if HasInteger or HasDiscrete or HasMultiDiscrete then if VarVector then argum := X1 else argum := seq(j,j=X1) end if else if VarVector then argum := X else argum := seq(j,j=X) end if end if; if UseHfloat then try f := ‘p'(argum); pvalues[i] := evalhf(f) catch: pvalues[i] := evalf(p(argum)) end try else pvalues[i] := evalf(p(argum)) end if end do; ineq1 := subs([seq(IneqPnames[i]=pvalues[i],i=1..n1)],ineq) else ineq1 := ineq end if; if HasInteger or HasDiscrete or HasMultiDiscrete then ineq1 := subs([seq(params[i]=X1[i],i=1..n)],ineq1) else ineq1 := subs([seq(params[i]=X[i],i=1..n)],ineq1) end if; if not hastypeoperator then ineq1 := evalf(ineq1) end if; ineq1 := map(is,ineq1); if 0 ineq1 end proc; EvalEq := proc(X::Vector) option hfloat; local n1,i,i1,k,j,pvalues,eq1,p,X1,X0,vx,vn,f,argum; description “equality constraints evaluation”; if eqtrue=false then return 0.0 end if; if HasInteger or HasDiscrete or HasMultiDiscrete then X0 := LinearAlgebra:-Copy(X); if HasMultiDiscrete then k := 1; for i in MultiDiscreteInd do j := nops(i); X1 := Vector[row](j,datatype=float); for i1 to j do X1[i1] := X[i[i1]] end do; X1 := LinearAlgebra:-Copy(NearestVectors(X1,MultiDiscreteValues[k],NumMultiDiscrete[k])[1]); for i1 to j do X0[i[i1]] := X1[i1] end do; k := k 1 end do end if; if HasDiscrete then j := ; k := 1; if UseHfloat then for i in DiscreteInd do vx,vn := DiscreteValues[k],NumDiscrete[k]; X0[i] := evalhf(NearestValue(X0[i],vx,vn,var(j))); k := k 1 end do else for i in DiscreteInd do X0[i] := NearestValue(X0[i],DiscreteValues[k],NumDiscrete[k],j); k := k 1 end do end if end if; X1 := LinearAlgebra:-Copy(X0); if HasInteger then X1 := Vector(n); for i to n do X1[i] := RoundToInteger[i](X0[i]) end do end if end if; n1 := nops(EqPnames); if 0 pvalues := Vector(n1,datatype=anything); for i to n1 do p := evaln(EqPnames[i]); if HasInteger or HasDiscrete or HasMultiDiscrete then if VarVector then argum := X1 else argum := seq(j,j=X1) end if else if VarVector then argum := X else argum := seq(j,j=X) end if end if; if UseHfloat then try f := ‘p'(argum); pvalues[i] := evalhf(f) catch: pvalues[i] := evalf(p(argum)) end try else pvalues[i] := evalf(p(argum)) end if end do; eq1 := evalf(subs([seq(EqPnames[i]=pvalues[i],i=1..n1)],eq)) else eq1 := eq end if; if HasInteger or HasDiscrete or HasMultiDiscrete then eq1 := evalf(subs([seq(params[i]=X1[i],i=1..n)],eq1)) else eq1 := evalf(subs([seq(params[i]=X[i],i=1..n)],eq1)) end if; eq1 := evalf(add((lhs(eq1[i]) – rhs(eq1[i]))^2,i=1..nops(eq1))); if is(Im(eq1)=0) then eq1 := abs(eq1) end if; eq1 end proc; NearestValue := proc(x::realcons,X::Vector,n::integer,inear::Vector) option hfloat; local i::integer,ix::integer,leftmove::integer,Xnear::float,d::float; description “select nearest to x value and index from X; X is ascending ordered”; if n<10 then Xnear := X[1]; inear[1] := 1; d := evalf(abs(x – Xnear)); for i from 2 to n do if evalf(abs(x – X[i])) end do else ix := round(evalf((x*(n – 1) X[n] – n*X[1])/(X[n] – X[1]))); if ix<1 then ix := 1 end if; if n if ix=1 then leftmove := 0; Xnear := X[1]; inear[1] := 1; d := evalf(abs(x – Xnear)) elif ix=n then leftmove := 1; Xnear := X[n]; inear[1] := n; d := evalf(abs(x – Xnear)) else Xnear := X[ix]; inear[1] := ix; d := evalf(abs(x – Xnear)); if evalf(abs(x – X[ix 1])) Xnear := X[ix 1]; inear[1] := ix 1; d := evalf(abs(x – X[ix 1])); ix := ix 1; leftmove := 0 else leftmove := 1 end if end if; if leftmove=0 then for i from ix 1 to n do if evalf(abs(x – X[i])) else for i from ix – 1 by -1 to 1 do if evalf(abs(x – X[i])) end if end if; Xnear end proc; NearestVectors := proc(x::Vector,X::Matrix,n::integer) option hfloat; local i::integer,Xnear::Matrix,d1::float,d2::float,d3::float,dt::float; description "select 3 nearest vectors to vector[row] x from matrix X with rows as x"; if n<=1 then Xnear := LinearAlgebra:-Copy(X) elif n=2 then d1 := evalf(LinearAlgebra:-VectorNorm(x – X[1],2,conjugate=false)); d2 := evalf(LinearAlgebra:-VectorNorm(x – X[2],2,conjugate=false)); if d1 Xnear := convert(Xnear,'Matrix') else d1 := evalf(LinearAlgebra:-VectorNorm(x – X[1],2,conjugate=false)); d2 := evalf(LinearAlgebra:-VectorNorm(x – X[2],2,conjugate=false)); d3 := evalf(LinearAlgebra:-VectorNorm(x – X[3],2,conjugate=false)); if d1<=d2 and d1<=d3 then if d2<=d3 then Xnear := ArrayTools:-Concatenate(1,X[1],X[2],X[3]) else Xnear := ArrayTools:-Concatenate(1,X[1],X[3],X[2]); dt := d2; d2 := d3; d3 := dt end if elif d2<=d1 and d2<=d3 then if d1<=d3 then Xnear := ArrayTools:-Concatenate(1,X[2],X[1],X[3]); dt := d1; d1 := d2; d2 := dt else Xnear := ArrayTools:-Concatenate(1,X[2],X[3],X[1]); dt := d1; d1 := d2; d2 := d3; d3 := dt end if else if d1<=d2 then Xnear := ArrayTools:-Concatenate(1,X[3],X[1],X[2]); dt := d1; d1 := d3; d3 := d2; d2 := dt else Xnear := ArrayTools:-Concatenate(1,X[3],X[2],X[1]); dt := d1; d1 := d3; d3 := dt end if end if; Xnear := convert(Xnear,'Matrix'); for i from 4 to n do dt := evalf(LinearAlgebra:-VectorNorm(x – X[i],2,conjugate=false)); if dt if dt Xnear[3] := LinearAlgebra:-Copy(Xnear[2]); Xnear[2] := LinearAlgebra:-Copy(Xnear[1]); Xnear[1] := LinearAlgebra:-Copy(X[i]); d3 := d2; d2 := d1; d1 := dt elif dt Xnear[3] := LinearAlgebra:-Copy(Xnear[2]); Xnear[2] := LinearAlgebra:-Copy(X[i]); d3 := d2; d2 := dt else Xnear[3] := LinearAlgebra:-Copy(X[i]); d3 := dt end if end if end do end if; Xnear end proc;
I Need Help With All These Questions For Networks. QUESTION 1 The Total Nodal
I need help with all these questions for networks. QUESTION 1 The total nodal delay includes: propagation delay transmission delay processing delay all of the above none of the above 1 points QUESTION 2 The two fundamental approaches to moving data through a network of links and switches are transmission and propagation bandwidth and transmission rate packet and circuit switching messages and packets none of the above 1 points QUESTION 3 DSL is the abbreviation for? data service line digital subscriber line data subscriber line digital service line none of the above 1 points QUESTION 4 “Host A sends a file to host B. There are 4 links on the path. The rates of the links are R1 = 350 kbps, R2 = 1 MBps, R3 = 100 MBps, R4 = 340 MBps. Which is the bottleneck link?” R1 R2 R3 R4 none of the above 1 points QUESTION 5 “Different links can transmit data at different rates, with the _______ of a link measured in bits/second” transmission rate transmission delay throughput instantaneous throughput none of the above 1 points QUESTION 6 “In this method, before transmitting data between two end systems, the network establishes a dedicated end-to-end connection between the end systems and reserves bandwidth in each link along the connection. The reserved connection bandwidth is “”wasted”” whenever the end systems are not sending data.” circuit switching and packet switching access networks packet switching throughput none of the above 1 points QUESTION 7 When sending a packet of data from source host to a destination host over a fixed route. Which of the delay components are variable? propagation delay transmission delay processing delay queuing delay none of the above 1 points QUESTION 8 A method to move data through a network of links and switches which reserves communication sessions between end systems is called: circuit switching and packet switching access networks packet switching throughput none of the above 1 points QUESTION 9 An example of an unguided physical media: 3G technology 4G technology local area radio channels all of the above none of the above 1 points QUESTION 10 “Packet switches have multiple links attached to them. For each attached link the packet switch has a/an ____________, which stores packets that the router is about to send into that link.” link buffer access buffer output buffer transmission buffer none of the above 1 points QUESTION 11 “Host A sends real time voice to Host B over a packet switched network. Host A first converts the analogue voice signal to a digital signal at a rate of 64 kbps. Host A then creates packets of data where each packet contains 56 bytes. Once a packet is created by Host A, it is sent to Host B over a link that operates at a 2 Mbps transmission rate. The propagation delay is 10 milliseconds. (Remember to convert bytes to bits). How many seconds does it take to create a packet of data?” 1 points QUESTION 12 “A circuit-switching scenario in which Ncs users, each requiring a bandwidth of 10 Mbps, must share a link of capacity 150 Mbps. What is the maximum number of circuit-switched users that can be supported?” 1 points QUESTION 13 “Host A is sending a file to Host B. There are 3 links (therefore 2 switches) between the hosts. The file is segmented into packets of 40 bytes, with a 10 byte header added to each packet. Each link has a transmission rate of 100 kbps and a speed of 1000 km per sec. The switches are 100km away from each other. Host A is 50 km away from the first switch while Host B is 150 km away from the second switch. Data travels from Host A to the first switch, on to the second switch and then to Host B. What is the propagation delay (in seconds) when a packet of data travels between the 2 routers?” 1 points QUESTION 14 Hosts A and B are 20 000 km away from each other. The propagation speed of the link between them is 25000 mps. The data is placed onto the link at a rate of 8 kbps. The size of the packet of data that needs to be transmitted is 200 bytes. What is the propagation delay in seconds? 1 points QUESTION 15 “Host A is sending a file to Host B. There are 3 links (therefore 2 switches) between the hosts. The file is segmented into packets of 40 bytes, with a 10 byte header added to each packet. Each link has a transmission rate of 100 kbps and a speed of 1000 km per sec. The switches are 100km away from each other. Host A is 50 km away from the first switch while Host B is 150 km away from the second switch. Data travels from Host A to the first switch, on to the second switch and then to Host B. What is the total transmission delay (in seconds) experienced?”
Write A Java Program To Encrypt And Decrypt A Message. The User Should Be
Write a java program to encrypt and decrypt a message. The user should be able to choose between a Caesar cipher or a Vigenere cipher for their message.
This Program Creates A Two-dimensional Array, Named Table, Fills The Array With Random Numbers:
This program creates a two-dimensional array, named table, fills the array with random numbers: -1, 0, or 1, and display the content of the array. Extend the program so that it can take an input of row and column numbers, display the value in that cell as well as all values next to the cell (up, down, left and right). Hint: 1. If the user’s input is the actual row and column numbers, you need to convert it to the indices of the array to access the data. For instance, if the content of the table is the following: 1 0 -1 1 0 1 0 -1 0 -1 1 0 and the user’s input is (2, 4), the indices of the cell in the two-dimensional array are (1,3) and the value of that cell is then -1. 2. There are up to four neighbours of each cell, depending on its position in the table: the corners, edges or inside. For instance, based on the user’s input (2, 4), the values in the neighbour cells are 1 (up), 0 (down), 0 (left). There is no number on the right. 1 0 -1 1 0 1 0 -1 0 -1 1 0 ////// #include #include #include using namespace std; const int ROWS=3; const int COLS=4; int main() { srand(time(0)); int table[ROWS][COLS]; for (int i = 0; i < ROWS; i ) { for (int j = 0; j < COLS; j ) { table[i][j] = rand()%3-1; } } for (int i = 0; i < ROWS; i ) { for (int j = 0; j < COLS; j ) cout << setw(3) << table[i][j]; cout << endl; } return 0; }
The Purpose Of This Task Is To Introduce OO Design And Programming Using Java:
The purpose of this task is to introduce OO design and programming using java: Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Interface. Consider the below online learning system for a local school. We start to develop the User registration The below image shows the UML diagrams of the system. 1. From the diagrams, complete the relationship between the diagrams 2. Write the code to construct the above classes including attributes, methods and a constructor. (except UserLoginAndRegistration) 3. Write a class called “TestCode” and, in its Main method, create 1 instance of Teacher class and test all methods by showing its results on the console. 4. Implement the UserLoginAndRegistration and continue the previous test code by create an instance of UserLoginAndRegistration. Next, add the teacher object to the UserLoginAndRegistration object by calling “adduser”. Finally, verifyLogin() to verify the given username and password. Noted that you should test with both correct and incorrect user-password detail to test your code.
To Be Done In Python. DynamoDB Table Should Be Populated By Us. Can Be
To be done in Python. DynamoDB table should be populated by us. Can be populated manually through UI, or by using put_item(), it doesn’t matter. CustomerName should be set as a primary key. The table should have 3 columns: first column ‘time purchased’ (epoch time), second column ‘CustomerName’, third column ‘price’. Approximate table layout is found below. There should be several months worth of data, but it’s been shortened, just to give us general idea. The task is to get and sum up last month’s data from an AWS Dynamo DB table based on CustomerName, print out “Customer 1 spent (here goes the amount of money the customer spent in the last month) USD”. Allowed to use boto3 framework.
A Student Required To Develop A Java Application Using Object-oriented Programming Approach. You Are
A student required to develop a java application using object-oriented programming approach. You are required to follow all object-oriented techniques when developing the system. This includes using the concept of encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. Consider the below online booking system for local laptop repairing service. Let first start with the development of the user registration and login system. The below image show the UML diagrams of the system. For each class make those requirements: Task 1: Class design (Code and UML). 1. Draw the complete relationship among UML diagrams (link all the above diagrams into one diagram). 2. Complete writing the aforementioned classes and methods in the UML diagram: – User – Billing – Customer – Guest – UserManagement – Address – UserType and PermissionType (Enum) – Interfaces Task 2: Testing methods and integrate all class to the system and connect the user via the user interface. 1. Write a test code to create objects of Customer, Guest and Staff classes and then test their methods (functions). Create one instance of the UserManagement class and add the previous objects (Customer, Guest and Staff) to this instance by calling “addUser” methods. Finally, test all methods in the UserManagement class. 2. Write a methods in the UserManagement class to load all data from the file (e.g. customer, staff and guest) to the array list in UserManagement class. It must be loaded first before running the UI program for the user to input the command. Please provide 5 user records (Customer, Guest and Staff) before running the program. 3. Write a console program to get an input from a user and allow the user to perform the following applications. 1. Password protection to log in the system. After logging into the system, 2. Menu 1: Display of the full name of the user. 3. Menu 2: Change Password. 4. Menu 3: List all Customer’s email.
Consider The Following Version Of A Classical Cipher Where Plaintext And Ciphertext Elements Are
Consider the following version of a classical cipher where plaintext and ciphertext elements are integers from 0 to 34. Note that this alphabet may be used when the plaintexts are 26 English characters and 9 punctuation symbols. The encryption function, which takes any plaintext p to a ciphertext c, is given by c = E(a,b)(p) = (ap b) mod 35 where a and b are integers less than 35. (a) What is the decryption function for the scheme? (b) A given key is called trivial if c = p for any input p. How many non-trivial keys are possible for the scheme? (c) Briefly describe the complexity of Ciphertext only Attack on the scheme. Your answer could typically include what information is needed and/or steps to retrieve the key. (d) Briefly describe the complexity of Chosen Plaintext Attack on the scheme. Your answer could typically include what information is needed and/or steps to retrieve the key.
InJuly2000,Eastman Chemical Introduced An EC Project That Enables Buyers To Participate In Its
InJuly2000,Eastman Chemical introduced an EC project that enables buyers to participate in its private online price negotiations using LiveExchange from Moai ( Explain how the software works and why it is referred to as “dynamic commerce.”
Write Down User Stories For The Requirements. (A User Story Can Detail One Or
Write down user stories for the requirements. (A user story can detail one or more requirements) A user story preferably should be short (no more than 3-4 sentences) and list the acceptance criteria. Project Requirements The following are the features required in the marketplace View products/services a. Your marketplace should list the set of products or services that are currently available for sale. The products/services can be grouped into different categories. A user should be able to view all products/services belonging to a group. In a marketplace for books, a buyer should be able to find all `fiction’ books by choosing the group. b. A user should be able to select a product/service and view the details of it. The details should be determined based on what the product/service is. For a book, it would be the author, ISBN, category and so on Create, Update details and Buy. a. The marketplace should allow a user to add the product/service to be sold. Since your marketplace is specific to a topic, the user has to provide specific information about the topic. For example: The user will enter the author, ISBN, category and short description, cost to add or create the product/service for same. b. A user who wants to buy the product/service, will be able to bid or indicate interest for an item. The date of the bid will need to be stored. This would let the seller know of interested buyer and date of bid. c. A seller should be able to see all interested buyers for a product/service. The selection of the buyer happens outside the marketplace. d. Once the user has sold the item (after all negotiations outside of our marketplace), the user who created the item can mark it as sold. Only a user who created the product/service can update it as mark it as sold. The information about the final sale or booking (seller, buyer, product/service, date of sale) can be viewed by the seller any time later. User Authentication and Registration a. To sell any product/service the user should register and login the system. b. To buy any product/service, the user should have logged in (if not user needs to register). c. A new user can register into the system.
Python Argparse Question: I Have A Directory Like This: Average = { ‘sam’ =
Python argparse Question: I have a directory like this: average = { ‘sam’ = 74.23618 ‘christina’ = 98.34298 ‘john’ = 88.56102 ‘sylvia’ = 78.32541 ‘taylor’ = 81.23859 } If I type ./studentAverage -d1 I want to delete only ‘sam’ = 74.23618 if I type ./studentAverage -d2 I want to delete ‘sam’ = 74.23618 and ‘christina’ = 98.34298 How can I delete the order list in the directory average using argparse?
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