Skill building in entrepreneurship (part 5)
INSTRUCTIONS: This is a writing assignment that covers the assigned materials (readings, videos, lectures, etc.) for Module 5. Download the Skill Builder #5 assignment template (the link is found below), then write your answers directly into that template (it is a WORD file). Write a minimum of 100 words for each question. This is a TURNITIN assignment on Moodle, which means that when you submit it, you will be submitting it to TURNITIN, and thus receive an originality report indicating possible plagiarism or cheating (there have been problems in the past with students copying the work from past students, or copying from materials previously posted on the internet). You may keep uploading versions of your assignment until you are satisfied with your TURNITIN Originality Report. For Skill Builder assignments, focus on thoughts and reasoning rather than spelling and grammar. You will NOT be penalized for incorrect spelling or improper grammar or sentence structure. This is a Socratic exercise – an opportunity for you to think and express your thoughts. This assignment is a reflection of the degree to which you are engaged in the course material, and how well you learned the topics assigned this week. The emphasis of this assignment is synthesis – the connecting of dots – where you tie together in a meaningful way (1) the assigned readings and videos, (2) current business and world events, and (3) your previous knowledge and experience. There is no correct or incorrect answer, but rather YOUR answer, based on YOUR thoughts and understanding of the material/concepts. Please avoid trying to answer what others would say, or copy what someone else has thought or written. There are three fundamental mistakes students often make on these assignments: (1) simply rambling unsupported opinions or simply listing the topics assigned this week, (2) failing to apply one’s personal perspective (i.e. writing as if it were a research paper, with no personal perspective applied), and (3) failing to incorporate all the assigned materials for the week (which demonstrates that the student decided to skip some of the readings and other assigned materials). Question #1: As we discussed in Skill Builder #1 common misconception and root of confusion in the discussion of innovation, is the distinction between invention and innovation. Many argue that innovation is invention taken to the marketplace and accepted. Explain in your own words the difference between invention and innovation – and explain how you might deal with an inventor that believes they want to become an entrepreneur. How would you deal with that person, toward what resources would you point them, how would you explain the difference between them as an inventor, and an entrepreneur? Question #2A: Describe Christenson’s idea of “Innovator’s Dilemma,” and then describe his idea of “Innovator’s solution.” Do you agree with these two concepts (why or why not)? Question #2B: How might you (or any entrepreneur or manager) benefit by thoroughly understanding these two concepts? Question #2C: How does innovation relate to creativity? Question #2D: How does innovation and creativity apply to entrepreneurship and new venture creation? Question #3A: Explain the main idea behind the Innovator’s DNA and how you might apply it to your current organization, or to a new venture you might start. Question #3B: Do you believe you can find/hire innovative people? Question #3C: Do you think hiring innovative people is wise? Question #3D: Do you believe you can actually become more innovative, or teach your employees to be more innovative; and how? Question #4: Describe the idea of Corporate DNA and how it applies to entrepreneurship. How can an entrepreneur identify or mold his new venture’s DNA? How might an entrepreneur change the firm’s Corporate DNA to improve the firm (either in performance, or otherwise)? Question #5: Reflect on your own experiences and describe how the nature of work has changed thus far in your lifetime (your own experience, the experiences of your parents and older friends). Has work become better or worse, and why (explain)? What technologies have led the changes, and how? Question #6A: Describe the workplace of the future. Again, in your own words, based on your experience, training, knowledge, and the materials presented in this course. Question #6B: Describe, in your own opinion (based on experience, training, knowledge, and the materials assigned this week and in this course) how will technology impact the nature of work in the coming three decades? Question #6C: What can you (this means you personally – in your job or career – or work plans) do to prepare for these changes; and more importantly, how can you exploit these changes (to leverage wealth, your career, etc.)? Question #6D: How will the changes in the workplace impact entrepreneurs hiring employees, trying to make a profit, and trying to train and retain good employees?
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Assignment 2: Annual Review Due Week 7 and worth 150 points Imagine
Assignment 2: Annual Review Due Week 7 and worth 150 points Imagine you work at a company and it is time for an employee named Jim’s annual review. While he was a model employee the first nine (9) months of the year, recently Jim has been coming in late. It has not been just a few minutes each day, either. It is starting to cause problems in the production line. In this assignment, write a summary of how you would approach your conversation with Jim. How will you address his recent performance issues while still praising him for his previous nine (9) months of good work? Your goal is to balance the negative and positive feedback so that Jim will leave motivated to do his best. This assignment should focus on your goals for the conversation, and which employee relations approaches you will use to address the situation . You will create and submit your assignment by using the ecree link. Just click on the link, and start writing. Your work will be saved automatically. You’ll see some feedback on the right-hand side of the screen, including text and videos to help guide you in the writing process. When you’re ready, you can turn in your assignment by clicking “Submit” at the bottom of the page. Click the assignment link to start your assignment in ecree. Please note that ecree works best in Firefox and Chrome. Write a five to seven (5-7) paragraph paper in which you: Explain how you will address Jim’s recent performance issues. Suggest both constructive and positive feedback designed so that Jim will leave motivated to do his best. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements: This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details. Include at least 1 reference to support your paper. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Explain effective approaches to the broad spectrum of employee relations, including career development, fostering ethical behavior, discipline, labor relations, and dismissals. Analyze various techniques, considerations, and designs of performance appraisal programs. Use technology and information resources to research issues in human resource management. Write clearly and concisely about human resource management using proper writing mechanics.
BUS 475 Week 5 (10 slides)
rewrite it……. download the file from this link Apply: Strategic Plan Evaluation Apply: Strategic Plan Evaluation
Research paper- Final Tech Step 3-3
This is Step 3-3 Please follow the research paper guidelines PDF. The research paper will be based on ” IN A HOSPITAL EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT, LESS WAITING FOR BETTER DIAGNOSES AND TREATMENT ” Pg 63- 65… you can use the rest of the PDF as resource. Step 3. Review your research paper guidelines. Using your Manyika reading and outside sources, research the automation solutions suggested by the case study of your choice. For example, Robotics Personal Safety technology Sensory perception technology Document handling There are many other solutions that will be interesting to research that may not be suggested in the Manyika article. Format your submissions following the annotations on the sample research paper. Pleasse Follow the Criteria for correct grading Submitting : (Turnitin enabled)
Why institutions are reluctant to move their IT to the cloud.
Why institutions are reluctant to move their IT to the cloud. Consider specific industries like education, medicine, military, etc. Use at least three sources. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list. Cite your sources.
Question Computer Inc. is one of the pioneers in the manufacture of microprocessor
Computer Inc. is one of the pioneers in the manufacture of microprocessor for computers. On April 1, 2018, Intel issued $1,600,000 of 12% face value bonds for $1,703,411.40. The bonds are due in 4 years, and pay interest semiannually on September 30 and March 31. Intel sold the bonds to yield 10%.Use the spreadsheet included in the module section to prepare a bond interest expense and premium amortization schedule using the straight-line method.Use the same spreadsheet to prepare a bond interest expense and premium amortization schedule using the effective interest method.Prepare any adjusting entries for the end of the fiscal year, December 31, 2018, using the:straight-line method of amortizationeffective interest method of amortizationAssume the company retires the bonds on June 30, 2019, at 103 plus accrued interest. Prepare the journal entries to record the bond retirement using the straight-line method of amortization and the effective interest method of amortization.
Question on this module handbook I have uploaded there are two assignements one
on this module handbook I have uploaded there are two assignements one is a presenation could you complete that and include verything which is stated also adding references. Cottrell S (2008) Study Skills Handbook 3rd edition, Palgrave essential reading material please reference.
Question 4-6 pages in length APA format double space12 point font times new
4-6 pages in length APA format double space12 point font times new roman font one inch margins Microsoft word3 scholarly sources
Reflection/Critical Evaluation of Your Learning Outcomes Write a critical evaluation of your
Reflection/Critical Evaluation of Your Learning Outcomes Write a critical evaluation of your learning outcomes. In your response, consider: 1. The content of this class as they relate to Team Management and managerial decision making. 2. Base on the course content, discuss new skills you acquired from this class? How relevant are the new skills to your current and/or future profession? 3. How would you apply your new knowledge? With The Six reference of Acadmic Peer review Article.
The HRM function is quite complex with multiple legal, relational, technological, and
The HRM function is quite complex with multiple legal, relational, technological, and environmental factors to navigate. Select any one of the following starter bullet point sections. Review the important themes within the sub questions of each bullet point. The sub questions are designed to get you thinking about some of the important issues. Your response should provide a succinct synthesis of the key themes in a way that articulates a clear point, position, or conclusion supported by research. Many would acknowledge that at one time unions were good for workers and the country as unions were able to help workers obtain safer and healthier working conditions, higher pay, and a variety of legal protections. However, others argue that they have outlived their usefulness and contribute to lower competitiveness and a decline in the value of merit (with the union emphasis on seniority). Evaluate the pros and cons of unions, including your assessment of whether unions have outlived their usefulness or still have an important role. With the high cost of strikes to both management and unions, there is increasing use of third-party conflict resolution processes to resolve an impasse. The two primary processes are mediation and arbitration. Analyze the difference between mediation and arbitration. From the perspective of each party in the impasse, assess the benefits and disadvantages of each of these third-party conflict resolution methods and under what conditions one would be preferred. Evaluate the situational variables (for example, the issue at impasse, the consequences of not resolving the impasse, grievance vs. strike threat, the state of the relationship between the two parties, and legislation such as Railway Labor Act and National Labor Relations Act) that might influence selection of method to resolve an impasse. Employees’ rights to privacy are being brought to question on many fronts—just what is your right to privacy at your place of employment? Does your employer have a right to read your personal e-mail? To place surveillance cameras in the restroom? To track the sites that you visit? Monitor your phone calls? Evaluate the employer’s interest in monitoring employees, including the rights that employers have. Assess the rights to privacy and protection from monitoring that employees should have. Justify a brief communication plan for policies and procedures pertaining to monitoring. Ulrich (2012) identified four waves of HR development. In the first wave, HR was primarily an administrative activity. In the second wave, HR continued to have an administrative dimension, but also began to focus on innovative activities pertaining to sourcing, rewards, communication, and other practices. In the third wave, HR continued administration and innovative activities, but also added the strategic element by integrating HR practices with business purpose. Because of globalization, economic turmoil, technological advances, and other change factors, Ulrich anticipates a fourth wave of HR that he describes as outside in. In essence, HR must integrate with external conditions and stakeholders to build successful HRM. Evaluate Ulrich’s perspective on the fourth wave of HR. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the idea? Ulrich (2012) proposed six key competencies for HR professionals, including (a) credible activist, (b) strategic positioner, (c) capability builder, (d) change champion, (e) HR innovator and integrator, and (f) technology proponent. Conduct research into the six competencies and assess which of the six roles is most important for an HR professional to master. Ulrich, D. (2012). HR transformation: Six competencies for the future of human resources. New York, NY: McGraw Hill. The final paragraph (three or four sentences) of your initial post should summarize the one or two key points that you are making in your initial response. Your posting should be the equivalent of 1 to 2 single-spaced pages (500–1000 words) in length.
Dealing with Diversity in America from Reconstruction through the 1920s
Dealing with Diversity in America from Reconstruction through the 1920s
Does the good news conveyed by the announcement of a dividend
Does the good news conveyed by the announcement of a dividend increase mean that a firm can increase its stock price in the long run simply by paying cash dividends? *200 minimum, reliable references, APA format*
Research Paper- Final Tech Step 2-3
Step 2 out of 3 . IND Description and problem statement For detailed instructions, please see your Research Paper Guidelines, Step 2. Please follow criteria I have added the paper I did but this is the comment the professer left . I need it it fixed to her wants. Hi XXXXX, Your plagiarism score is 68%. I doubled checked the report, and indeed 68% of your submission is copied and pasted. I do not think you meant to plagiarize, as I see your citations. Nevertheless, you cannot copy and paste others’ words and ideas. Having done that, you imply that you have paraphrased. In the next iteration of your paper, you must prove that you are able to integrate the ideas of others into your own composition. Hi XXXX, You may revise this section of the paper when you submit it along with the solutions part of the paper, which is your next and last research assignment (Part 3). Compose it by weaving the data you find into the first half of the paper. Don’t copy and paste anything.
eco 550, strayer, week 6 discussion
Game Theory-Sequential Games are Played in Business All the Time. So what is Game Theory and how do businesses uses games? Here is some help from Dr C. In the text, we consider a sequential-move game in which an entrant was considering entering an industry in competition with an incumbent firm (See Figure 15-1). Consider now that the entrant, if fought, has the possibility of withdrawing from the industry (at a loss of 1 for the entrant and a gain of 8 for the incumbent), or staying at a loss of 5 for each player). What is the equilibrium of this game? Discuss if the entrant is better off with or without the ability to withdraw. PLEASE DO NOT RELY ON WIKIPEDIA, INVESTOPEDIA OR ANY OTHER PEDIA AS A REFERENCE AT ANYTIME IN THIS COURSE.
450 total essay with150 words on character?150 words on how do you
450 total essay with150 words on character?150 words on how do you develop institutional and technical expertise150 words on how are the two connectedAPA writing, cite sources.
who can do this by 2:00 its a discussion
Review and reflect upon the NAEYC ethical code of conduct. Identify two standards you are confident in implementing in the classroom. What is one standard where you might seek more support?
Paper On Information Systems Infrastructure Evolution And Trends.
Research paper on Information systems infrastructure: evolution and trends. Plagiarism free. 10 pages in length • APA formatted • Minimum six (6) sources – at least two (2) from journals • Include an abstract, introduction, and conclusion
Week 7 Discussion Bus 599 Strategic Management
Warning W A R N I N G ! IT APPEARS THAT YOU DO NOT HAVE EXCEL’S MACRO CAPABILITY ENABLED. THESE FINANCIAL WORKSHEETS WILL NOT FUNCTION WITHOUT MACROS ENABLED. Excel 2010 for Windows: To enable macros: 1. Click the “Enable Content” button in the Security Warning that appears at the top of this page. If you do not see the “Security Warning” along the top of this page, scroll down for more detailed instructions, under “Excel 2010 and Excel 2013 on Windows – Enabling Macros” Excel 2013
Read the summary of the Wrench LLC v. Taco Bell Corporation
Read the summary of the Wrench LLC v. Taco Bell Corporation case in the “Ethics: Implied-in-Fact Contract Prevents Unjust Result” section of Ch. 9 in Legal Environment of Business. It is suggested that you also research and read the full court opinion, using the summary in the textbook to aid your understanding of the legal issues presented. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper using Microsoft® Word. Address the following questions: What type of intellectual property was at issue in this case? Were these ideas entitled to protection under the law? Explain the difference between an implied-in-law (quasi contract) and an implied-in-fact contract. What type of contract was at issue in this case? Explain what the parties could have done differently to protect their rights and avoid this dispute. Explain how a properly written contract could have been utilized for the licensing and use of the intellectual property to prevent the issue, and provide terms you would recommend be included in such a contract. Identify and explain each of the elements that would have been necessary to form a valid contract. Use APA format Submit your assignment.
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