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Sociology Population, Natural Resources, and Environment


In this assignment the student will display their ability to identify sociological concepts to analyze a current environmental problem related to the course. Select a problem that is current, explain the problem and its relevance for the course. Think about it and identify various sociological themes to analyze it. Write a concise and coherent short essay (800 to 1500 words) about the sociological issues contained within it. Please integrate concepts covered in class and course. I will evaluate your critiques in the following way: strong – 100 points, good – 85 points (meaningful engagement with course content but room for improvement) and unsatisfactory – 70 points (did not engage with the course content as noted in the guidelines). Generally speaking, there will be variability in the grades. Please use Times New Roman 12-point font. This is an electronic submission on Canvas. Citation Style: ASA preferred If you choose a different style, I have no problem as long as it is correct and very importantly, is consistent throughout the essay

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