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Some more study questions, if you can help me with these I would appreciate

Some more study questions, if you can help me with these I would appreciate

it.</li><li></li><li>What was the importance of Brown v. Board?</li> <li>What were the major events/achievements of the African American civil rights movement?</li> <li>Compare the philosophies of MLK with the Black Power movement What were the significant pieces of civil rights legislation?</li> <li>Discuss the role of the Supreme Court. What were the major events/achievements of the Hispanic Rights movement?</li> <li>The American Indian rights movement?</li> <li>The Women’s rights movement?</li> <li>The gay rights movement?</li> <li>Overall, which methods succeeded and why? Which methods failed and why?</li> <li>What were the major trends in the Cold War in the 1960s?</li> <li>Why does the U.S. expand the war in Vietnam?</li> <li>Evaluate the impact of Vietnam on the relationship between the legislative and executive branches of government – especially the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution and the War Powers Act.</li> <li>How does it extricate itself from Vietnam?</li> <li>What were the main domestic achievements of the New Frontier and the Great Society?</li> <li>What were the concerns of America’s youth in the 1960s? What accounts for their activism?</li> <li>Discuss the student protest movements. Discuss the hippie movement.

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