Statement of interest for masters program -urban planning and public health
I have attached all the docs needed, information about my background, resume, personal statement instructions, my personal statement when I applied to undergrad school. I need this to be perfect please, I have attached links to each one of the programs website, since this is a dual master program, I have included both links for both programs. I also need to mention why I chose this program at this specific school, this is why I included their website which contains their information. I got my undergrad in this school and I think the faculties did a great job teaching and helping the students learn. the urban panning focus on answering the questions provided which are- your interest in the Planning Program- the planning topics or areas of interest about which you are particularly passionate- your special strengths and the aspects of your values/personal beliefs, background, and/or experiences that you believe will enable you to make a unique contribution to the Planning Program- how the Planning Program will further your career plans and the contributions you hope to make after graduationI am not planning to open a hospital in Iraq anymore, that was just an old interest statement; however, I do want to contribute in building a healthy community/ environment I noticed several grammatical errors. Please fix them
Question The biggest environmental challenge we face is the one that nobody is
The biggest environmental challenge we face is the one that nobody is talking about.Every living human must take up space, eat, drink, and make waste. It is therefore impossible to have an individual ecological footprint of zero.Putting this into context, our total impact on the Earth is a function of our individual ecological footprint multiplied by our population size. Simple. But when we discuss environmental issues we are addressing only our footprints. For example, climate change conversations never include stabilizing or reducing the population to mitigate climate change. This is a mistake, because an ecological footprint that is sustainable today can not be sustainable at a greater population size. Until we address population growth, the sustainable threshold will always be a moving target, and it will always be moving farther away.At some population level, there simply are not enough resources. This happens to populations of every species. The total amount of resources available on Earth is finite but population is growing exponentially. Consequently, this most simple of logic problems forces these important questions: What is Earth’s carrying capacity for humans? And… are we exhibiting characteristics of a population reaching carrying capacity? Use the following websites to answer the questions below. As always, submit your questions and answers as a WORD-readable document using the submission link.1 A. What is the current population size? Visit: (Links to an external site.)For the next questions, use: (Links to an external site.)1 B. At current growth rates, what is the estimated population size for the year 2050?2. Using the graph at the bottom of that page depicting exponential population growth, at approximately what date or date range does population size begin to be represented by a steep graphical ascent.3. Review the text content above the graph on the page. Consider Joel Cohen’s approach of 3 paradigms. Keep in mind that technology is not free; it takes resources to make, and it only seems like we are using less when in actuality that would be a violation of the laws of physics. Technology simply shifts resource use to another place or time. Which of the three paradigms do you think should be the priority? (Any reasonable answer is fine as long as there is some logic behind it! 50-100 words.)4. Choose the pulldown MENU and then Explore the Map. At the bottom of the map is a timeline. Under the timeline categories of (1) Food and (2)Technology, when (year) approximately did the cluster of important events begin? Did advances in these area coincide with an significant increase in population? 5. When a population of nearly any species is nearing carrying capacity it is obvious. This is because the population exhibits traits that ecologists call “density-dependent behaviors”. This usually involves strain on the social fabric, increased tension, conflict over space or other resources, and at the extreme – genocide and cannibalism. Conflict between individuals or groups often involve issues that at a lower population density were irrelevant. Consider all that you have learned from this course, your life experiences, and any other research. Is the human population currently exhibiting these density-dependent stress behaviors that would indicate we are nearing ecological carrying capacity? Any reasonable argument is valid. (50-100 words.)
Question The parameters for your response are as follows:The response must be between
The parameters for your response are as follows:The response must be between 850-1150 words. Students that fall short of the required word count will receive a 10% deduction.You must cite a minimum of 3 scholarly sources– news media articles do not count as scholarly sources, only peer reviewed journals, books, etc.You must cite all sources clearly and consistently, regardless of the citation style you choose be sure to keep it consistent.You must include a works cited (not part of the word count) at the end.You response should include considerable reflection on the pertinent course terms and concepts, failing to reference these consistently throughout will result in a deduction.Week One PromptIn the weekly theme, we explored an apparent contradiction; categories like race, ethnicity, gender, class, sexuality, and so on are at once socially constructed and yet every bit as real as a physical force like gravity. Citing scholarly works from your class readings or from outside of the course readings, discuss how these social constructs become real in how people relate to one another. Give clean and concrete examples. Remember, you can’t see gravity, but you can examine and point out its effects, and so it is with these crucial categories by which difference is defined.
please find the attached answer the questions from 3-10and please write the
please find the attached answer the questions from 3-10and please write the steps on how you did it I want to learn not only solving the questions1 and 2 already solved thanks
Question For this assignment, you will need to submit a draft of your
For this assignment, you will need to submit a draft of your research paper with these components to ensure you are on the right track:an outline of your research and the intended direction of your argument,at least five scholarly resources you have found that contribute to your topic, andan abstract outlining your topic and your subsequent findings.This outline should use appropriate APA style writing. While there is no minimum requirement for your outline, you should be thorough in your research so your professor (or a colleague) could adequately determine your intended research and the direction of your research paper.
Footage from LAPD body and car cameras
Instructions: Should the camera footage from LAPD body and car cameras be publicly available? Answer this question drawing explicitly on the course readings. Consider how Kant, Smith, Foucault, and Bentham would answer this question in your paper.
Introduction, Country Choice, and Product/Service Selection
***You can use any U.S company as reference and must choose a target country from the list in the attached instructions.The purpose of this discussion is to introduce yourself and make selections for Assignment 1. As explained in the instructions for Assignment 1 (link below), you will choose a target country from the list provided, as well as a product or service to analyze.Read through the Assignment 1 instructions and then respond to the following three prompts:Tell us a bit about yourself. State the name of your organization and describe the sector in which it does businessState the target international country you have chosen from the list in Assignment 1, and explain why this country interests youBriefly describe the product or service provided by your organization (or an organization that is of interest) that you will analyze in this course
Ernesto Neto “The Body that Carries Me” 2014
Formal Analysis
USE THE TEMPLATE OF EXCEL FOR FORECAST and REGRESSION. Just input the numbers in the excel spreadsheet and run it, direction are fully in the excel doc. Everything will be in inputted until YEAR 4 QUARTER 3. (everything in EXCEL)
Discipline: – Design Type of service: Research Paper Spacing: Double spacing Paper format: MLA Number of
Discipline: – Design Type of service: Research Paper Spacing: Double spacing Paper format: MLA Number of pages: 2 pages Number of sources: 2 sources Paper detalis: The essay should be 2-page paper , and use double space. Sketch pictures chould not be counted into the words. If you use two sketches, and they account for one page. The article should be 3 pages because sketch pictures occupy one page. the subject you choose should be in specific time period, such as Arts and Craft/Mission (1880 to1920)’s furniture. You just need to help me find 2 2 hybrid digital/ manual sketches , and each sketch must include notations with arrows describing the design. If the picture you find does not have enough description, please add some description, so I can follow what you did to do the sketch again. sources are not required, if you use any sources, please follow MLA format.
Discipline: – Movies Type of service: Coursework Spacing: Double spacing Paper format: MLA Number of pages:
Discipline: – Movies Type of service: Coursework Spacing: Double spacing Paper format: MLA Number of pages: 1 page Number of sources: 0 source Paper detalis: Write one paragraph about a scene from a recent film from 2010 to current year, in which dialogue, sound effects and music all combine to create the perfect soundtrack for what is going on dramatically in the film
the instruction to write 2pages essay
39. Follow the instruction to write 2pages essayAll the work must be originalTurnitin report must be provided
the instruction to write 2pages essay
40. Follow the instruction to write 2pages essayAll the work must be original Turnitin report is required
the instruction to write 2pages essay
41. Follow the instruction to write 2pages essay All the work must be original Turnitin report is required
[Revision] Introduction to the Literature Review/Benchmark – Drafting a Literature Review
Part A assignment (15 articles)Part B assignment (30 articles including 15 articles from part 1 assignment)Article must be less than 5 yearsPlease, address all areaAssignments has two parts ( A and B)Please use my PICOT: In elderly patients with urinary incontinence, what is the effect of bladder training for three-months compared to no bladder training in reducing nighttime bladder incontinence within six months?
1sing 1sing 1sing 1sing 1
sing 1sing 1sing 1sing 1sing 1sing 1sing 1sing 1sing 1sing 1sing 1sing 1sing 1sing 1sing 1
the instruction to write 2pages essay
43. Follow the instruction to write 2pages essay All the work must be original Turnitin report is required
the instruction to write 2pages essay
44. Follow the instruction to write 2pages essay All the work must be original Turnitin report is required
the instruction to write 2pages essay
45. Follow the instruction to write 2pages essay All the work must be original Turnitin report is required
the instruction to write 1page essay
47. Follow the instruction to write 1page essay All the work must be original Turnitin report is required
the instruction to write 1page essay
48. Follow the instruction to write 1page essay All the work must be originalTurnitin report is required
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