Submission of a Selected Research Article, Checklist and Module 1 Article Document
Group Research Article Checklist
Directions:This checklist is provided to assist your group in selecting an appropriate research article to complete the weekly Critical Thinking/Research Critique assignments. This checklist serves as a valuable guide as your group searches for an appropriate article for this assignment. Your coach will not be grading the actual checklist but will use it in approving your submitted publication. Submit the completed checklist with your article you are submitting for faculty approval.
- All members of the group should select an article meeting the criteria, then as a group, select one of the group member’s article. It is suggested you keep the other articles just in case you need to resubmit a second article. Establish a deadline for the selection of an article keeping in mind the need to address some specific questions related to the article and meet the established deadline.
- Please review this checklist as a group prior to submitting your group selected research article for this assignment.
- When allthe group membersparticipating in this assignment believe ALLthe stated criteria has been met, please place a checkmark in the provided box.
- Submit this checklist with the full text selected article in PDF formatin the provided dropbox along with the Module 1 document.
- Do not submit a web link to the selected article as this will result in a deduction on your first critical thinking submission.
Checklist Criteria for your Article Selection: | ||
Met | Not Met | |
Our group selected a quantitativeprimary (data-basedresearchstudy,written bytheresearchers*whoconducted thestudy)research article (you may select a pilot/feasibility study as long as it meets other checklist criteria)(You may or may not find words in the abstract such as study, investigation, the aim of this study; look for headings such as Method/Design, Sample/Participants, Data Analysis, Findings etc). | ||
Our group selected a peer review quantitative research published between May, 2018 and July, 2019 or if it is a quarterly publication, starting January, 2019-to current date).Do not submit an accepted draft of an article/manuscript. It must already be published in a nursing professional journal and can be located within the specific publication. | ||
Our group selected a study whose firstauthor is a registered nurse (you should see RN behind the first author’s name or there may be an identification within the article that the first author is a registered nurse-typically on the first or last page of the publication. If the credentials of the author are not identified, then you will need to select another article) | ||
Our groupselected a study published ina peer reviewed NURSINGjournal(i.e.nursesaretheprimaryaudienceforthejournal; journal for nurses usually (but not always) have nurse/nursing in the title). | ||
Our groupselected a study from either a national or international journal; however, the entire study must be written in Englishincluding references.If you select an article from the Journal of Nursing UFPE on line-while the text of the article is in English, frequently some of the references are not in English. This would not be appropriate for this assignment unless the references are also provided in English. | ||
Our groupselected a study that includes a population/sample thatuses human subjects/participants. (Animal research is not appropriate for this assignment unless it is a study with humans engaged in animal therapy etc.). | ||
groupselected a study with descriptive statistics related to data analysis
and answered the question below:
7a)Descriptive statistics were identified on page_____Please note: if the term “power analysis” is present, it does not address this criterion; it is another research concept and does not address either descriptive and/or inferential statistics 7b) An example of a descriptive statistic found in the study was_________ | ||
Our group selected a study with inferential statistics (but not advanced statistics-we did not select a study that used the following for statistical analysis: path analysis, modeling or uses the word “model” in the analysis technique like causal modeling, multiple regression, factor analysis, linear models, time series, data mining techniques, odds-ratio and logistic regression, plots, plotting or plot method-refer to page 299 of your text ) related to data analysis and answered question 8a below 8a)Inferential statistic(s) were found on page______ 8b) An example of an inferential statistic found in the study was_________ Additional Resources to assist if needed: View your statistics notes, or LoBiondo-Wood & Harper textbook for the class(Chapters 9 and 10 may be helpful)Read pages 327-328 (8th edition) and page 299 in the 9th edition, avoid these advanced statisticsData Analysis may also include descriptive statistics but may not solely use this type of statistics. Please note: if you read the words “power analysis” it does not address this criterion | ||
Our groupreviewed Library Guides found under Course Orientation and Overview; or accessed the following website: | ||
If needed,our groupor select group members contacted the PUC Library Scientist, to assist with searching. (Please note: The librarian is not responsible for finding your articles, approving your article, and /or APA format; only your course coach/faculty will approve your article. | ||
For students previously enrolled in the class, no group members have used this article for this assignment previously even if assigned to another coach/faculty for this class. | ||
We are aware points will be deducted from our /myModule 1 Article Document assignments that does not meet all of these checklist criteria. Hint: Please be sure your selected publication refers to both descriptive and inferential statistics-this is where groups frequently experience the point(s) deduction. | ||
We have reviewed all the criteria, the DO NOT choose list below and the article we are submitting for faculty approval in pdf format meets all the criteria listed above. Type your group letter/number assigned to your groupin this box. Name of group member(s) who specifically participated in this assignment: | ||
Name of Group member(s) who did NOT participate in this assignment: _______________________________________ (a zero (0) grade will be earned on this Module 1Research Article Document assignment for any group member who did not participate in this assignment after faculty verification.) |
For the“Selection of aResearchArticleAssignment”, please DONOTchoose anyofthefollowingtypesof researchstudiesor
articles forthis assignment:
- Qualitative research
- Informative article
- Concept Analysis
- Quality Improvement Project (avoid studies that indicate it is project)
- Project Development/Implementation (Project/ Observational study that discusses a project (many times these are identified as projects for Doctorate of Nursing Practice requirements, you may find the credential DNP behind the first authors name; however, some authors with DNP credentials may engage in primary research so look for the word “Project” in the article, sometimes found in the abstract or under the heading “Methods”
- The title or purpose of the article states “Reviewofthe literatureORnarrative article OR integrated/integrative reviews OR systematic review of the literature”.(Please note: the review of the literature is a step in the nursing research process, so you may find review of the literature as a heading in the text of an appropriate research article but avoid if it is in the title or purpose of the article.)
- Researchreportin asecondarysource(i.e.notwrittenbytheresearchersthatconductedtheactual study) or secondary analysis
- A researchreportpublished aspartofan article/moduleforcontinuingeducationunits (you may find “CEU” or “CU” on the first page of the publication and may have a short quiz at the end of the article)
- Mixed method(multi-methods)design(i.e.bothqualitativeANDquantitative processes used in the study.
- Clinical Guidelines
- Systematicreviews
- Secondary analysis
- Meta-analysis
- Meta-synthesis
- Meta-aggregate
- Program/Project Evaluation-***this is a common error that has been made in the past; please make sure your selected article is not a program or project evaluation.
- A survey/tool/questionnaire/instrumentdevelopmentstudy (typically the article will indicate that the research focus is tool development in the title or purpose of the study. The purpose may state: The purpose of this research is to test/develop a survey/tool/ questionnaire/measurement/instrument to measure____ or something similar)
**Faculty highly recommends that you avoidstudies with large data sets(refer to page 299 of your text )multiple variables (multivariate analysis with resultant data) or higher level statistical analysis. Previous students seem to be more challenged when choosing studies with large data sets. Your faculty may notify you that your selected article has a more challenging data analysis procedure and to submit another article. However, your group may have an advanced statistical background and may select not to submit another article. If this is the case for your group, please discuss this with your assigned coach.
Do not select these articles (Please note: if you select one of the following articles it will not be approved and result in a 2-point deduction (please do not request an exception as this will not be given):
Ahmadi, M., Bagheri-Saweb, M.I., Nouri, B., Mohamadamini, O., &Valiee, S. (2019). Effect of Interventional Educational Programs on Intensive Care Nurses’ Perception, Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice About Physical Restraints: A Pre-/Post-Clinical Trial. Critical Care Nursing. 42, 106-116. doi: 10.1097/CNQ.0000000000000244106
Alenezi, A. M., Aboshaiqah, A., & Baker, O. (2018). Work-related stress among nursing staff working in government hospitals and primary health care centres. International Journal of Nursing Practice,24(5), 1-8. doi:10.1111/ijn.12676
Aloush, S.M., Abdelkader, F., Al-Sayaghi, K., Tawclbeh, L., Suliman, M., Al Bashtawy, M., & Shaban, I. (2018). Compliance of nurses and hospitals with ventilator-associated pneumonia prevention guidelines: A Middle Eastern survey. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 33(3), E8-E14. doi: 10.1097/NCQ.000000000000028.
Aliyu, S. P., Furuya, Y. M., & Larson, E. R. (2019). Risk of subsequent health care−associated infection among patients with a blood stream infection present on hospital admission. American Journal of Infection Control, 47(2), 196-200. Retrieved from
Anderson, C.A., & Connolly, J.P. (2018). A model to predict birth stress in adolescents within 72 hours of childbirth. Advances in Nursing Science, 41(3), 216-229. Retrieved from
Arslan, D.E., &Akca, N.K. (2018). Pain following needle insertion into a hemodialysis fistula and influencing factors. International Journal of Caring Science,11(3), 1662-1670. Retrieved from
Arslan, D. E., Kutlutürkan, S., & Korkmaz, M. (2019). The effect of aromatherapy massage on knee pain and functional status in participants with osteoarthritis. Pain Management Nursing, 20(1), 62-69.
Bell, M., Bogar, C., Plante, J., Rasmussen, K., & Winters, S. (2018, November). Effectiveness of a novel specimen collection system in reducing blood culture contamination Rates. Journal of Emergency Nursing, 44(6), 570-575. Retrieved April 4, 2019, from
Bergomi, P., Scudeller, L., Pintaldi, S., & Dal Molin, A. (2018). Efficacy of non-pharmacological methods of pain management in children undergoing venipuncture in a pediatric outpatient clinic: A randomized controlled trial of audiovisual distraction and external cold and vibration. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 42, e66-e72.
Brownie, S., Wahedna, A. H., & Crisp, N. (2018). Nursing as a pathway to women’s empowerment and intergenerational mobility. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27(21–22), 4050–4057. Retrieved from
Chou, P., Fang,S., Sun, J. & Rau, K. (2018). Gender difference in cancer patients’ adherence to analgesics and related outcomes of pain management. Cancer Nursing. 41(6). 11-18.
Ciftci, B., Avsar, G., Aydın, E., &KaramanOzlu, Z. (2018). Assessment of the effect of nipple care with honey on nipple cracking. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 11(3), 1881–1889. Retrieved from
Engström, Å, & Forsberg, A. (2019). Peripheral intravenous catheter difficulty – A clinical survey of registered nurse and critical care nurse performance. Journal of Clinical Nursing. doi:10.1111/jocn.14668
Evans, S., Yager, E., Sutherland, L., & Downey, M. (2018). Getting your grumble back. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 36(3), 255–261. https://doi-
Finch, K., Osseiran-Moisson, R., Carville, K., Leslie, G., & Dwyer, M. (2018). Skin tear prevention in elderly patients using twice-daily moisturiser. Wound Practice andResearch, 26, 99-109. Retrieved from
Henson, K., Thomley, J., Lowrie, L., & Walker, D. (2019). Comparison of selected outcomes associated with two postoperative analgesic approaches in patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty. American Association of Nurse Anesthetists, 87(1), 51-57. Retrieved from
Herrera-Gómez, A., De Luna-Bertos, E., Ramos-Torrecillas, J., Ocaña-Peinado, F. M., Ruiz, C., & García-Martínez, O. (2018). Risk assessments of epidural analgesia during labor and delivery. Clinical Nursing Research, 27(7), 841–852.
Horne, C. E., Johnson, S., & Crane, P. B. (2019). Comparing comorbidity measures and fatigue post myocardial infarction. Applied Nursing Research, 45, 1-5. doi: 10.1016/j.apnr.2018.11.004.
Huthaifah1 Ibrahim, K. (2018). Quality of life determinants among lung cancer patients near end of life. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 11(3), 1580–1587.
Jenita, E., &Pushpakala, E. (2019). Effect of early ambulation versus late ambulation on patients’ outcome among patients underwent transfemoral coronary procedures. International Journal of Nursing Education, 11(1), 74–78. https://doi-
Keskin, G., Gümüş, A. B., &Yiğitoğlu, G. T. (2019). Sexual dysfunctions and related variables with sexual function in patients who undergo dialysis for chronic renal failure. Journal of Clinical Nursing. doi:10.1111/jocn.14602
Lamont, S., &Brunero, S. (2018). The effect of a workplace violence training program for generalist nurses in the acute hospital setting: A quasi-experimental study. Nurse Education Today, 68, 45-52.
Mathew, S.M., & Sujatha, R. (2018). Effectiveness of Child To Child Approach on Practice of Hand Washing Among School Children in a Selected School at Mangalore.Nitte University Journal of Health Science. Retrieved from:
McAdam, J. L., & Puntillo, K. (2018). Pilot study assessing the impact of bereavement support on families of deceased intensive care unit patients. American Journal of Critical Care, 27(5), 372-380.
Menegueti, M. G., Araújo, T. R., Laus, A. M., Martins-Filho, O. A., Basile-Filho, A., &Auxiliadora-Martins, M. (2019). Resting energy expenditure and oxygen consumption in critically ill patients with vs without sepsis. American Journal of Critical Care,28(2), 136-141. doi:10.4037/ajcc2019168
Mortimer-Jones, S. M., Wall, P. G., & Russell, S. (2018). Quantitative analysis of anxietylevels of nursing students studying bioscience in Australia. Nursing & Health Sciences. doi:10.1111/nhs.12535.
Mrayan, L., Abujbil, S., Abuidhail, J., Yassein, M. B., & Al-Modallal, H. (2019). Couvade syndrome among Jordanian expectant fathers. American Journal of Men’s Health, 1-9. doi:10.1177/1557988318810243
Nirmala, V., J. Silvia Edison, Vijayaraghavan&Suni, M. S. (January- March 2019). Effectiveness of the comprehensive intervention package on the psychological variables among adolescents. International Journal of Nursing Education, 11(1), 102- 108.
Oner, U., &Coban, G. I. (2018). Satisfaction Levels of Cardiac Patients From Oral Anticoagulant Treatment. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 11(3), 1789–1801.
Orinovsky, I., Raizman, E. (2018). Improvement of nutritional intake in intensive care unit patients via a nurse -led enteral nutrition feeding protocol. Critical Care Nurse. 28(3),38-44. doi:10.4037/ccn2018433
Ota, M., Peck, B., & Porter, J. (2018). Evaluating a blended online learning model among undergraduate Nursing Students. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 1.doi:10.1097/cin.0000000000000456
Pandian, V., Datta, M., Nakka, S., Tammineedi, D. S., Davidson, P. M., & Nyquist, P. A. (2019). Intensive care unit readmission in patients with primary brain injury and tracheostomy. American Journal of Critical Care, 28(1), 56-63. doi:10.4037/ajcc2019883
Peršolja, M. (2018). The effect of nurse staffing patterns on patient satisfaction and needs: a cross-sectional study. Journal of Nursing Management, 26(7), 858-865. https://doi. org/10.1111/jonm.12616.
Piasai, K., Phumdoung, S., Wiroonpanich, W., &Chotsampancharoen, T. (2018). A randomized control trial of guided-imagination and drawing-storytelling in children with cancer. Pacific Rim International Journal of Nursing Research, 22(4), 386-400. Retrieved from
Punthmatharith, B., & Mora, J. (2018). Effects of positioning on respiration rate, heart rate, and oxygen saturation in preterm infants during feeding: A cross-over design. Pacific Rim International Journal of Nursing Research, 22(3), 187-199.
Sleutel, M.R., True, B., Gustus, H., Baldwin, K. & Early, B. (2018). Response to a national issue: Moving beyond “back to sleep” at three hospitals. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 43,16-22. doi:10.1016/j.pedn.2018.07.013.
Soares, C.G., Mello, M.C.V.A. de., Santos, K.N.S.C. dos., Modernel, D.X., Cezar-
Vaz, M.R. (2018). Excessive daytime sleepiness among nursing professionals. Journal of Nursing Online, 12(6), 1603-1609. DOI: 10.5205/1981-8963-v12i6a231336p1603-1609-2018.
Tongvichean, T., Aungsuroch, Y. &Preechawong, S. (2019). Effect of
Self-Management Exercise Program on physical fitness among people
with prehypertension and obesity: A quasi-experiment study. Pacific
Rim International Journal of Nursing Research, 23 (1), 6–17. Retrieved from
VonStein, M., Buchko, B., Millen, C., Lampo, D., Bell, T., & Woods, A. (2019). Effect of a scheduled nurse intervention on thirst and dry mouth in intensive care patients. American Journal of Critical Care. 28(1). DOI:
Winkelman, C., Sattar, A., Momotaz, H., Johnson, K., Morris, P., Rowbottom, J., … Levine, A. (2018). Dose of early therapeutic mobility: Does frequency or intensity matter? Biological Research of Nursing, 20(5), 522-530.
Young, C. C., Minami, H., Aguilar, R., & Brown, R. A. (2018). Testing the feasibility of a mindfulness-based intervention with underserved adolescents at risk for depression. Holistic Nursing Practice, 32(6), 316–323.
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