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Superior Essay Writers | Persuasive Speech

The primary objective of this speech is TO PERSUADE, either by reinforcing or by altering the audience’s attitudes, beliefs, values, and/or behavior.

Time Requirements:
6-8 minutes (10 second grace period). Refer to the syllabus for detailed description of time violations. 1 letter grade deduction for going under/over required time limit. Timer will start when you begin your Attention Getter, NOT when you state your name and date.

Description of Assignment:
Prepare and present a 6-8 minute persuasive speech dealing with an important (significant/worthwhile) topic. Your goal is employ all the rhetorical skills and persuasive techniques at your disposal to change the beliefs, attitudes, opinions, and/or behavior of as many listeners as possible. . In the “Speech Video Theater”, you will find sample persuasive speeches to view.

Topic Selection:
Select an important topic that you feel strongly about, one about which you hold a position and one which you think will provide an optimum opportunity to be persuasive with your audience. You need to develop topics that would be consistent with collegiate work. Ie. “Why Ham Sandwiches are better than Turkey” or “Chevy is Better than Ford” doesn’t fall into this category…and is really subjective. Identify a topic that can be clearly and logically argued. Arguing “Domestic Violence is Bad” doesn’t allow for development of a clear, logical argument…nobody is going argue the opposing viewpoint that it is good…

CONSIDER THESE TOPICS OFF LIMITS: abortion, smoking (includes legalization of marijuana), alcohol related (drinking and driving, legal drinking age, etc), gun control, capital punishment, and organ donation (includes donating blood). A speech delivered on any of these topics will not be graded and will receive a “0” for the assignment.

Supporting Material:
Use your own knowledge of the topic first; then find outside published and/or interview sources to back up your points and enhance your credibility as a speaker. You must have a minimum of 5 oral citations from at least three different outside sources in this persuasive speech. Although you may use them, the Dictionary, Encyclopedia and religious texts such as The Bible, Koran, etc. do not count towards your minimum requirement. Remember that you must cite your sources orally during the speech, as well as in the typed works cited page that you will turn in with your outline. Ie., “According to Greg Toney, in his book How to Give a Speech…”

Organization and Written Work:
Structure your ideas and draft an outline, using supporting material as substance. The speech should have only one overall central idea with 3-5 main points. The TYPED outline should conform to the format discussed in class to include topic: general purpose; proposition; central idea (thesis); introduction (written out with attention-getter, thesis statement, credibility, and preview); body (with main points, sub points, and supporting material); and conclusion (written out with review of main points, thesis, and final statement). A worksheet to help you develop your outline is available by clicking on the “Rough Draft of Persuasive Speech” assignment. Please note that the rough draft you submit earlier is separate from the final draft you submit with your speech.

Also turn in with the outline a works cited of all sources used in your speech. For this format, refer to the MLA Style Manual.

SPEECHES MUST BE DELIVERED USING NOTECARDS OR PAPER OUTLINE HELD BY HAND. Using a laptop as a teleprompter or having someone “off-camera” holding poster board cue cards is NOT acceptable. Your attention needs to be directed towards your audience, not the camera. Do not do speeches with your audience behind you…

Keep your delivery style in a conversational tone and flow; just relax and talk to the audience. Don’t read to the audience! Since appearance has an effect on credibility, each speaker is required to dress, at minimum, in what would be considered “business casual” when they give their speech. Any exceptions must be cleared with the instructor. Remember, this is a formal speech and it should be delivered in such a manner…standing position, attire, language, etc.

Visual Aids:
Audio-visual aids enhance any speech. You ARE REQUIRED to use visual aids for your persuasive speech. Handling visuals poorly can undermine the best-planned speech. Therefore, you should practice with any visuals while you practice your speech. Remember, you are developing your visual aids for the entire audience to see (that includes me watching the video)…follow the guidelines for effective visual aids.

The area of visual aid use in the online class tends to be one of the most misunderstood applications to public speaking. You MUST make your visuals EASY to SEE! An 8×10 picture printed off on your printer is NOT easy for your audience to see. I STRONGLY encourage you to watch the complete video lecture on Visual Aids to get a clear understanding of what I expect from your visual aid use. No video clips.

Not Acceptable….

Vertical Video
Videos should be recorded using horizontal/landscape orientation. Please see discussion post regarding Vertical Video Syndrome. Speeches recorded using vertical video will have points deducted.

Submitting your speech for grading:
Speeches will now only be accepted in digital format. Students must have the capability to video their own speeches. Speeches, then, must be uploaded through BlackBoard by using the “UPLOAD VIDEO” link for the appropriate speech. Your video file can be directly uploaded from your computer OR submitted using a YouTube link this way. This is the ONLY way that speeches are accepted.

I cannot grade what I cannot watch! Re-watch your speech to make sure your speech recorded, can been seen and can be heard. Be mindful of your camera shot!

You must also gather an audience of at least 5 adults to speak to. A shot of the audience must be provided at the beginning and end of the speech (I need to know they did not get up and leave after you started). In other words, I must see your audience to know that the audience is there while you are speaking. Speeches given with no audience will also not be graded and will receive a “0”. NO EXCEPTIONS!

No Audience…Grade is “0”

An evaluation form similar to the one in the syllabus will be used to evaluate your speech. Read it and note the weight of points given to various aspects of the presentation. This speaking assignment is worth 200 points.

The evaluation feedback will be provided to you through BlackBoard. The online version of the evaluation form is based off of 100 point scale. That will then be recalculated to reflect the weight value of each speech in the grade book. You will be able to access the evaluation comments once the speech has been graded by returning to your original submission.

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