Superior Essay Writers | The Federal Patient Self-Determination Act
OUTSIDE ASSIGNMENT #1 The Federal Patient Self-Determination Act went into effect on December 1, 1991. Under the federal law, every health-care facility that receives federal reimbursement–and that includes virtually every hospital, nursing home, clinic and home health-care agency—must inform patients of their rights to determine in advance whether they wish to get life-sustaining medical treatment should they become hopelessly ill.
The Michigan legislature responded to this federal law by enacting the Michigan Durable Power of Attorney Act. The intent is for the patient to name an individual to make decisions on his/her behalf within the guidelines established in the power of attorney.
- You are to execute a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care based on the intent of the Michigan Act. Sample forms are available on the internet or at the public libraries and also at your state representative’s office. NOTE: Do NOT use a General Power of Attorney form. The purpose for a general power of attorney is to have someone else handle your legal affairs.
- The second part of the assignment is for you to execute a Michigan Statutory Will disposing of whatever assets you own (make up assets if necessary). Again, the Michigan legislature has passed legislation covering this area of law. These forms are available on the internet or in a booklet available from the same sources mentioned above.
Both forms are available in a booklet titled “Peace of Mind”. It is available as a PDF document at (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. . When submitting this assignment use the forms for the will and the DPA for Health Care. DO NOT SUBMIT the instructions for the documents–only the completed forms.
- Your will must include two specific bequests of cash gifts as per Article 2.1 AND a list of specific bequests of personal items and the intended beneficiaries as per Article 2.2.
The reason this part is in BOLD and ENLARGED font is that many students fail to follow the directions in the will on how to do this.
- Answer the following questions:
i. Where did you get the forms and did you have any problem obtaining them?
ii. Prior to taking this class, did you know they existed?
iii. If you were to die tomorrow without a will, would there be family members who would fight over your possessions?
iv. The Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care and the Michigan Statutory Will each address a different issue. Explain what purpose each serves in estate planning. - All places where signatures are required must be filled in INCLUDING the required number of witnesses. It is OK to make up names if you do not want the document to become your official will.
For both documents, if you do not want them to be official, use fictitious names for the witnesses–i.e. Bart Simpson, Bugs Bunny, etc.
All files must use Microsoft Word format with a “.doc” or “.docx” or .pdf file format ending. MAKE SURE YOUR NAME IS IN THE ATTACHED FILE. If you send the assignment using .wps format I am NOT able to open it and therefore, you will not receive credit for the assignment.
Sample Solution
Europe comprises of fifty sovereign states. The European Union (EU) is the most conspicuous financial and social participation in the district. An aggregate of 28 nations in Europe make up the EU. To manage the security issues in the locale, the EU has concocted various techniques and strategies. Key among them is the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) that aides the association’s political, protection, and security activities. To defend their security, European countries have additionally collaborated with different countries and associations. Taking into account that a lion’s share of the European countries were a piece of the Western Bloc during the Cold war, they depended vigorously on the US for their security. NATO has likewise been a key vital accomplice to the EU with regards to issues security. Until 1999, the association took care of all security matters influencing the European Union. Notwithstanding, the EU took over from NATO after 1999. Be that as it may, both the EU and NATO have kept on coordinating. NATO and the EU share greater part of their part states. A sum of 24 NATO part states are likewise individuals from the EU. Just 4 individuals from NATO are not individuals from the EU and the other way around. This has made it simple for the two associations to collaborate in security matters. Europe has in the past confronted various security dangers. Key among them were a psychological warfare and expanded hostility by Russia in the area. There additionally a wide scope of developing security dangers in the district. They incorporate migration, ISIS, digital wrongdoing, and a debilitating NATO. Better coordinated effort between the EU and NATO is required if the area is to stay secure. Shortened forms EU = European Union Gross domestic product = Gross Domestic Product CFSP = Common Foreign and Security Policy NATO = North Atlantic Treaty Organization OSCE = Organization for Security and Co-activity in Europe UNSC = United Nations Security Council ESDP = European Security and Defense Policy ISIS = Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant Area 1: Introduction Europe is a landmass comprising of a sum of fifty sovereign states. Aggregately, the area has a complete populace of an expected 740 million individuals (Lazaridis, 2016). The European Union (EU) is the most vocal and dynamic monetary and political association inside the Europe. As can be found in table 1, it comprises of a sum of 28 nations and speaks to an expected 510 million individuals. At the present, it is the biggest and most differing economy all inclusive, with a total national output (GDP) of an expected $ 16.477 trillion. This is roughly 22.2 percent of the world’s all out GDP. The EU has additionally been at the bleeding edge with regards to the issue of security administration. The association keeps up a typical security strategy. The Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) was created by the EU with to direct the political, safeguard, and security activities of its part states. Customarily, the CFSP thought about the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to be in charge of Europe’s compromise and resistance. Be that as it may, the circumstance changed in 1999 with the EU assuming control over the policing of understandings and arrangements just as the usage of peacekeeping missions (Lazaridis, 2016). The Organization for Security and Co-activity in Europe (OSCE) has additionally assumed a noteworthy job in security administration inside Europe. Table 2 represents that all EU part countries are likewise individuals from OSCE. It is the world’s biggest intergovernmental association that spotlights fundamentally on security matters. At the present, the OSCE is made out of 57 part states from Europe, North America, just as Central and Northern Asia (Massart, 2017). The body has various commands which incorporate controlling arms deals and development. It likewise tries to advance races that are free and reasonable, press opportunity, just as regard for human rights. Area 2: How Security Governance in Europe has changed since the End of the Cold War Security administration in Europe has advanced throughout the years to meet the areas regularly evolving needs. Generally, America and Russia assumed a functioning job in impacting security strategies all through Europe. This was particularly the situation during the virus war when European countries adjusted themselves toward the Eastern and Western Blocs. The Eastern Bloc was comprised of the Soviet Union and it satellite states, for example, Cuba and North Korea. The Western Bloc then again was essentially comprised of United States of America and its NATO partners (Lazaridis, 2016). It is significant that a lion’s share of European nations were NATO part states. Accordingly, they principally relied upon the United States of America for security during and following the Cold War period. With the part of the arrangement war, European countries looked to assume greater responsibility for their very own security. They looked to move away from contingent upon the United States to having their very own security arrangements and procedures. Until 1999, the area relied upon NATO for security and resistance (Sperling and Webber, 2014). The pattern anyway changed in 1999 when the EU took over security matters influencing part states. Therefore, it concocted the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) that guided their connection between the part states and different gatherings in issues security, guard and strategy (Massart, 2017). Notwithstanding, NATO has kept on assuming a noteworthy job in the administration of security in the area particularly in issues safeguard. Simultaneously, most European states have kept on being individuals from the Organization for Security and Co-activity in Europe (OSCE). Be that as it may, EU strategies are authoritative for all part states and supersede those of different associations. Segment 3: Current Structure of the European Union (EU) The EU has seven key organizations that aid strategy making and execution. The European board is the top-most foundation inside the EU. It comprises of both the leaders of the European Council and the European Commission just as every one of the heads of state and government in all the EU part nations (Council of the European Union, 2011). Both the leaders of the European Council and the European Commission have no vote. The board is situated in Brussels, Belgium and is accused of the duty of setting EU’s general needs and objectives. In spite of the fact that the chamber does not enact, it gives the EU the truly necessary political stimulus. The Council of the European Union is an authoritative establishment inside the EU. It is accused of the duty of coordination EU’s social and monetary approaches as they are stipulated in the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP). The organization works inseparably with the European Parliament with which it shares budgetary forces (Council of the European Union, 2011). It is likewise in charge of closing any worldwide settlements and understandings the EU is gathering to. The European parliament assumes an authoritative job inside the EU. Together with the Council of the European Union, the European parliament frames the EU’s governing body. It likewise shares budgetary forces with the board of the European Union (Lazaridis, 2016). It employs just command over different establishments inside the EU, for example, the European Commission. For models, it endorses individuals to the commission. The European commission is EU’s official branch. It is accused of the obligation of submitting proposition for any new enactment to both the gathering and the council. The foundation additionally oversees the EU’s financial limit and executes the body’s approaches. It guarantees that all part states respect arrangements and understandings and simultaneously follow the European law. The commission likewise consults for the EU in worldwide understandings (Lazaridis, 2016). The Court of Justice of the European Union has is situated in Luxembourg and is accused of the duty of guaranteeing that the European Law is deciphered and connected consistently over all part states (Lazaridis, 2016). It has forces to control on debates between people, organizations, foundations, just as EU part states. The European Central Bank works in a joint effort with the national banks of the EU part states. Together, they structure the European System of Central Banks (Sperling and Webber, 2014). They concoct fiscal arrangements and exercise power over the supply of cash. European Court of Auditors guarantees that the financial backing is actualized in the correct way. It is a free foundation that tries to give oversight over the use of assets inside the EU. Area 4: Relationship between the European Union (EU) and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is a military partnership constitution of 28 sovereign states. Individuals to the collusion have consented to shared joint effort and barrier in case of hostility by an outside gathering. It is important that three of NATO individuals are additionally changeless individuals from the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). Therefore, they have veto controls and are hence ready to impact universal security arrangements (Lazaridis, 2016). These incorporate the United Kingdom, the United States of America, just as France. NATO and the EU share normal vital interests. The two associations participate in issues of security, political interview, limit advancement, just as emergency the board. It is significant that both NATO and the EU share greater part of their individuals (North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 2017a). It is significant that 24 of the 28 individuals from NATO are additionally individuals from the EU. This implies just 4 individuals from the NATO are not individuals from the EU. Simultaneously, just 4 individuals from the EU are not individuals from NATO. Area 5: How the European Union (EU) and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Programs of Expansion have added to European Security The EU and NATO projects of development have had a majo>

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