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Swine SwapHint.  “””  Return whether the two scores should be swapped  “””  # BEGIN PROBLEM 4 Implement is_swap, which returns whether or not the scores should be swapped, according to the Swine Swap rule.

Swine SwapHint.  “””  Return whether the two scores should be swapped  “””  # BEGIN PROBLEM 4

Implement is_swap, which returns whether or not the scores should be swapped, according to the Swine Swap rule. The is_swap function takes two arguments: the players’ scores. It returns a boolean value to indicate whether the  condition is met.

Finding the leftmost digit is possible with a bunch of if statements but is simpler using a whileloop.

def is_swap(player_score, opponent_score):

*** enter your code here ***


I want to know what is the code for this.

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