TDAU Thinkorswim Stock Selections
Before you begin this discussion, please make sure you review the module resources, register for TD Ameritrade U, and log into the thinkorswim trading platform using the link in the Thinkorswim Access module.
Once you are logged in:
Purchase stock from at least three companies using the fake money (or paper money) you have been given in your account.
Be careful not to spend all of your money. You should keep some money in your account so that you may purchase more stocks in the future.
If you are unsure about what companies you want to invest in, consider companies you may have worked for or companies you are interested in (e.g. Apple)
Have fun and enjoy the learning opportunity.
Once you have completed all of the above steps, address the following in your initial post:
Identify which companies you invested in on the TDAU thinkorswim platform.
Explain why you selected those companies.
Address whether you feel your portfolio is diversified. Explain your assessment.
Sample Solution
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