testing a population model in the developing world
A current popular model associating human populations and environmental degradation depicts a circular pattern of poverty, followed by environmental degradation and overpopulation, which subsequently maintains the poverty. Is this model too simplistic? Is there anything else that should be considered in this cause-and-effect cycle? It is easiest to understand this problem by investigating a nation from the developing world, such as Sierra Leone, Cambodia, or Honduras.Select a country from the developing world and complete the assignment below. Information necessary to complete the assignment can be found from many sources, but I recommend the following site:CIA The World Factbookhttps://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/ (Links to an external site.)Write a 400 to 500 word paper about the cycle of poverty within a single undeveloped or developing nation, arranged as follows:The first paragraph should describe, including numerical data, the standard of living in your chosen undeveloped or developing country. Compare it to equivalent values in the United States. You can use variables such as literacy rate, percentage living in poverty, percentage with HIV, and others as appropriate. Don’t know of a non-wealthy nation? Browse the nations listed in the CIA factbook.The second paragraph should describe current issues with the quality of the natural environment, such as deforestation or groundwater contamination. Compare the environmental quality to the United States.The third paragraph should describe the population growth rate, fertility rate and any other demographic information you deem appropriate to describing the demography of the nation. Once again, compare to equivalent data for the United States. In the above website you can find this information in the nation’s section titled “People.”The last paragraph should describe connections you believe exist between poverty, environmental degradation, and overpopulation in your chosen nation. It is OK if you don’t think there are any connections. What is most important is that you have the data to defend your position.Use APA, MLA or equivalent guidelines for referencing sources and for the paper’s format.
Byron’s Manfred and his connection between desire and rebellion
develop a thesis about Manfred focusing on the connection between desire and rebellion.Be sure that the essay is primarily analysis of the text (an argument about what the text means) not summary/description (what the text says). Consider questions such as: What social norms does Manfred face in his society? What does he desire that is at odds with those norms? Is rebellion the only way to satisfy his desire? (Keep in mind that we only have each figure’s own viewpoint about the limits that he faced. His bias may very well affect how he represents the impossibilities of his circumstances). What are the consequences for placing individual desire above societal norms? Both of these figures are male – How does gender affect their ability to pursue their desire?
Question Please see attachment, and contact me as soon as possible if you
Please see attachment, and contact me as soon as possible if you have any questions or need any more information. Thank you!
Question I attached 3 files; Instruction, chart and graph, and example. There is
I attached 3 files; Instruction, chart and graph, and example. There is two part for this assignment. Part 1 is creating charts and tables with data that is already done. Please use the file “Part 1_DATA ANALYSIS_chart_table” for the Part 2. “Instruction_data analysis.pdf” is the instruction. “Comprehensive-Plan_-QueenCity.pdf” is great example of the data analysis report. If the source is used, it should be cited in APA format.
Question The paper is written in milestones. I’ve already written the first milestone.
The paper is written in milestones. I’ve already written the first milestone. It needs some corrections. I need milestones 2
Ad Analysis Essay for Composition 1
For my Ad analysis essay I’ll attach the instructions and the article of Jean Kilbourne where you can get a quote to tie into the essay. I would like the essay to be over a woman’s makeup or hair product. Also it needs a picture of the product somewhere on the essay.
Cyber Security Technology Project: Information Systems and Identity Management
please see project description and requirements in the attached word document.
Question Submit a paper which is 2-3 pages in length (no more than
Submit a paper which is 2-3 pages in length (no more than 3-pages), exclusive of the reference page. Paper should be double spaced in Times New Roman (or its equivalent) font which is no greater than 12 points in size. The paper should cite at least two sources in APA format. One source can be your textbook.In this paper, in addition to presenting the computed answers, please also discuss how you arrived at each answers the accounting problem asks. The accounting problem presents a company’s statement of cash flows. The Nice Suit Dry Cleaning Company is in the business of dry cleaning. The statement of cash flows has blank lines. Determine the values that would be appropriate for each blank line. Provide a narrative of how you arrived at each value. In doing so, explain the account being valued and its relationship to the other financial data.For example, if a line in the Operating Activities section was missing, explain that you can derive its value based on knowing other related values. Then explain why this line is reported in the Operating Activities.Please refer to the statement of cash flows of the Nice Suit Dry Cleaning here.Superior papers will do the following:Provide correct balances for the blank statement of cash flows account lines.Provide a narrative about how the values were determined.Provide a definition and explanation of each line that was completed.
Question This is a synthesis essay. Please really follow the instruction. Follow the
This is a synthesis essay. Please really follow the instruction. Follow the paper 1 prompt. Thanks a lot!
Question files attached I need 10 000 words firstly (23000 words already written,
files attached I need 10 000 words firstly (23000 words already written, all you need just to add 77000 words), then I need the rest 7300 words till the final deadline
Question This is a pediatric patient and part of the instructions I have
This is a pediatric patient and part of the instructions I have already completed. I just need the rest completed and I can put it all together if you are unable to do so.
I need 2-3 major points as to why big pharma should be
I need 2-3 major points as to why big pharma should be permitted to discourage access to generic drugs. Reference and all.
Worksheet for the upcoming Public Health Assignment
Based on the attached documents. Fill out the worksheet. Book for the course (an introduction to Community and public health) is also included to answer the “which public health concepts or frameworks will you use on your paper?” guestion or any other information the writer might need. This is part 2 on a 3 part assignment (first one was topic paper, this is worksheet and next one will be the actual paper). For the purpose of the worksheet please make sure to read the topic paper and also the feedback so the worksheet reflects correct information.
Question The IOM published report, “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health,” makes
The IOM published report, “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health,” makes recommendations for lifelong learning and achieving higher levels of education.In 1,000-1,250 words, examine the importance of nursing education and discuss your overall educational goals.Include the following:1. Discuss your options in the job market based on your educational level.2. Review the IOM Future of Nursing Recommendations for achieving higher levels of education. Describe what professional certification and advanced degrees (MSN, DNP, etc.) you want to pursue and explain your reasons for wanting to attain the education. Discuss your timeline for accomplishing these goals.3. Discuss how increasing your level of education would affect how your competitiveness in the current job market and your role in the future of nursing.4. Discuss the relationship of continuing nursing education to competency, attitudes, knowledge, and the ANA Scope and Standards for Practice and Code of Ethics.5. Discuss whether continuing nursing education should be mandatory. Provide support for your response.You are required to cite to a minimum of three sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and relevant to nursing practice. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
Question Please look at additional materials for details and please follow all of
Please look at additional materials for details and please follow all of the directions from step #2.
Question I have Environmental Forces, SWOT Analysis for my project. Project name is
I have Environmental Forces, SWOT Analysis for my project. Project name is The Rock restaurant. Look at the my analysis, and please follow instruction. Also i attached Competitive Analysis example.C. Competitive Analysisa. Who is your main competition (direct competition)? Please include their strengths and weaknesses. You probably have more than one main competitor.b. Who is your secondary competition (substitute or discretionary income) and what are their strengths and weaknesses? You probably have more than one secondary competition.Assignment 3 – Competitive Analysis – List the name of your company you are writing your marketing plan on and a brief description of what they do. List your top two main competitors and their specific strengths and weaknesses (AT LEAST 4 of each). Then list your secondary competition and their strengths and weaknesses.
Question At home you must complete Steps 1, 2 and 3 of the
At home you must complete Steps 1, 2 and 3 of the “How Physically Fit Are You?”Preview the document assessment tool. Please contact your instructor for an alternate activity if you have any physical conditions/injuries that will limit your ability to complete these activities. In your submitted assignment you must report your scores for each section and your reaction to those scores. As a note, if you do not have access to a sit-and-reach box you can set this test up using a yard stick or tape measure.Step Two: Create a Personalized Fitness PlanYou must submit a document which covers the following 3 things:Personal Fitness Assessment ScoresInclude your scores from all three section of the assessment (above) as well as your reaction to your scores.Use the FITT principle and develop goals for al of the different areas of physical fitness (cardiorespiratory, muscular strength/endurance and flexibility.)Please note that you must address all areas of physical fitness in your plan for full credit for this assignment. In a perfect world you would be planning to meet the full complete recommendations for participation in each of these areas, but if you do not feel that is realistic for where you are at in your life right now do not set that as you goal. Start with something minimal for each area to start and discuss how you might build on that in the future.Personal Assessment and ReflectionDiscuss what you are going to change/modify in your life in order to make you able to achieve these goalsDiscuss factors that might limit your ability to complete your goal and strategies for overcoming these limitations.How do you plan to hold yourself accountable and when do you plan to measure/evaluate your progress?Who can you recruit to support you in your fitness goals?
Question During George Washington’s time, the United States contained less than 4 million
During George Washington’s time, the United States contained less than 4 million people in an area of 2,300,000 square kilometers. It was predominantly an agrarian society, with 95% of the population living on farms and only 5% in cities or towns of more than 2,500. There was a seemingly infinite supply of natural resources.Today, we live in a country of over 300 million people. We are no longer an agrarian society. Most people live in towns and cities, with less than 25% of the population living in rural areas. And even though the country now contains over 9.8 million square kilometers, our population density has increased from the 2 people per square kilometer during colonial times to nearly 30 people per square kilometer today. How does this affect our quality of life in the United States? How does this phenomenon affect quality of life in other nations?There is a widely-accepted model describing the relationship between poverty, human population density, and health of the environment. This model is often referred to as the PPE cycle or model. (Poverty-Population-Environment) Intuitively it makes sense: As population density increases, the amount of resources per person must be less, resulting in decreased standards of living (poverty). This puts a greater burden on the natural environment resulting in environmental degradation. Increased degradation further reduces standards of living and the cycle continues. But… Is this perspective valid?To accurately test a hypothesis we must be able to measure the relationship we are testing. This requires assigning numerical values to “poverty”, “population”, and “environmental degradation.” In addition, if we are going to test for the presence of something, we need to know what the situation also looks like when that phenomenon is missing. In science this is sometimes called the “control”. For example, what exactly is “poverty”? What would be the daily wage of an impoverished individual? One dollar? Two dollars? To know what poverty is, one needs to know how a society would appear in the absence of comprehensive poverty. To make a valid comparison, we will compare the United States (the control) to a less-developed nation. Examples of such nations are Sierra Leone and Haiti.We will test the validity of this model by measuring the Gross Domestic Product (poverty), the Environmental Performance Index, and the population density for a sample set of nations. Specifically the hypothesis we are testing is: The current Population-Poverty-Environment Model reflects the status of nations around the globe.Step 1. Choose a less-developed nation that you will examine for the effects of the PPE cycle. A list of all nations can be found on the CIA’s Factbook website:https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/ (Links to an external site.)Step 2. You can use the table below as a guideline for organizing your data. At this point in the course, you are certainly savvy enough to make your own table. Compare the United States and four other nations of your choosing, including the nation from Step 1. For each nation, find the Gross Domestic Product per person (GDP/person), the population density (NOT the total population), and the Environmental Performance Index (EPI score).For the GDP/person and EPI score use the website (click the nation hyperlink and then open “profile”): https://epi.envirocenter.yale.edu/epi-topline (Links to an external site.)For population density use the website: https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/EN.POP.DNST?view=map (Links to an external site.)
Question Please read the file Sustaining Tourism Performance.pdf and file Assignment 2 Rubric.pdf
Please read the file Sustaining Tourism Performance.pdf and file Assignment 2 Rubric.pdf for instruction. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask me right away. You can watch the presentation mentioned in the Assignment Description from the following YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cZSbe_HJts
Question We need to do an interview project. The first page will contain
We need to do an interview project. The first page will contain the background of the interviewee (See attached file of what she wanted us to write for our interviewee’s background). The interviewee needs to either differ in age (at least 10 yrs gap) or culture. I’m 21 and Asian. Then the last three pages will contain the essay wherein you identify which stage among Erik Erikson’s stages your interviewee is in, what the crisis is, what is occurring in this stage, what the outcome would be if he/she passes or fails this stage. We will do this by creating 6 core interview questions along with the background questions, behavioral observations, and psychological history. then writing a 3-page essay using the interviewee as evidence to what stage he/she is in along with the other questions stated above.I WILL ATTACH THE DIRECTIONS ON HOW SHE WANTED THE PAPER TO LOOK LIKE AND ALSO AN EXAMPLE OF AN INTERVIEWEE’S BACKGROUND
Question this homework is connected with the other (populations effects on the environment)Refer
this homework is connected with the other (populations effects on the environment)Refer to your writing assignment on the PPE cycle. As you did in the final paragraph of that assignment, briefly describe the connections you believe exist between poverty, environmental degradation, and overpopulation in your chosen nation. It is OK if you don’t think there are any connections.What is most important is that you have the data to defend your position. Also state whether you believe this model is too simplistic.Is there anything else that should be considered in this cause-and-effect cycle?In your responding post for this assignment, make comparisons using nations from your chosen set.Remember, you can find the rubric for grading the discussion assignments in the Syllabus. For a top score, you will need to make at least two posts, incorporating terminology and concepts you learned in your reading
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