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The average volume (mL) of EDTA used during this experiment was determined to be 1.9Ml. What is the average concentration (moles per liter) of CA2+ ions present int he later sample?

What values (in ppm) define the region of moderately hard water?


The average volume (mL) of EDTA used during this experiment was determined to be 1.9Ml. What is the average concentration (moles per liter) of CA2+ ions present int he later sample?


The average concentration of CA2+ ions present int he sample of water was determined to be 3.5*10^-4 mol/L. What i the average water hardness (ppm) for this sample of water?


What color was the solution that contains the pH 10 buffer, tap water, and indicator after its as titrated with EDTA?

pale blue-gray

What is the name of the compound with the chemical formula CaCO3?

calcium carbonate

Which compound was used as the indicator in the experiment for determining water hardness?


What is a chelating agent? (what does it do?)

A compound that has a high affinity for metals

In a hypertonic solution, water will move ___ of the cell and the cell will ____.

out, shrink

In your experiment, is the light corn syrup in the dialysis tubing hypertonic or hypotonic to the water?

The corn syrup is hypertonic to the water as the dialysis bag expanded

In a hypotonic solution, water will move ____ of the cell and the cell will ____.

into, burst

The process by which solvent flows through a semi-permeable membrane form a dilute to a concentrated solution is called ____.


What is the mathematical equation used with osmotic pressure to calculate the molar mass of the solute?

pi = MRT

An aqueous solution of a soluble compound is prepared by dissolving 33.2g of the compound in 250mL of water. The solution has an osmotic pressure of 1.2 atm at 25ºC. What is the molar mass (g/mL) of the compound?

2.7 * 10^3

If a cell is placed into a salt solution in which the salt concentration it he solution is lower than in the cell, the solution is said to be ____?


Which one of the following is not considered to be a colligative property?

Concentration point raising

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