The cell uses the DNA “master plan” to create RNA “blueprints”.
1. The cell uses the DNA “master plan” to create RNA “blueprints”. Why does the cell do this? 2. What are the three main types of RNA? What role does each one play in the task of protein production? 3. Nucleotides are the building blocks of DNA and RNA molecules. What are the building blocks of proteins called? Hint: look closely at tRNA (transfer RNA) 4. Where in the eukaryotic cell does transcription take place, and what is the name of the enzyme that does this?
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The cell uses the DNA “master plan” to create RNA “blueprints”. was first posted on August 27, 2019 at 5:04 pm.
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The cell uses the DNA “master plan” to create RNA “blueprints”. was first posted on August 27, 2019 at 8:03 pm.
The cell uses the DNA “master plan” to create RNA “blueprints”. was first posted on August 27, 2019 at 8:03 pm.
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