The Economic Impact of Losing DACA Workers
2500+ Words
The Death of Expertise
TOPIC: The Economic Impact of Losing DACA Workers
NOTE: In this essay, you will use the experts in the Business/Human Resources major field to research an argumentative topic related to your field of study.
SOURCE REQUIREMENTS: This information also appears on the general assignment sheet. You must use a minimum of ten sources in the final paper. When I grade your paper, I check that the sources you cite and the sources you actually use are a match. I also check that you have met the requirements for the Works Cited as follows:
• No general references will be counted as sources, but they may be used for preliminary reading and information. General references include all encyclopedias, Cliff’s Notes, dictionaries, etc. Check if you are not sure. You may look at them, but they contain either common knowledge or materials that are not college-level sources.
• Primary Source—your paperback. “The death of Expertise.” See attached
• Secondary Sources—Print: At least two (2) of your nine secondary sources should come from this category. Journal articles that you find online but that were originally in print will count.
• Secondary sources—Online: You may use sources already used for Paper #2, the short textual analysis. You may then combine database and Internet sources. No more than two sources may come from reliable general Internet sources, and at least two should come from databases.
TOPIC: The Death of Expertise discusses the diminishing of expertise in modern, tech-driven society. I would like you to generate an ARGUMENTATIVE research paper calling upon the experts in your chosen major field of study in college. Think about ideas that are debated in your major field (i.e. if you are going into marketing, you can talk about how advertising skews the view of women or how it negatively affects children; if your major is business, you could write about whether or not companies have an ethical requirement to think about society as a whole in product development; if you are going into education, you can talk about the effects of technology of education; nurses can talk about euthanasia, nurses obligation to protect patient privacy, and much more). You do not need to choose any of these listed options. The possibilities are nearly endless, as long as the topics are argumentative and related to your major/future career.
Your proposal paper / preliminary research paper has been included to give ideas, TEN SOURCES MUST BE USED – The Economic Impact of Losing DACA Workers
Included PowerPoint Presentation
Now that you have finished the long, tedious and (hopefully) rewarding process of creating a research paper, you get to share your journey electronically with your peers. The final PowerPoint will consist of two parts:
• A summary of your entire essay or one or more of the major points in your essay.
• A discussion of the obstacles and achievements incurred during the process.
For the summary portion, your slides should include:
• Your thesis
• A summary of the major point or points of your essay
• Three quotes you used to support your point/s (You should explain these quotes during your presentation. How did they prove your thesis?)
• A minimum of three images that are relevant to your discussion.
• This portion should use approximately 5-7 slides.
For the obstacles/achievement portion
• Discuss the obstacles you encountered in researching and writing your essay.
• Discuss how you overcame those obstacles.
• Discuss what recommendations you would make to a 102 student just beginning the research process.
• Discuss what you will do differently next time you research.
• Discuss the achievements/high points of the process.
• This portion should be approximately 3-5 slides.
Since you will not be able to deliver this presentation to a live audience, please feel free to use the “Notes” sections of the slides to add relevant comments. If you wish, you may choose to use the voiceover option in PowerPoint to “deliver” this presentation.
Good PowerPoints:
• Do not have too many words per slide
• Use contrasting colors
• Do not have “busy” backgrounds
• Explain the graphics and images
• If animation and music are used, the choices are simple
• Rely on the presenter as much as the program (don’t read to me, talk to me)
• Refer to the supporting Powerpoints for further direction
Sample Solution
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