The effects of DRO on a young child to treat skin licking
? What are the effects of DRO on a young child to treat skin licking?
? What are the effects of DRA on young children throwing objects?
? What are the effects of DRA/DRI on self injurious behavior?
? What are the effects of DRA on attention seeking behavior?
? WHat are the effects of DRO on inappropriate touching of others?
? What are the effects of DRO children who present physical aggression or SIB?
? What are the effects of DRO on children who can’t stay still in their seats?
? What are the effects of DRO on physical aggression to other children?
? What are the effects of DRO on children who present disruptive behavior in the classroom?
What are the effects of DRO on physical aggression?
- Subject/Participants
a. The purpose of this section is to give the species, age, sex and any other information that is relevant to your study. If there is ehavioral or diagnostic info that is relevant you must say “The parent reported that…..”
b. Wording:
i. One 5 year old female with no prior experimental experience served as the subject. The parents reported the child exhibits ‘intense non-compliance’ when asked to perform household chores. They also reported that this behavior is usually followed by sustained arguments and discussion. - Setting/Materials
a. The purpose of this section is to report the exact details of the setting and any materials used so that the study can be replicated (all measures in metric)
b. Wording:
i. The study was conducted in a x___X_ meter bedroom located in the subjects residence. In the bedroom there was a x_ meter bed located _ meters left of the entrance to the room. [describe the other furniture and relative locations in that setting. A application running on a Samsung glaxy 6 phone was used to record data. A x__x meter poster board was used to display tokens collected (an example is shown in appendix a). etc. etc. - Procedure
a. The purpose is describe exactly what was done in the order it was done. This should look similar to the descriptions of conditions in previous studies contained in your intro.
b. Wording:
i. During baseline the subject was exposed to______. If the subject exhibited _ (behavior) it was recorded as and followed by . If the subject exhibited (behavior) it was recorded as and followed by . Sessions were terminated after _minutes for __ sessions. Following baseline, the ___condition was introduced. During that condition (describe as above).
Sample Solution
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