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The Financial Cost of Caring for Pressure Ulcer in a skilled Nursing Facility.

Identify a care delivery model, quality improvement, or outcome metric around caring. Examples may include: ACOs (Accountable Care Organizations), Value Based Purchasing, Quality Measures through Hospital Compare, Reduce Read-missions, Improve Patient Experience, Health Exchange Marketplace, PI project on an inpatient or outpatient unit or service, etc.

Define caring within the example given above. For example, how the nursing care (or clinical care) is described, i.e., procedures, policies, protocols, etc. used to operate nursing care. Is there a “standard of care”? Is there a professional practice model used that guides nursing care (i.e. shared governance, self-care, etc)? If so, how would you describe this and how does the organization incorporate caring? See Byford et. Al (2001) article for an example re: cost of caring for patients with psychotic illness.

Describe how costs are determined based on the variables, procedures, and operation of the nursing (clinical) care. What formulas or metrics result in costing out caring? In other words, is nursing transparent here or could other professionals “perform” this aspect of care and service delivery?

Outline your role in facilitating the environment and culture or caring, particularly in light the current reimbursement issues and cost structures within healthcare.

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